Where do we use say?


We use say and tell in different ways in reported speech. Say focuses on the words someone said and tell focuses more on the content or message of what someone said: ‘Hello,’ she said. Not: ‘Hello,’ she told.

Simply so How do you use say? say. [transitive, transitive] to speak or tell someone something, using words + speech “Hello!” she said. “That was marvelous,” said Daniel. In stories the subject often comes after said, says or say when it follows the actual words spoken, unless it is a pronoun.

What if I told or tell? The answer to your question is simple. When we say “ if I tell you” that means there is higher likelihood of you telling the person what it is. On the contrary, when we say “ if I told you” that indicates a slim-to no chance of you ever telling the person what it is.

also When to use say tell and ask? How to use Say, Tell and Ask

  1. Say. We say: hello and goodbye, please and thank you, happy birthday and congratulations. Say hello to your sister for me. We said goodbye at the airport. …
  2. Tell. Tell is usually followed immediately by a person. Said is not: …
  3. Ask. Ask is used for questions: What is your name?

Where do we use said and indirect speech?

Say and tell are used in both direct and indirect speech.

  1. Direct speech: I said “I’m hungry.” / I told him “I’m hungry.”
  2. Indirect speech: I said that I was hungry / I told him that I was hungry.

What do you mean by says? 1a : to express in words : state. b : to state as opinion or belief : declare. 2a : utter, pronounce. b : recite, repeat say your prayers.

What to say instead of says?

272 Words to Use Instead of “Said”

accused corrected lamented
asked denied murmured
asserted described mused
assured disagreed muttered
babbled disclosed nagged

Is said singular? (indefinite) (singular & plural) (count & non-count) (formal) Said person or thing is the one that was mentioned before. A gun was found at the scene. Said gun belonged to this man.

What if I said Meaning?

This example is most likely meant as a “counterfactual” about the past (What if I told you yesterday = What if it were the case that I told you yesterday), present (What if I told you now), or future (What if I told you tomorrow), but it could be a question about the real past (What if it was true that I told you …

What’s the definition of I told you? Definition of I told you (so)

informal. —used to say to someone that one was right about something especially when that person disagreed “You were right after all.” “See. I told you so!

Is it rude to say tell me?

“Tell me” is considered rude or impolite. “Tell” used this way sounds like an instruction or order to convey something though you really don’t have the time for the person as you have more important things to do. Or something. Don’t use it.

What is the difference between tell and tells? tell. Tell is a common verb which is used in several different ways. Its past form and -ed participle is told. If someone tells you something, they give you some information.

Can I say or can I tell?

Say‘ means: To utter words in order to communicate information, an opinion, or a feeling. ‘Tell’ means: To communicate something to someone in spoken or written forms.

Can we use says in indirect speech?

When using indirect or reported speech, the form changes. Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past.

How do you use said and told in reported speech? We can use either say or tell to do this. The main difference is that when we use told we normally say who is spoken to, so we have to use it with a direct personal object. When we use say, we don’t normally indicate who is spoken to, or, if we do, we must put to before the object.

What is the reported speech of says? If this verb is in the present tense, it’s easy. We just put ‘she says’ and then the sentence: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: She says (that) she likes ice cream.

Tense Direct Speech Reported Speech
would* I would help, but..” She said (that) she would help but…

Is says a proper word?

The main word is “say.” The present tense is “says,” the past is “said,” and the future tense is “will say.”

How do you say the word says?

What type of word is says?

Says is a verb – Word Type.

How do you avoid using said? Kathy Edens

  1. “He said” and “she said” are stilted when overused.
  2. Only use dialogue tags every three or four lines.
  3. Use action to show who’s talking.
  4. Use dialogue to tell your reader who’s talking.
  5. Final thoughts.

What to say instead of he said she said?

Synonyms for said that show volume include: Quietly: ‘Mouthed’, ‘whispered‘, ‘hissed’, ‘mumbled’, ‘muttered’, ‘said, under their breath’ Loudly: ‘Yelled’, ‘shouted’, ‘bellowed’, ‘screamed’, ‘roared’

What is a good word for said?

  • communicated,
  • disclosed,
  • spoke,
  • talked,
  • told,
  • uttered,
  • verbalized,
  • vocalized.

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