What’s the opposite of substandard?


Opposite of very poor or bad in standard or quality. good. excellent. fine. first-class.

Simply so What is substandard material? A sub-standard service or product is unacceptable because it is below a required standard. adj.

What’s a word for high quality? What is another word for high-quality?

excellent fine
premium prime
good superb
superior choice
exceptional great

also What is a subhuman person? : less than human: such as. a : failing to attain the level (as of morality or intelligence) associated with normal human beings. b : unsuitable to or unfit for human beings subhuman living conditions.

Is subpar one word?

Since sub- means “below”, almost anything that fails to measure up to a traditional standard may be called subpar. So you may hear of subpar ratings for a TV show, subpar care at a nursing home, subpar attendance at a concert, or subpar work by a contractor.

What will happen if the materials used in the business operations is substandard? For example, purchasing substandard materials may lead to using more time to make the product and may produce more scrap. The substandard material may have been more difficult to work with or had more defects than the proper grade material.

How do you say high quality of work?

Extremely good or of a high quality – thesaurus

  1. excellent. adjective. extremely good.
  2. exceptional. adjective. extremely good or impressive in a way that is unusual.
  3. high-grade. adjective. very good in quality.
  4. superlative. adjective. formal extremely good.
  5. good. adjective. …
  6. superb. adjective. …
  7. polished. adjective. …
  8. wonderful. adjective.

Can you be dehumanized? Dehumanization may be carried out by a social institution (such as a state, school, or family), interpersonally, or even within oneself. Dehumanization can be unintentional, especially upon individuals, as with some types of de facto racism.

What does it mean to be animalistic?

noun. preoccupation with or motivation by sensual, physical, or carnal appetites rather than moral, spiritual, or intellectual forces.

What is a word for not human? Definitions of nonhuman. adjective. not human; not belonging to or produced by or appropriate to human beings. “nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees” Synonyms: anthropoid, anthropoidal, apelike.

What does the word sub?

1 : under : beneath : below subsoil subaqueous. 2a : subordinate : secondary : next lower than or inferior to substation subeditor.

What is golf subpar? Something that’s “subpar” bad. It’s performing below average, or worse than usual. However, in the game of golf, coming in “under par” is good. That means you’ve completed the course in fewer strokes than the standard.

What is a subpar experience?

below an average, usual, or normal level, quality, or the like; below par: This month his performance has been subpar.

What is a material loss?

Material Loss means any damage, loss or destruction to any portion of the Real Property, the amount of which is equal to or greater than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) (measured by the cost of repair or replacement).

Which of the following is considered to be a normal loss of material? Breaking in bulk is the answer because it is normal loss which happens during shipping the goods which is not caused by the effect any human acts.

What is losses in cost accounting? A loss is an excess of expenses over revenues, either for a single business transaction or in reference to the sum of all transactions for an accounting period.

What does quality work mean?

Work quality is the value of work delivered by an individual, team or organization. This can include the quality of task completion, interactions and deliverables. Work quality is a common consideration in managing the performance of programs, projects, vendors and individuals.

How do you describe quality of work on a performance review? The quality of your work is excellent. I appreciate your attention to detail in everything you do. Please continue to work at the high standards you have. You set a wonderful example for others.

Why is quality of work important?

Quality work affords an individual the opportunity to save, to build the security and confidence that allows one to plan for the future, and to participate in the life of and see oneself as a valued member of a community.

How do you Rehumanize? In general, rehumanization can usually be achieved by avoiding labels and stereotypes in one’s language and thoughts. Other techniques that have been found to be effective include: “deep listening,” involving the use of the imagination to see through what another is saying (in words or action).

What is dehumanization theory?

Dehumanization is the perspective that certain people should be denied uniquely human rights and specific out-groups are therefore denied the privileges, activities, or agency that are ordinarily ascribed to in-groups (8, 9, 15).

What are the two types of dehumanization? Linking these two forms of dehumanization to the mind perception theory and the SCM, animalistic dehumanization corresponds to perceived low agency and competence, whereas mechanistic dehumanization corresponds to perceived low experience and warmth.

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