What is the sentence of hinted?


Hinted sentence example. He hinted this case was only one of his many accomplishments. Yet, no dream ever hinted that this was her end. She sent to Bartlesville for information on the pediatrics ward and hinted at interest in a job there.

Simply so What is the opposite of hinting? Opposite of a slight or indirect indication or suggestion. neglect. heedlessness. unawareness. ignorance.

How do you use limp in a sentence? Limp sentence example

  1. She held his limp hand and fought back panic. …
  2. Charles was limp in his grip. …
  3. He’ll limp around for a week or so and then he’ll be fine. …
  4. He went limp , and she struggled to hold him up. …
  5. He carefully hefted her limp body and held her against him like a child.

also How do you use lend in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] I’ll lend you one if you wish. ( …
  2. [S] [T] I’ll lend you this dictionary. ( …
  3. [S] [T] Lend me as much money you can. ( …
  4. [S] [T] The bank lent her 500 dollars. ( …
  5. [S] [T] The bank lent him 500 dollars. ( …
  6. [S] [T] Will you lend me your bicycle? ( …
  7. [S] [T] Would you lend me your pencil? (

How do you use the word neigh in a sentence?

Neigh sentence example

  1. On my way to my dreaded doom I heard a neigh . …
  2. With a wild neigh of terror the animal fell bodily into the pit, drawing the buggy and its occupants after him. …
  3. Their cry is peculiar, being something between the belling of a deer and the neigh of a horse.

What word is closest to synonym? closest

  • approximate,
  • close,
  • immediate,
  • near,
  • nearby,
  • nearest,
  • next-door,
  • nigh.

How do you give a gift hint?

How to Hint at a Gift

  1. Be subtle — leave the webpage for the item you want up on a browser, or “accidentally” text them the link to it.
  2. Drop hints while shopping — when you see the item in the store, try it on or mention how great it would go with something else you own.

What word means to hint at something without saying it? imply Add to list Share. Imply means to express, suggest, or show something without stating it directly: A friend’s gruff manner would imply that she’s in a foul mood.

What is a limp?

A limp is a type of asymmetric abnormality of the gait. Limping may be caused by pain, weakness, neuromuscular imbalance, or a skeletal deformity. … A limp is the presenting problem in about 4% of children who visit hospital emergency departments.

What does feeling limp mean? If someone is limp, their body has no strength and is not moving, for example, because they are asleep or unconscious. He carried her limp body into the room and laid her on the bed. Synonyms: weak, tired, exhausted, worn out More Synonyms of limp.

What do you call someone with a limp?

The noun gimp is sometimes used to describe a limp or another physical disability, although it’s an outdated and offensive word to use.

Do I lend or borrow? They have about the same meaning, but each word’s action goes in different directions. “Borrow” means to take something from another person, knowing you will give it back to them. “Lend” means to give something to another person expecting to get it back. So the sentences you asked about are both correct.

What is opposite lend?

Here, the correct opposite of the word ‘lend’ is ‘pawn‘.

What is the use of Lend?

Lend means ‘give something to someone for a short time, expecting that you will get it back‘. The past simple and the -ed form are lent: I never lend my CDs to anyone.

What is the meaning of neigh neigh? intransitive verb. : to make the prolonged cry of a horse.

What is the synonym of neigh? In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for neigh, like: whinny, nicker, call, sound, whicker, yelp and yowl.

Does a horse neigh or nay?

The sound that a horse makes is called a neigh. A horse’s happy neigh is sometimes a greeting to other horses. You can use neigh to talk about the noise your horse makes, also known as a whinny or a bray.

What is the synonym of nearest? contiguous. firsthand. near-at-hand. nearby. nigh.

What’s another word for close by?

What is another word for close by?

about near
around nearby
beside bordering
by nigh
close to adjacent

What is the similar of close? Synonyms for close. close (down), close out, shut.

How do you give a surprise hint?

Tip: give your hints a number with, for example, # 1 or # 2. Do you also keep yourself as a sender a secret? Then share things about how you got to know each other. Or let them know that you already know the other person very well, by revealing details about where the invitee lives, works, or sports.

How do you tell someone they’re giving you a gift? Phrases for Giving Gifts

  1. I got you something. I hope you like it.
  2. Look what I have for you!
  3. I thought you might like this for…
  4. Happy Birthday! [Happy Anniversary!] …
  5. [Handing present to someone] Enjoy!
  6. It’s only something small, but I hope you like it.
  7. Here’s a little present for you.
  8. Guess what I bought you!

How do you ask for an indirect gift?

(1) Good hint giver: “I love that we went out last Valentine’s Day. It just doesn’t feel like Valentine’s day unless we get out of the house.” (2) Great hint giver: “Do you remember what you gave me last Valentine’s day?” The listener then has to rack his memory. “Really, the best gift was us going out together.

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