What is the synonym of auxiliary?


additional, supplementary, supplemental, extra, reserve, backup, emergency, fallback, spare, substitute, other. subsidiary, accessory, adjunct. 2’auxiliary nursing staff’ ancillary, assistant, support, supporting, helping, assisting, aiding.

What is the opposite of supplementary? supplementary, supplementaladjective. added to complete or make up a deficiency. “produced supplementary volumes” Antonyms: primary, subtractive.

Likewise What is auxiliary job?

Auxiliary appointments are temporary for work that isn’t ongoing, such as coverage for employees on leave, seasonal work, and short-term projects. When a regular employee temporarily assumes other duties, it’s called a temporary appointment.

How can I speak auxiliary?

What is the purpose of an auxiliary?

auxiliary, in grammar, a helping element, typically a verb, that adds meaning to the basic meaning of the main verb in a clause. Auxiliaries can convey information about tense, mood, person, and number. … Auxiliaries also help form the passive voice.

What is the example of supplementary? Supplementary angles are those angles that sum up to 180 degrees. For example, angle 130° and angle 50° are supplementary angles because sum of 130° and 50° is equal to 180°. Similarly, complementary angles add up to 90 degrees.

What is complementary antonym?

Complementary antonyms: Also known as direct antonyms or contradictory antonyms, complementary antonyms are related words that are absolute opposites. They exist independently from one another and do not need the other term to exist. Examples of complementary antonyms include “night and day” and “inhale and exhale.”

What is auxiliary staff in schools? Auxiliary staff in schools may work as teachers or cafeteria workers; auxiliary staff in a hospital are often volunteers. The Collins Dictionary gives a broad auxiliary staff definition: workers who help other workers do their job.

What is auxiliary department?

Auxiliaries are support personnel that assist the military or police but are organised differently from regular forces. Auxiliary may be military volunteers undertaking support functions or performing certain duties such as garrison troops, usually on a part-time basis.

What is auxiliary payroll? Auxiliary Employees means Employees whose salaries are not paid by the City (e.g., N.Y.C., Y.E.P.T.A., etc.)

How do you use auxiliary in a sentence?

Auxiliary in a Sentence

  1. When my grandmother retired, she joined the hospital auxiliary team that visited lonely patients.
  2. The fundraising profits will be given to the auxiliary group that assists the Department of Children’s Services in providing support to foster parents.

How do you say auxiliary in British?

What words are auxiliary verbs?

AdvertisementList of auxiliary verbs

  • be (am, are, is, was, were, being),
  • can,
  • could,
  • do (did, does, doing),
  • have (had, has, having),
  • may,
  • might,
  • must,

What is a woman’s auxiliary? noun. an association whose members are usually the wives of members of an association with which it is affiliated.

What is an auxiliary in a hospital?

Through their efforts, the Auxiliary is able to assist in purchasing much needed hospital equipment. … The Auxiliary includes in-service volunteers, fundraisers, project volunteers and inactive members; membership continues to be one of the larger fundraisers.

What are auxiliaries to trade 11? Auxiliaries to trade are those activities which facilities business. Transport, banking, insurance, warehousing, and advertising is regarded as auxiliaries to trade.

What is complementary in math?

Definition of complementary angles

mathematics. : two angles that add up to 90 degrees.

What does it mean to be complementary? English Language Learners Definition of complementary

: completing something else or making it better : serving as a complement. —used of two things when each adds something to the other or helps to make the other better. : going together well : working well together.

Is two angles are supplementary?

Two angles are called supplementary when their measures add up to 180 degrees.

What is antonym pair? An antonym is one of a pair of words with opposite meanings. Each word in the pair is the antithesis of the other. A word may have more than one antonym.

What is linguistic antonym?

An antonym is a semantic term for words that have opposite meanings or definitions. To simply put it, an antonym is an opposite of another word.

What is converse antonym? In linguistics, converses or relational antonyms are pairs of words that refer to a relationship from opposite points of view, such as parent/child or borrow/lend. … Converses are sometimes referred to as complementary antonyms because an “either/or” relationship is present between them.

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