What is another word for Surefire?


In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for sure-fire, like: infallible, unerring, surefire, sure, dependable, excellent, reliable, unfailing, certain, dead-cert and good.

What is the meaning of sure? Adjective. sure, certain, positive, cocksure mean having no doubt or uncertainty. sure usually stresses the subjective or intuitive feeling of assurance. felt sure that I had forgotten something certain may apply to a basing of a conclusion or conviction on definite grounds or indubitable evidence.

Likewise What is the synonym of infallible?

unerring, error-free, unfailing, faultless, flawless, impeccable, perfect, true, uncanny, precise, accurate, meticulous, scrupulous.

What is a synonym for solutions? answer, result, resolution, way out, panacea. key, formula, guide, clue, pointer, gloss. explanation, explication, clarification, interpretation, elucidation, exposition.

What is the synonym of the word excellent?

accomplished, admirable, attractive, distinguished, exceptional, exemplary, exquisite, fine, first-rate, good, great, magnificent, outstanding, skillful, sterling, superb, superlative, capital, certified, champion.

Is sure a bad word? It’s informal, but not necessarily rude.

What does DOE surname mean?

the name that a person has in common with other family members, as distinguished from a first name or given name; family name. … a name added to a person’s name, as one indicating a circumstance of birth or some characteristic or achievement; epithet.

Can I use Sure instead of okay? 3 Answers. In OP’s context, Sure as a response is simply a polite/vague/positive word with friendly connotations. It doesn’t really mean much at all; you could compare it to replying with something like Okay, No problem, or Don’t mention it.

How do you use infallible in a sentence?

Infallible sentence example

  1. You’re not infallible like me. …
  2. A dozen good articles do not make an author infallible . …
  3. It maintained that the church’s infallible authority was committed to pope and bishops jointly. …
  4. Man cannot attain perfect and infallible science of bodies.

What is the meaning of infallible in a sentence? 1 : incapable of error : unerring an infallible memory. 2 : not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint : certain an infallible remedy. 3 : incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals.

What does not infallible mean?

“Fallible” means capable of making mistakes — or, easier to remember — capable of failing. Infallible means exactly the opposite — incapable of failing. This word is often used to describe human capacity for error — no one is infallible.

What is another word for perfect solution? What is another word for perfect solution?

cure-all panacea
diacatholicon panpharmacon
remedy solution
magic bullet sovereign remedy
universal cure universal remedy

What is another word for solutions in business?

What is another word for solutions?

output production
handwork craft
craftwork gross revenue
workmanship writing
volume of business feat

What is another term for problem solving? What is another word for problem-solving?

analytic analytical
methodical scientific
systematic investigative
pinpointing precise
exact rational

How do you express excellent?

Ways to Say Very Good

  1. Perfect!
  2. Super!
  3. Exactly rights.
  4. Fantastic.
  5. Fine!
  6. Great!
  7. Congratulations!
  8. Wonderful.

How do you use excellent in a sentence? Excellent sentence example

  1. He was an excellent horseman, and rode as if he were part of the horse. …
  2. He was in excellent condition. …
  3. You have an excellent memory. …
  4. Excellent idea – if you enjoy it. …
  5. Excellent wine is made. …
  6. He was an excellent judge of horseflesh.

How do you express excellence?

20 Ways to Strive for Excellence…

  1. Know yourself and your strengths.
  2. Have pride in yourself and your work.
  3. Share your knowledge and talents with those who value them.
  4. Believe that you will make this world a better place through your contributions.
  5. Practice gratitude for the small and unpredictable moments.

Is sure less than yes? Not to be confused with “sure thing” (folksy, casual) or for sure” (loose, stoned), sure is a word that makes my skin prick, my eye twitch. Sure is used as “yes,” though it never means “yes.” Sure is a thumbs up to your face, and a jerkoff motion behind your back.

How do you say yes politely?

Polite Ways to Say Yes in English

  1. Yeah, sure. Here you go.
  2. No problem! I’m always happy to help.
  3. Yep! I will be right there. (Yep is another informal way to say yes like yeah.)
  4. Yeah, I’d be happy to!
  5. Cool. (Yes, cool can really be used to say yes or to show agreement.)
  6. You got it.
  7. Okay.

Is sure better than yes? “Sure” is a more definite answer than “yes.” It displays a higher level of confidence. In everyday speech, the two words are used interchangeably.

What is surname Pakistan?

Typically, Pakistani names derive from Arabic, Indo-Persian or Turkish roots. … This is also applied to some married females, who adopt their husband’s most commonly addressed name as their surname. However, Islamic law does not necessitate the custom of a wife adopting her husband’s last name at marriage.

What are some girl last names? Last Names for Girls That Are Surname Standouts

Name Meaning Origin
Ainsley Solitary clearing Scottish
Arley Hare meadow English
Ashley Ash tree meadow English
Avery Elf counsel English

What does the Sur in surname mean?

Indian (Bengal) and Bangladeshi: Hindu name, a nickname from Sanskrit šura ‘brave’. …

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