What are antonyms for props?


propnoun. Antonyms: superstructure, superincumbency, top-weight, gravitation, extirpation, subverter, destroyer. Synonyms: support, stay, buttress, shore, strut, pin.

What would be the opposite of prop up? Opposite of to prop up. lift. lift up. raise. draw up.

Likewise What are the three antonyms?

Antonyms fall within the three categories, namely, Relational Antonyms, Graded Antonyms, and Complementary Antonyms.

What are the 10 antonyms? Antonym Examples

achieve – fail giant – dwarf random – specific
arrogant – humble knowledge – ignorance single – married
attack – defend liquid – solid sunny – cloudy
blunt – sharp marvelous – terrible timid – bold
brave – cowardly noisy – quiet toward – away

What is propped up?

Definition of prop up

1 : to stop (something) from falling or slipping by placing something under or against it We propped up the beams with long boards. propped the plant stems up. 2 : to give help, encouragement, or support to (someone) His faith propped him up in times of crisis.

What is the synonym of propped up? Words Related to propped (up) steadied, trussed, underlay.

What is propped up position?

to support (something) in an upright position, or stop it from falling. We had to prop up the roof; He propped himself up against the wall.

What is Prop short for? PROP

Acronym Definition
PROP Propeller
PROP Property (theater and movie studios; real estate)
PROP Propagation
PROP Propulsion

What is shore up mean?

1 : to support (something) or keep (something) from falling by placing something under or against it They shored up the roof/wall. 2 : to support or help (something) The tax cuts are supposed to shore up the economy.

What is the synonym of timidly? In this page you can discover 92 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for timid, like: shy, frightened, confident, fainthearted, fear, sheepish, weakness, backward, extroverted, unsure and uncertain.

Is propped up by?

1. to support, or prevent from falling, with or as if with a prop (often fol. by up). 2. to rest (a thing) against a support: He propped the ladder against the wall.

How do you prop up a patient? Turning the Patient on Their Side

Place a pillow or a foam wedge under the drawsheet at the person’s back. Position the pillow close against the back to help prop the person on her side. Place another pillow or a specially designed foam leg wedge between the person’s knees.

What is prone position used for?

In prone positioning, patients lie on their abdomen in a monitored setting. Prone positioning is generally used for patients who require a ventilator (breathing machine). Prone positioning may be beneficial for several reasons: (1) In the supine position, the lungs are compressed by the heart and abdominal organs.

Why is it called Fowler’s position? It is named for George Ryerson Fowler, who saw it as a way to decrease the mortality of peritonitis: Accumulation of purulent material under the diaphragm led to rapid systemic sepsis and septic shock, whereas pelvic abscesses could be drained through the rectum.

What does prop to you mean?

Props to you!: Well done! Great job! Congratulations! idiom.

Can a person be a prop? The definition of a prop is a person or thing who provides support or holds something up, or an object used on the set of a play or movie. A pole that keeps up an awning is an example of a prop.

What is a prop in business?

Prop’ is the short form of proprietary. Prop shops employ a number of trading strategies for assets that range from simple liquid assets such as stocks and bonds to sophisticated instruments such as collateralized debt obligations (CDO), derivatives, and commodity futures.

What’s another word for shore up? What is another word for shore up?

bolster buttress
support reinforce
undergird underpin
hold up prop up
uphold sustain

Is it sure up or shore up?

the correct phrase is “shore up” not “sure up.”

This expression first appeared a long, long time ago—somewhere between 1300-1500—when the word “shore” was not only a place where the land met the sea or the place where she sells seashells.

Are you shore meaning? 1 : the land bordering a usually large body of water specifically : coast. 2 : a boundary (as of a country) or an area within a boundary —usually used in plural immigrated to these shores.

What is the opposite of timidly?

What is the opposite of timidly?

carelessly boldly
confidently rashly
recklessly roughly
thoughtlessly heedlessly
inattentively negligently

What is a synonym and antonym for timidly? fearful, pusillanimous, shy, diffident, coy, timorous, afraid, cowerly, fainthearted, inadventurous. Antonyms: bold, confident, venturesome, courageous, overventuresome, rash, audacious.

What is an antonym for the word timidly?

timidadjective. showing fear and lack of confidence. Antonyms: brave, foolhardy, overreaching, rash, temerarious, fearless, bold, heroic, dauntless, unfearing, nervy, vaulting, audacious, intrepid, emboldened, overvaliant, heady, hardy, daredevil, courageous, heroical, reckless.

What propped open? What does it mean to prop a door? It means to use a doorstop or other object to keep the door in an open position. Occasionally you’ll see the phrase used to mean wedging something against the door under the knob (such as a chair) to prevent someone from opening it from the outside, but this usage is rare.

What is a throbbed?

verb (used without object), throbbed, throb·bing. to beat with increased force or rapidity, as the heart under the influence of emotion or excitement; palpitate. to feel or exhibit emotion: He throbbed at the happy thought. to pulsate; vibrate: The cello throbbed. noun.

How do you stop elderly from sliding down in bed?

Tuck the draw sheet under the mattress on both sides to help keep it in place after you have repositioned your patient. Raise the knees of the bed up (if no contraindications exist to doing this) prior to raising the head. This will create a groove for the patient’s buttocks to rest in and help prevent sliding.

How do you move an elderly person in bed?

How do you move a heavy person in bed?

Lifting Safety 101

  1. Always keep the patient close to your body.
  2. Make sure that your neck and head are always in proper alignment with your spine.
  3. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart to maintain balance.
  4. Do not bend at the waist. …
  5. Use your leg muscles to lift and pull.
  6. Do not twist your body when carrying a person.
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