What’s the opposite of Sincero?


What is the opposite of sincere?

disingenuous insincere
false bogus
feigned dissimulating
guileful deceptive
duplicitous dummy

Simply so Does Trabajador mean hardworking? hardworking, also UK: hard-working adj. trabajador/a adj.

What is the opposite obedient? Antonyms: recusant, disobedient, perverse, headstrong, wayward, fractious, contrary, recalcitrant, obstinate, self-willed, willful, refractory, froward, wilful.

also What is the opposite of Moderno? old-fashioned. outdated. out-of-date. obsolete. old fashioned.

What is the opposite modest?

Antonyms: proud, superior, unlimited, immodest, uppity, indecent, overweening, limitless, immoderate, pretentious, important. Synonyms: low, small, mild, meek, lowly, minor, humble, small-scale, pocket-size, pocket-sized.

Is Trabajador male or female? Preparation:

Singular Plural
Masculine trabajador trabajadores
Feminine trabajadora trabajadoras

What is Deportista in masculine form?

Usage notes

The noun deportista is like several other Spanish nouns with a human referent and ending in a. The masculine articles and adjectives are used when the referent is known to be male, a group of males, a group of mixed or unknown gender, or an individual of unknown or unspecified gender.

What is the opposite of Trabajador? The opposite of “trabajador” is “perezoso” in Spanish.Lo contrario de “trabajador” es “perezoso” en español.

What does obedient girl mean?

obedient Add to list Share. … Authority figures love to have obedient followers. When you realize that the word obedient comes from a Latin word meaning “to obey,” it’s easy to remember what obedient means. Use obedient to describe someone who knows the rules, toes the line, and follows instructions.

What is obedient synonyms? obedient

  • attentive.
  • compliant.
  • deferential.
  • devoted.
  • docile.
  • dutiful.
  • faithful.
  • law-abiding.

What is the new word of obedient?

Some common synonyms of obedient are amenable, docile, and tractable. While all these words mean “submissive to the will of another,” obedient implies compliance with the demands or requests of one in authority.

What is the opposite of model? model. Antonyms: imitation, copy, production, execution, work. Synonyms: standard, pattern, example, type, mould, design, copy.

Whats is an antonym?

English Language Learners Definition of antonym

: a word with a meaning that is opposite to the meaning of another word.

What is opposite of lazy in English?

Lazy means; indolent, idle, sluggish, tired, laggard, unwilling to work or use energy. Opposites of Lazy; hard-working. diligent. industrious.

What is a modest girl? A person is modest if he or she is very successful but does not call attention to this. Modest generally means “big enough but not huge” — like a modest house or a modest income. … Around the turn of the 17th century, modest referred to proper or decent dress and behavior especially in women.

What does immodest behavior mean? If you describe someone’s behavior as immodest, you mean that it shocks or embarrasses you because you think that it is rude or indecent. Students should avoid any immodest behavior, on or off campus.

Is modest positive or negative?

Modesty, then, denotes a moderate self-view—seeing oneself as intermediate, rather than as very positive or very negative, on key personal attributes such as personality traits, abilities and skills, physical appearance, and social behavior. A moderate self-view may be entertained privately or expressed publicly.

What is trabajador plural feminine? trabajador, trabajadores- masculine singular, plural. trabajadora, trabajadoras- femenine singular, plural.

What is Grande feminine?

Grande is an adjective that has no gender and can be associated to both masculine and feminine nouns. For example: La grande stanza. (f. s.)

What is the feminine form of joven?

el the
joven young young person
feminine no direct translation

Does Serio mean serious?

Serious problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.

What is Paciente in feminine? [paˈsjẽtʃi ] adjective, masculine noun, feminine noun. patient.

What is the masculine form of Viejo?

1. Regular adjectives

viejo = old rojo = red
masculine, singular (-o) viejo rojo
feminine, singular (-a) vieja roja
masculine, plural (-os) viejos rojos
feminine, plural (-as) viejas rojas

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