What word has 3 sets of double letters?


An old riddle asks, “Can you name a word with three consecutive double letters?” One possible answer is WOOLLEN – ‘double U, double O, double L, …’ A more satisfying solution is BOOKKEEPER (or BOOKKEEPING), the only common words with a consecutive triple double.

Is bookkeeper all one word? The word bookkeeping comes from the sense of book that means “record” or “written document,” and it has the distinction of being one of very few words in English with three consecutive double letters.

Likewise What are consecutive alphabets?


What is the meaning of consecutive letters? Consecutive comes from the Latin consecutus, meaning “following closely” with no gap. Just like those snowstorms — one storm happened each day, back to back, for five days in a row. Consecutive numbers also follow each other, or advance in the right order. For example, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 are consecutive numbers.

Is there a word with all 26 letters?

An English pangram is a sentence that contains all 26 letters of the English alphabet. The most well known English pangram is probably “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”. My favorite pangram is “Amazingly few discotheques provide jukeboxes.”

What is the longest word in English language? 1 Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (forty-five letters) is lung disease caused by the inhalation of silica or quartz dust.

Is bookkeeper and accountant the same?

A bookkeeper records and classifies a company’s daily financial transactions such as sales, payroll, payment of bills, etc. … An accountant builds on the information that is provided to them by the bookkeeper. Typically, they’ll: Review financial statements prepared by a bookkeeper.

What is difference between bookkeeping and accounting? In financial parlance, the terms bookkeeping and accounting are almost used interchangeably. … While bookkeeping is all about recording of financial transactions, accounting deals with the interpretation, analysis, classification, reporting and summarization of the financial data of a business.

What are some examples of consecutive numbers?

Numbers that follow each other continuously in the order from smallest to largest are called consecutive numbers. For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on are consecutive numbers.

What are the consecutive words? : following one after the other in order : successive served four consecutive terms in office. Other Words from consecutive Synonyms & Antonyms Concurrent and Consecutive More Example Sentences Learn More About consecutive.

What English word has three consecutive letters riddle?

Answer has 17 votes. Bookkeeper is the word with 3 pairs of consecutive letters.

Is 2 a consecutive number? Numbers that follow each other continuously in the order from smallest to largest are called consecutive numbers. For example: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on are consecutive numbers.

What is the meaning of 3 consecutive days?

Following one after another without interruption; successive. Was absent on three consecutive days; won five consecutive games on the road. adjective. 8. 6.

What is concurrent? Full Definition of concurrent

1 : operating or occurring at the same time. 2a : running parallel. b : convergent specifically : meeting or intersecting in a point. 3 : acting in conjunction. 4 : exercised over the same matter or area by two different authorities concurrent jurisdiction.

What is the 27th letter of the alphabet?

The ampersand often appeared as a character at the end of the Latin alphabet, as for example in Byrhtferð’s list of letters from 1011. Similarly, & was regarded as the 27th letter of the English alphabet, as taught to children in the US and elsewhere.

What word takes 3 hours to say? The chemical name of titin was first kept in the English dictionary, but it was later removed from the dictionary when the name caused trouble. It is now known only as Titin. Titin protein was discovered in 1954 by Reiji Natori.

Is there a word longer than Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis?

The longest words in the dictionary are: antidisestablishmentarianism – opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England – 28 letters. floccinaucinihilipilification – the estimation of something as worthless – 29 letters. pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis – a supposed lung disease – 45 letters.

Which word takes 3.5 hours to say? Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (45 letters)

What starts with P and ends with E?

“Post Office” starts with ‘P’, ends with ‘E’ and has a million letters in it.

What is the shortest word? Eunoia, at six letters long, is the shortest word in the English language that contains all five main vowels. Seven letter words with this property include adoulie, douleia, eucosia, eulogia, eunomia, eutopia, miaoued, moineau, sequoia, and suoidea. (The scientific name iouea is a genus of Cretaceous fossil sponges.)

What is a bookkeeper salary?

According to the latest figures, the highest hourly average (median) wages are earned in Calgary, Alberta at $26.43 per hour and the lowest average (median) wages are in Prince Edward Island at $18.00 per hour. A typical full-time annual salary for this occupation is in the region of $40,000 – $50,000.

Is bookkeeping a dying profession? The BLS projects just a 1 percent drop in the category of bookkeepers, accountants and auditing clerks from 2016 to 2026, but adds that “technological change and automation are expected to reduce demand for these workers.”

How much do bookkeepers earn?

As an entry-level bookkeeper, you can expect to earn anything between $18 to $23 per hour. Which means you could earn around $40,000 per year as a rookie. But remember, this is how much you can normally make if a company employs you.

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