Where does the word Clype come from?
The origins of ‘clipe’ are believed to lie with the Old English word ‘Clype’ which means to name, or to call, and the Scots word itself can be spelled with either an ‘i’ or a ‘y’.
Simply so How do you spell Clype? verb. Inform on someone; tell tales. ‘It was like asking Freemasons to clype on their grandmaster. ‘
What is a Pilch? Definition of pilch
1 : an outer garment made originally of skin or fur and later of leather or wool. 2a obsolete : a saddle cover. b : a light child’s saddle. 3 : an infant’s wrapper covering the diaper.
also What is a Klype? a small amount held between the fingers en klype salt – a pinch of salt.
What does kebbie lebbie mean?
Kebbie-lebbie is an altercation carried on by various people speaking at the same time. Wee clype is a little tattle tale.
What does Fyke mean in Scotland? Translated: fyke: move restlessly, fidget, fret, behave anxiously, cause pain or bother to.
What is a Collieshangie?
noun Scot. a noisy row; brawl.
What does Beaten mean in Scotland? Scottish National Dictionary (1700–)
BEATEN, ppl. adj. Eng. form but used of the foot in Sc. to indicate hurt or pressed by the shoe.
Is fidget a Scottish word?
fidget (n.)
1670s, as the fidget “uneasiness,” later the fidgets, from a verb fidge “move restlessly” (16c., surviving longest in Scottish), perhaps from Middle English fiken “to fidget, hasten” (see fike (v.)).
What does Granny GREY hips mean? Granny grey hips. Means : Someone behaving older than they are.
What does dumb bonnet mean?
What does it mean? Bonnet d’âne means ‘donkey’s hat‘, but it’s actually a metaphor for someone being ‘dumb’, ‘a fool’, ‘buffoon’, ‘idiot’, ‘loser’, ‘dunce’ – either because they do something stupid, or because they are lagging behind others. … – What an idiot!
What does Yaldi mean in Scottish? Yaldi is a Scottish slang interjection expressing excitement or joy.
Is FAF a Scottish word?
It starts to appear as a dialect word in Scotland and Northern England at the end of the eighteenth century, as a description of the wind blowing in puffs or small gusts. … There’s also faffle, another dialect word, which also means to stammer or stutter, and which might have influenced the sense.
What does flair mean in Scottish?
v. To flatter; “to cajole, coax” (Lth. 1808 Jam.; Fif. Ib., flairy); to brag, boast.
What is frighten Scotland? Phrs.: 1. na(e) frichts, no fear (Fif. 1943); 2. to put in fricht, to frighten, scare (Abd.
Why is a worktop called a bunker? “Bunker”
What it usually means: A place to hide from an air raid. What it means in Edinburgh: A kitchen worktop, as in “see if I left ma specs on the bunker.” It seems to have maybe come from the word ‘bonkar’ meaning chest or box.
What does cry up the lum mean?
Phrase of the Day: CRYING UP THE LUM (Scottish, rare) – an old tradition of shouting up the chimney to tell Father Christmas what you want him to bring.
Why do Scots say Ken? “Ken” in Scots has widened its meaning to become the equivalent of English “know” but in older Scots it specifically meant “know by personal contact, experience, familiarity” as in “I ken him.
What is the Scottish name for wife?
Definition of ‘Sassenach‘
What does tumble your wilkies mean? To tummle your wilkies’ is an old Scots phrase meaning ‘to fall head over heels‘.
What is a Bambot?
(Scotland, slang, derogatory) Idiot; an objectionable and foolish person.
What does do not fash mean? The Scottish English phrase “dinna fash” means “don’t worry” or “don’t fret.” The “dinna” in this phrase just means “don’t,” while “fash” is derived from a 16th-century French word meaning “to worry.” This phrase is commonly heard in Scotland, especially in the Edinburgh area.
What is FAF in British slang?
Noun. faff (plural faffs) (Britain, slang) An overcomplicated task, especially one perceived as a waste of time. quotations ▼ Synonyms: see Thesaurus:nuisance.
Is Folk a Scottish word? In Scotland, the word “folk” retains an enormous degree of resonance and power. … In more contemporary terms, “folk” makes me think of Scotland’s diverse, fertile traditional arts sector: of Celtic Connections, TradFest, the Feis, the Storytelling Festival and so forth.
What is the Scottish word for woman?
Hen – To most of the world, a hen is a female chicken, but in Scots the word is used to mean a woman or girl.