What is the synonym of delineate?


describe, set forth, set out, present, outline, depict, portray, represent, characterize. map out, chart. define, detail, specify, identify, particularize.

Simply so What is another word for cell differentiation? A cell that can differentiate into all cell types of the adult organism is known as pluripotent. Such cells are called meristematic cells in higher plants and embryonic stem cells in animals, though some groups report the presence of adult pluripotent cells.

What is the synonym of nefarious? Some common synonyms of nefarious are corrupt, degenerate, iniquitous, vicious, and villainous. While all these words mean “highly reprehensible or offensive in character, nature, or conduct,” nefarious suggests flagrant breaching of time-honored laws and traditions of conduct.

also What is the meaning of specify? Definition of specify

transitive verb. 1 : to name or state explicitly or in detail. 2 : to include as an item in a specification. Other Words from specify Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More About specify.

Can pejorative people?

A pejorative or slur is a word or grammatical form expressing a negative or a disrespectful connotation, a low opinion, or a lack of respect toward someone or something. It is also used to express criticism, hostility, or disregard.

What cells are undifferentiated? Undifferentiated cells are a type of immature cells found in the body of multicellular organisms. They are also known as stem cells. The two main characteristic features of undifferentiated cells are their ability to self-renew while differentiating into specialized cells.

What does it mean to say a cell is differentiated?

The process by which a cell becomes specialized in order to perform a specific function, as in the case of a liver cell, a blood cell, or a neuron. … Differentiation is the process that takes place inside an embryo that determines which genes are expressed and hence what type of cell will result.

What does to be differentiated mean? 1 : to recognize or give expression to a difference difficult to differentiate between the two. 2 : to become distinct or different in character.

What’s another word for Braun?

cocotte, bawd, whore, woman of the street.

What’s the meaning of Flagitious? Definition of flagitious

: marked by scandalous crime or vice : villainous.

What is the synonym of devious?

calculating, deceitful, duplicitous, fraudulent, insidious, insincere, shrewd, sly, sneaky, underhanded, wily, circuitous, misleading, artful, crooked, double-dealing, errant, erring, evasive, fishy.

How do I use specify? select something or someone for a specific purpose.

  1. Please specify what you will do.
  2. He said we should meet but didn’t specify a time.
  3. She did not specify precisely how many people were involved in the incident.
  4. Unless I’m mistaken, he didn’t specify what time.
  5. Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes.

Can you specify means?

To explicitly name something or state a particular detail, you specify that thing. So, when you have a craving for dessert and you send someone to the store to buy ice cream, you may want to specify a flavor. If you assign something for a particular purpose, this verb means that you specify.

What does it mean to be pacified?

1a : the act or process of pacifying : the state of being pacified. b : the act of forcibly suppressing or eliminating a population considered to be hostile.

What are pejorative prefixes? Pejorative prefixes are the prefixes which carry pejorative meaning. The prefixes which are included in the group of pejorative prefixes are mis- which means ‘wrongly’ or ‘astray’, mal- that means ‘bad(ly)’, and pseudo- that means ‘false’ or ‘imitation.

What permissiveness means? Definition of permissive

1 archaic : granted on sufferance : tolerated. 2a : granting or tending to grant permission : tolerant. b : deficient in firmness or control : indulgent, lax.

What is a slur in texting?

1a : an insulting or disparaging remark or innuendo : aspersion. b : a shaming or degrading effect : stain, stigma. 2 : a blurred spot in printed matter : smudge.

What does differentiated mean in biology? occurrence in

biological development. In biological development: Differentiation. Differentiation is simply the process of becoming different. If, in connection with biological development, morphogenesis is set aside as a component for separate consideration, there are two distinct types of differentiation.

What is an example of a differentiated cell?

An example of cell differentiation is the development of a single-celled zygote into a multicellular embryo that further develops into a more complex multisystem of distinct cell types of a fetus. … A cell that underwent differentiation is described as differentiated.

What is undifferentiated tumor? Context: “Undifferentiated tumor” refers to a heterogeneous group of neoplasms with little or no evidence of differentiation on routine light microscopic morphology. Objective: To identify the true identity of undifferentiated tumors by immunohistochemical analysis.

What does differentiation mean in psychology?

Differentiation refers to the process of cells naturally becoming more distinct and specialized as they evolve. As we evolve, we differentiate not only physically, but also emotionally and psychologically from our family of origin.

Why do cells differentiate? Differentiated cells are important in a multicellular organism because they are able to perform a specialised function in the body. … Multicellular organisms must therefore retain some unspecialised cells that can replenish cells when needed.

What is differentiated in biology?

Differentiation is simply the process of becoming different. If, in connection with biological development, morphogenesis is set aside as a component for separate consideration, there are two distinct types of differentiation.

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