What part of speech is concession?


concession noun (SOMETHING GIVEN UP)

What is the synonym of concession? Synonyms for concession. accommodation, compromise, give-and-take, negotiation.

Likewise What is a diaphanous definition?

Definition of diaphanous

1 : characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through diaphanous fabrics a diaphanous curtain. 2 : characterized by extreme delicacy of form : ethereal painted diaphanous landscapes. 3 : insubstantial, vague had only a diaphanous hope of success.

What is the opposite of a concession? Opposite of an admission or acknowledgment of a fact. denial. refusal. repudiation. disavowal.

What is malodorous smell?

malodorous, stinking, fetid, noisome, putrid, rank, fusty, musty mean bad-smelling. malodorous may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive. malodorous fertilizers stinking and fetid suggest the foul or disgusting.

Is a concession a child? Re: What does the term ‘Concession’ mean? A concession is a discount for children, seniors, students etc.

What is the opposite of concession?

Opposite of an admission or acknowledgment of a fact. denial. refusal. repudiation. disavowal.

What is concession antonym? antonyms for concession

  • disagreement.
  • denial.
  • difference.
  • disputation.
  • fighting.
  • protest.
  • refusal.
  • repudiation.

What is the best usage of the word gauzy?

Use the adjective gauzy to describe something light and translucent. A girl’s curtain of long hair and her summery cotton dress might both be gauzy. The word comes from gauze, which is a light, filmy fabric made of a thin, sheer material.

How do you use insouciant in a sentence? How to use insouciant in a sentence. There was no secernment between her soul and surface; she was mere, insouciant, with a rare dulcedo. More or less—an insouciant manner, and a rather startling button-hole. Adversity came to the insouciant grey battery, adversity quickening to disaster.

What is not opaque?

not transparent or translucent; impenetrable to light; not allowing light to pass through. not transmitting radiation, sound, heat, etc.

How do you use concession in a sentence? Concession sentence example

  1. This concession involved important consequences. …
  2. Genoa determined to oppose the concession , and war broke out. …
  3. But even this concession did not satisfy them; they dethroned Selim and proclaimed his nephew Mustafa.

What part of speech is reform?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: verb
inflections: reforms, reforming, reformed
definition 1: to make better; improve. The group worked to reform laws that were unfair to women. synonyms: improve similar words: amend, change, enhance

What is a synonym for allowance? permitted amount, permitted quantity, allocation, allotment, quota, share, ration, grant, limit, portion, helping, slice, lot. 2’her father gave her an allowance’

What words describe Maleficent?

synonyms for maleficent

  • bad.
  • corrupt.
  • destructive.
  • hateful.
  • heinous.
  • hideous.
  • malevolent.
  • malicious.

What is malodorous urine? Foul-smelling urine may be due to bacteria. Sweet-smelling urine may be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes or a rare disease of metabolism. Liver disease and certain metabolic disorders may cause musty-smelling urine. Some conditions that can cause changes in urine odor include: Bladder fistula.

Is malodorous a bad word?

Frequently Asked Questions About malodorous

While all these words mean “bad-smelling,” malodorous may range from the unpleasant to the strongly offensive.

Is concession a student? The Transport for NSW (TfNSW) concession Opal card for tertiary students gives eligible applicants reduced fares for travel on public transport between home and their tertiary institution. The Opal network includes trains, buses, ferries and light rail.

Who is considered concession?

Concession fares

Children (4-15 years) and secondary students (aged 16 and over) NSW Apprentices and trainees. Tertiary and TAFE students. Centrelink customers.

What class is a concession? People in receipt of Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income Support or Job Seekers allowance, Students, Children (12–18 years) and disabled people (with free entry for one carer) are entitled to a concession discount.

What does concession store mean?

Retail concessions are businesses or stores that operate within another businesses premises e.g a store within a store. … The department store is owned by one business but is home to many brands, each of these brands and the spaces they have within the department store are known as concessions.

What is gauzy mean? 1 : made of or resembling gauze gauzy wings. 2 : marked by vagueness, elusiveness, or fuzziness his gauzy memory of the events a gauzy melody. 3 : tending to be or make romantic gauzy optimism.

What does gauze like mean?

Definitions of gauze-like. adjective. so thin as to transmit light. synonyms: cobwebby, diaphanous, filmy, gauzy, gossamer, see-through, sheer, transparent, vaporous, vapourous thin. of relatively small extent from one surface to the opposite or in cross section.

What was a looking glass? a mirror made of glass with a metallic or amalgam backing. the glass used in a mirror. anything used as a mirror, as highly polished metal or a reflecting surface.

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