What is the synonym of discussed?


In this page you can discover 104 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for discuss, like: talk-about, address, have a talk with, contend, exchange observations, delay, confer, present, deliberate, comment upon and elaborate.

Simply so What is the synonym of explained? explain

  • clarify,
  • clear (up),
  • construe,
  • demonstrate,
  • demystify,
  • elucidate,
  • explicate,
  • expound,

What is the synonym of learned? In this page you can discover 93 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for learned, like: erudite, instructed, memorized, ascertained, academic, discovered, ignorant, scientific, cultured, conversant with and literary.

also What is learned behavior synonym? academic, cultured, erudite, experienced, expert, highbrow, intellectual, lettered, literate, scholarly, skilled, versed, well-informed, well-read.

What is another word for teachings?

Teachings Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus.

What is another word for teachings?

tenet principle
doctrine rule
belief creed
dogma precept
canon credo

What is a word for the ability to learn quickly? aptitude

part of speech: noun
definition 1: ability to learn quickly. synonyms: aptness , cleverness, facility, quickness, sharpness similar words: ability, acuity, bent, brilliance, capacity, faculty, perspicacity, wit

What is another word for learning experience?

What is another word for learning experience?

lesson learned US lesson
wake-up call acquired knowledge
experience gained information obtained
insight gained knowledge acquired
knowledge gained lesson drawn

What’s a word for learning new things? What is another word for learning new things?

acquiring new information acquiring new knowledge
learning new facts learning something new
updating one’s knowledge acquiring new skills
developing new skills mastering new skills

What is the synonym of mentor?

Synonyms & Near Synonyms for mentor. adviser. (also advisor), cicerone, counselor.

What is the synonym of lecture? Synonyms & Near Synonyms for lecture. exhortation, lesson, sermon, speech.

What is the synonym of tutor?

teacher, instructor, educator, educationalist, educationist. academic, lecturer, don. coach, trainer. guide, mentor, guru, counsellor.

How do you say you are eager to learn? You could say “keen to learn” or “willing to learn” as an alternative to “eager to learn”. I like “eager and willing to learn”. Don’t be afraid to say what you mean in an application.

What’s another way to say you are a fast learner?

You can also use phrases as ways to say “fast learner.” Consider active statements like “Able to grasp new concepts quickly”, “Excellent capacity to retain new things,” or “I can assimilate new ideas efficiently.”

What word means quality skill or experience?

expertise. noun: expert skill or knowledge in a particular field. synonyms: skill, skillfulness, expertness, prowess, proficiency, competence.

What can I say instead of experience? experience

  • knowledge.
  • contact.
  • exposure.
  • familiarity.
  • involvement.
  • participation.
  • practice.
  • training.

What is a synonym for more knowledge? In this page you can discover 66 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for knowledgeable, like: erudite, au fait (French), well-versed, smart, acquainted, learned, up-on, proficient, cognizant, ability and well-grounded.

What is the synonym of experiencing?

Synonyms of experiencing

  • enduring,
  • feeling,
  • having,
  • knowing,
  • passing,
  • seeing,
  • suffering,
  • sustaining,

What is another word for trying new things? To be adventurous is to be willing to try new things (not necessarily action-packed). Uninhibited often is used in the sense you ask for. Near-synonyms include unrestrained, unchecked, uncontrolled, unfettered, free, unbound, unconstrained, wild or unruly, unbridled, boundless, limitless, unstultified.

What is the synonym of advisor?

What is another word for advisor?

adviser consultant
counsel mentor
counsellor UK counselor US
guide expert
teacher instructor

What is a synonym for reconcile? Some common synonyms of reconcile are accommodate, adapt, adjust, and conform. While all these words mean “to bring one thing into correspondence with another,” reconcile implies the demonstration of the underlying compatibility of things that seem to be incompatible.

What is the synonym of garnish?

Some common synonyms of garnish are adorn, beautify, deck, decorate, embellish, and ornament.

What is teaching and lecturing? Differences between a Teacher And a Lecturer

Students: Teachers teach children that are likely to fall between the age group of 4 – 18, while lecturers teach adults or students who have finished cum graduated from high school.

What word means to build knowledge?

Learning is a common word that most often means the act of gaining knowledge.

What is a short speech called? 1 abridged, brief, clipped, compendious, compressed, concise, curtailed, laconic, pithy, sententious, succinct, summary, terse. 2 diminutive, dumpy, fubsy (archaic or dialect) knee high to a gnat, knee high to a grasshopper, little, low, petite, small, squat, wee.

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