Do at all costs?


If you say that something must be avoided at all costs, you are emphasizing that it must not be allowed to happen under any circumstances.

What is another way to say at all costs? What is another word for at any cost?

regardless nevertheless
either way still and all
at any rate despite this
even so in spite of everything
no matter what whatever the cost

Likewise Is it at all cost or at all costs?

At all costs and at any cost are two idioms that describe a situation in which the speaker is willing to do anything to attain a goal. No matter how big the effort, no matter what the speaker may sacrifice, no matter the price, the speaker is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve something.

What is hard rain called? a heavy rain. synonyms: cloudburst, deluge, pelter, soaker, torrent, waterspout.

Should be protected at all cost?

It means to protect and defend an asset no matter what the cost in material, used up favours, diplomatic glitches and lives. It means that the said item is so valuable, you should be willing to protect it with your life.

What is the sentence of at any cost? 1. He is determined to win at any cost. 2. He wanted her at any cost, even if it meant giving up everything he had.

What is the meaning of at the cost of?

Definition of at the cost of

: by giving up or hurting (something else) She completed the project on time but at the cost of her health.

What does using all means mean? In every possible way, as in I plan to make use of him by all means. [ Late 1400s] 2. Also, by all manner of means. Without fail, at any cost, as in Losing the contract is to be avoided by all means. [

Is there a plural for cost?

cover the cost of something (=be enough to pay for something): We need money to cover the cost of heating.

cost Definitions and Synonyms ‌‌‌

singular cost
plural costs

What does avoid at all cost mean? phrase. If you say that something must be avoided at all costs, you are emphasizing that it must not be allowed to happen under any circumstances.

What does stalks mean here?

1 : to pursue quarry or prey stealthily. 2 : to walk stiffly or haughtily. transitive verb. 1 : to pursue by stalking.

Can a cloud burst? cloudburst, a sudden, very heavy rainfall, usually local in nature and of brief duration. Most so-called cloudbursts occur in connection with thunderstorms. In these storms there are violent uprushes of air, which at times prevent the condensing raindrops from falling to the ground.

What is another word for a heavy rain?

What is another word for heavy rain?

downpour rainstorm
cloudburst drencher
inundation storm
torrent monsoon
torrential rain heavy shower

What does winning at all costs mean? or at any cost. DEFINITIONS1. used for saying that something must be done, however difficult it is or however much damage it causes. She was determined to win at any cost.

What does protect her mean?

Word forms: protects, protecting, protected. transitive verb. To protect someone or something means to prevent them from being harmed or damaged.

What does must protect mean? protected; protecting; protects. Essential Meaning of protect. 1 : to keep (someone or something) from being harmed, lost, etc.

What do hard as nails mean?

Definition of as hard as nails

: very tough : not sentimental or easily influenced He’s as hard as nails.

How do you use under pressure? She chose a career she wasn’t really interested in, under pressure from her parents. His rapid advancement in the company is due purely to his hard work, and his ability to work under pressure. I work best under pressure. Harrison’s greatest attribute is his ability to work under pressure.

How can I use make in a sentence?

Make sentence example

  • Drowning your sorrows in eggnog will only make you feel worse in the long run. …
  • That does make sense. …
  • You make a difference. …
  • Did you make any real progress? …
  • They didn’t make it to the restaurant. …
  • It shouldn’t make any difference if he’s adopted. …
  • I always make it a rule to speak out.

What does AT cost mean in business? Definition of at cost price

: for the amount of money that was needed to make or get something : at an amount that yields no profit The company has agreed to sell the vaccine at cost price.

How do we use cost in English?

1 : to have a price of Each ticket costs 25 dollars. 2 : to cause to pay, suffer, or lose something Frequent absences cost him his job. 3 past costed ˈkä-stəd : to estimate or set the cost of —often used with out The project has yet to be costed out.

What did cost mean? this theme is repeated in said scene you mentioned, “what did it cost” is referring to the lengths thanos took to kill half the universe and more so the fact that in nearly broke his conscience in the process, thats why he responds with “everything”.

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