What is the meaning of TSK in social media?


: to express disapproval of by or as if by uttering tsk. intransitive verb. : to tsk-tsk someone or something.

How do you use TSK in a sentence? Examples of ‘tsk’ in a sentence tsk

  • One of the ambulance men leant over the body, clucking his tongue with a disapproving `tsk, tsk “. Lyall, Francis A DEATH IN TIME (2002)
  • She persisted with the disapproving atomizer — tsk, tsk — tsk, tsk. …
  • “It was the old woman, standing beside me now, making tsk sounds.

Likewise What does Tfk mean in texting?

Phrase. tfk. (Internet slang, text messaging) what’re you doing.

Is tsk rude? Originally Answered: What does the term “tsk” mean? Usually it’s in the form of “tsk tks”, which means naughty, or don’t do that, or stay away. It’s a measure of disapproval.

What does Pfft mean in slang?

PFFT is “An Expression Of Dismissal.” The interjection PFFT (pronounced “pufft”) is used to dismiss something that someone has said or typed. When used as a direct response to a statement by another person, PFFT can often be considered quite rude.

How do you write tisk tisk? Usually written as tsk-tsk, it’s at best a quasi-onomatopoeia. While it’s said “tisk tisk,” the actual sound the word refers to is an alveolar click, putting the tip of the tongue behind the top teeth and using suction while flicking the tongue away.

How do you write tsk tsk?

Tsk is generally accepted but tsktsk without a hyphen is sometimes acceptedand sometimes not. With a hyphen though it’s not a word but two words hyphenated.

What does tt mean in French? A TT = à tout à l’heure. “Talk to you later.” Similar to “TTYL.” Je re = je reviens tout de suite. Same as “BRB” or “Be right back” in English.

What is TDK mean?

The Dark Knights (gaming clan) TDK. Technically Designed Killers (gaming clan)

What does Tsking mean? Tsked is defined as a sucking sound to show sympathy or disapproval. An example of tsked is to have made a sucking sound upon finding out that a party was cancelled yesterday. interjection. 1. Simple past tense and past participle of tsk.

What is clicking your tongue called?

What is it called when you click your tongue? The answer you’re looking for is probably the retro flex click which despite its name is not a click, at least, not entirely. To make this sound, you curl your tongue backward so that the tip touches the palate (like any retro flex).

Why do we tsk? “Tsk” has the advantage that it’s unpronounceable and not confusable with any other word. Plus it starts with the same consonant as “tut”, which is a vocalized version that also occurs, in print and in speech (though it sounds awfully dated now).

What does NVM stand for in texting?

NVM is an acronym that means never mind. It’s often used as a hashtag.

Is Pfft laughing? This “pfft” could be called a “snicker”. Also, sometimes the stifled laugh comes out not as a “pfft” but more of a “snort” if you try to keep the laugh inside by shutting your mouth.

What do PFP means in a text?

PFP is an acronym in texting and social media. It means both picture for proof and profile pic.

What does Tfk mean in text? Phrase. tfk. (Internet slang, text messaging) what’re you doing.

What does BV mean in French?

bacterial vaginosis – French translation – Linguee.

What does A+ mean in French texting? Here is a list of very common French texting abbreviations : A+ = à plus tard = talk/see you soon.

What does BB mean in French slang?

(Britain) (= Boys’ Brigade) mouvement de garçons.

What is TD full form? TD Stands For : Transmit Data, Tannoy Dimension speakers, Traffic Director, Transmit Data, Trojan Downloader, Transmit Data, Transient Data, Table Data, Table Definition, Table Detail, Table Delimiter, Table Division, Table Down, Turbo Debugger for DOS Configuration file.

What happened to TDK?

Since 1997, TDK has gradually withdrawn from the production of compact cassettes. … In September 2015, Imation announced that it had agreed to relinquish this license and would cease selling TDK-branded products by the end of the year.

What does TDK mean suicide squad? James Gunn’s The Suicide Squad is the kinda-sequel to the 2016 DC movie Suicide Squad (no “The” needed). … That includes Idris Elba as Bloodsport and also a more mysterious character called TDK — a.k.a. The Detachable Kid — who is played by Gunn’s real-life buddy Nathan Fillion.

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