What are the 4 types of love?


The Four Types of Love: Some Are Healthy, Some Are Not

  • Eros: erotic, passionate love.
  • Philia: love of friends and equals.
  • Storge: love of parents for children.
  • Agape: love of mankind.

What is another word for my love? What is another word for my love?

babe darling
dear dearest
love mi amor
sweetheart sweety
beloved honey

Likewise What is the deepest form of love?

Deep love is seeing someone at their most vulnerable, often lowest point, and reaching out your hand to help them get back up. Because deep love is selfless. It’s realizing there’s someone out there that you don’t think twice about caring for. Caring for them is as involuntary as breathing.

What does Phileo love mean? Phileo describes an emotional connection that goes beyond acquaintances or casual friendships. When we experience phileo, we experience a deeper level of connection. This connection is not as deep as the love within a family, perhaps, nor does it carry the intensity of romantic passion or erotic love.

Can you love 2 person at the same time?

Although loving two people can be confusing, for those who are open to “non-traditional” relationship dynamics like polyamory, it’s definitely possible to have loving relationships with multiple people simultaneously. … “You don’t necessarily love someone less because you also love someone else.

What can I say instead of Babe? babe

  • darling. Hello, darling!
  • love. Don’t cry, my love.
  • baby (informal) You have to wake up now, baby.
  • dear. Yes, my dear.
  • dearest. What’s wrong, my dearest?
  • honey.
  • sweetheart. Happy birthday, sweetheart!
  • sweetie (informal)

What is a stronger word than love?

1 tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 2 liking, inclination, regard, friendliness. 15 like. 16 adore, adulate, worship.

How do I text romantic? 10 Romantic Texts To Send Your Partner Just To Say “I Love You”

  1. Express What You Wish You Were Doing. …
  2. Let Them Know When You Think Of Them. …
  3. Tell Them How They Make You Feel. …
  4. Send Them Something Only They’d Understand. …
  5. Lean Into The Cheesiness. …
  6. Tell Them A Story. …
  7. Send Them A Song. …
  8. Give Them A Superlative.

How do you know a man is deeply in love with you?

Here are 10 signs he loves you deeply.

  • He makes time for you. Everyone is busy and they can cancel plans all the time. …
  • He makes you feel safe. …
  • He respects your opinion. …
  • He keeps his promises. …
  • He introduces you to his family. …
  • He wants more intimacy. …
  • He doesn’t judge you for your craziness. …
  • He supports your dreams.

What are the 3 levels of love? The 3 Stages of Love

  • Stage 1: Lust.
  • Stage 2: Attraction.
  • Stage 3: Attachment.

What is empty love?

Empty love: Sometimes, a stronger love deteriorates into empty love, in which the commitment remains, but the intimacy and passion have died. … Companionate love is often found in marriages in which the passion has gone out of the relationship, but a deep affection and commitment remain.

What is agape and Phileo love? The first two times, the Bible uses the ‘agape’ form of love, which is understood to be a general meaning of the word. … But the third time that Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him, He uses ‘phileo,’ which speaks of affection, fondness and liking the other. This love is companionable and relational.

What is a pragma love?

Pragma. Pragma is a kind of practical love founded on reason or duty and one’s longer-term interests. Sexual attraction takes a back seat in favour of personal qualities and compatibilities, shared goals, and “making it work.” In the days of arranged marriages, pragma must have been very common.

What is the difference between Eros Phileo and agape? Love existed before the world was formed. The scriptures teach that God is the uncreated creator the first cause of everything else. They are described in Greek -Eros (romantic love), Philia (brotherly love), and Agape (God’s divine love or unconditional love). …

Is flirting cheating?

What does constitute cheating? For most people, cheating is any behavior in which you express romantic interest, either emotionally or physically. In general, flirting counts as cheating because it is a step above harmless banter and can develop into other romantic activities or relationships.

What is real love like? A truly loving relationship should always have communication, affection, trust, appreciation, and mutual respect. If you see these signs authentically and the relationship is a healthy, honest, nurturing one, you would likely consider your relationship one of true love.

Can you love someone and sleep with someone else?

Yes, you can truly be in love with someone and have sex with someone else. Yes, you can truly be in love with more than one person at a time. Yes, you can truly be in love with more than one person at a time and have sex with more than one person at a time.

What is BAE in texting? “Bae,” Urban Dictionary says, is an acronym that stands for “before anyone else,” or a shortened version of baby or babe, another word for sweetie, and, mostly unrelated, poop in Danish. … Plus, are descriptions such as actual proper names and the words best friend, lover, irreplaceable, incomparable, etc.

What nicknames can I call my boyfriend?

Adorable Nicknames for Boyfriends

  • Babe/Baby.
  • Buddy.
  • Bubba.
  • Lovey.
  • Papa Bear.
  • PIC (as in “partner-in-crime)
  • Pookie.
  • Snookums.

What does sweetie mean? English Language Learners Definition of sweetie

: a person you love very much. —used to address someone you love. : a kind or helpful person : someone who is very nice. See the full definition for sweetie in the English Language Learners Dictionary.

What are the 3 words better than I love you?

Phrases that should be as important to us as a declaration of love.

  • “I forgive you.” I forgive you for all the things have done, or will do, that may hurt me. …
  • “I’ll sacrifice for you.” I’ll sacrifice my time for you. …
  • “I respect you.” I respect you for who you are, and not for what I feel you deserve.

Is there a word deeper than love? Love can sometimes be seen to refer to infatuation or lust, but intimacy goes much deeper than that. Intimacy is all about truly seeing each other and sharing beyond the surface level.

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