What Sapient means?


sapient • SAY-pee-unt • adjective. : possessing or expressing great wisdom.

Is it predilection to or for? predilection Add to list Share. A predilection is a preference for or bias toward something. If you have a predilection for wool clothing, you should take up knitting.

Likewise Are humans Sapient?

Many animals can be described as sentient, although it’s hard to know for sure what’s going on inside a fish’s head. … Homo sapiens, also known as humans, are sapient beings. We possess wisdom and self-awareness beyond animal sentience.

What is another word for Sapient? Some common synonyms of sapient are judicious, prudent, sage, sane, sensible, and wise. While all these words mean “having or showing sound judgment,” sapient suggests great sagacity and discernment.

What is the opposite of Sapient?

sapient. Antonyms: foolish, undiscerning, blind, stolid. Synonyms: sage, sagacious, knowing, wise, discerning.

How do you use the word predilection? Predilection Sentence Examples

  1. He showed a predilection for poetry.
  2. He displayed an early predilection for zoology and ornithology, and in later life became a skilled and enthusiastic collector, particularly of African plants and birds.
  3. The student had a predilection for some subjects and against others.

Can you have a predilection for a person?

A special liking for something; a preference. … These nouns denote a predisposition to favor someone or something particular: a predilection for classical composers; conservative leanings; a partiality for liberal-minded friends; a penchant for exotic foods.

What part of speech is predilection? predilection

part of speech: noun
related words: attachment, bag, bias, cast, fancy, favoritism, like, partiality, propensity, turn
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Can animals become Sapient?

Sapience is sometimes simply defined as wisdom. WDC argues that whales and dolphins are sentient AND sapient individuals. Many of these species live in complex social groups, exhibiting complex behaviours such as cooperation, tool use and some whales and dolphins clearly even have their own cultures.

How did humans develop Sapience? The Emergence and Development of Sapience. … We have emerged from ape-hood as beings with superior future-thinking, mental models of both ourselves and others, and the language facility to share abstractions among ourselves. But we are not fully mature sapient adults, on average.

Are there other sapient species?

YES. After all, up until 20,000 – 30,000 years ago there were at least 2 other Homo species that were sapient: neanderthals and denisovans.

Are Dolphins Sapient? Sapience is sometimes simply defined as wisdom. WDC argues that whales and dolphins are sentient AND sapient individuals. Many of these species live in complex social groups, exhibiting complex behaviours such as cooperation, tool use and some whales and dolphins clearly even have their own cultures.

What type of company is Sapient?

Publicis Sapient is an American digital consulting company , founded as Sapient in Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1990 by Jerry Greenberg and J.

Publicis Sapient.

Formerly Publicis.Sapient, SapientRazorfish, Sapient Consulting, SapientNitro, Razorfish, Sapient Global Markets, Sapient Public Sector, Sapient
Type Subsidiary

What is Sapient in a sentence? The ability to think about thinking is unique to sapient species and indeed is one of the definitions of sapience. … She discovers evidence that the planet was previously inhabited by a sapient species. The dragons of the story are portrayed as sapient and intelligent, capable of logical thought and human speech.

What does impecunious mean?

Definition of impecunious

: having very little or no money usually habitually : penniless.

What F is a counterfeit and a fake? The synonyms fake and counterfeit are sometimes interchangeable, but fake implies an imitation of or substitution for the genuine but does not necessarily imply dishonesty.

What is the synonym of predilection?

Some common synonyms of predilection are bias, prejudice, and prepossession. While all these words mean “an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something,” predilection implies a strong liking deriving from one’s temperament or experience.

How do you use taciturn in a sentence? Taciturn Sentence Examples

  1. At dinner the prince usually spoke to the taciturn Michael Ivanovich more often than to anyone else.
  2. He was without question a reactionary, morose and taciturn, and spent nearly all his time shut up in his palace.
  3. In society Anson seems to have been cold and taciturn.

How do you use proclivity in a sentence?

Proclivity sentence example

  1. I prefer to work with people that have a proclivity to be efficient and reliable. …
  2. Anna was very worried about her son going to kindergarten because he has a proclivity to misbehave. …
  3. The book concludes in a way that hardly matches my own political proclivity .

What is the meaning of the term entailment? noun. the act or fact of entailing, or involving by necessity or as a consequence: The logical entailment of this approach is that the right way to design a curriculum is to make it free of bias. something involved as a necessary part or consequence of something: Long hours of work are an entailment of the job.

Does predilection mean fondness?

While all these words mean “an attitude of mind that predisposes one to favor something,” predilection implies a strong liking deriving from one’s temperament or experience.

What does predilection mean in the crucible? Predilection preference. Prodigious extraordinary in bulk, quantity, or degree; great in size; enormous.

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