What is the synonym for campaign?


crusade, fight, battle, work, push, press, strive, struggle, agitate. promote, advocate, champion, speak for, lobby for, propagandize. 2’she campaigned as a political outsider’ run for office, stand for office, throw one’s hat in the ring.

Simply so What is it called when you fight in a war? belligerent. noun. formal one of the countries involved in a war.

What does campaign mean in war? “A campaign is a phase of a war involving a series of operations related in time and space and aimed towards a single, specific, strategic objective or result in the war.

also What is the synonym of promotion? preferment, upgrading, move up, elevation, advancement, advance, step up, step up the ladder, aggrandizement.

What’s another word for marketing campaign?

What is another word for marketing campaign?

marketing promo
advertising campaign hard sell
publicity campaign advertising promotion
media hype press-agentry
public relations PR

What is it called when you are called to war? Conscription, sometimes called the draft in the United States, is the mandatory enlistment of people in a national service, most often a military service. Conscription dates back to antiquity and it continues in some countries to the present day under various names.

What is the word when you get called to war?

fight. verbengage in physical encounter. altercate. assault. attack.

What’s a combat situation? The combat situation includes the state of enemy forces (their composition, location, possible changes in groupings of troops, and nature of action), the state of one’s own forces (position, supply status, fighting capabilities), and the state of neighbors’ forces; the nature of the radiation, chemical, and …

Why are wars called campaigns?

The naming of campaigns has been closely tied to the manner in which they were to be displayed on colors. Beginning in the Civil War, the War Department instructed regiments and batteries to inscribe on their national colors the names of the battles in which they provided meritorious service.

What’s another word for military campaign? What is another word for military campaign?

crusade holy war
action jihad
battle operation
maneuvers US campaign
military operation battle plan

What is the difference between a war and a campaign?

is that campaign is a series of operations undertaken to achieve a set goal; as, an election campaign, a military campaign, an advertising campaign while war is (uncountable) organized]], large-scale, armed conflict between [[country|countries or between national, ethnic, or other sizeable groups, usually involving the …

What are the 4 types of promotion? Promotion looks to communicate the company’s message across to the consumer. The four main tools of promotion are advertising, sales promotion, public relation and direct marketing.

What is the synonym of advanced?

Frequently Asked Questions About advance

Some common synonyms of advance are forward, further, and promote. While all these words mean “to help (someone or something) to move ahead,” advance stresses effective assisting in hastening a process or bringing about a desired end.

What do you call a person who promotes?

A promoter is a supporter, advocate, or booster for a person, group, or event. A promoter is an active supporter of something.

What is the focus of the campaign ad? Ad campaigns are a set of advertisements that focus on a single message. They are intended to meet a specific business goal as well as lead to conversions.

What are three synonyms afford? afford

  • allow.
  • manage.
  • bear.
  • incur.
  • spare.
  • stand.
  • support.
  • sustain.

What is another word for 360 degrees?

What is another word for 360-degree?

full circle circuit
swirling pirouetting
revolving revolve
single turn shift
crook bend

What is a synonym for changing? synonyms for changing

  • changeable.
  • developing.
  • dynamic.
  • growing.
  • uncertain.
  • unstable.
  • altering.
  • alternating.

What’s the definition of enlistment?

1 : to enroll oneself in the armed forces will enlist for three years. 2 : to participate heartily (as in a cause, drive, or crusade) Other Words from enlist Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About enlist.

What are navy soldiers called? Navy personnel are called sailors, those in the Marine Corps are called “Marines” (note the capitalized M), the Coast Guard calls its people “Coast Guardsmen,” and the National Guard uses whatever branch personnel belong to (Air National Guard members called airmen, for example).

What words are related to war?


  • battle.
  • bloodshed.
  • combat.
  • conflict.
  • fighting.
  • hostility.
  • strife.
  • strike.

What is combat military? Combat is fighting between two groups of armed forces. When you engage in combat, typically this means you engage in fighting that involves weapons. … The word combat can also be used to refer to the action of fighting against something to prevent it.

What is the difference between combat and battle?

As nouns the difference between combat and battle

is that combat is a battle, a fight (often one in which weapons are used); a struggle for victory while battle is a general action, fight, or encounter, in which all the divisions of an army are or may be engaged; an engagement; a combat.

What is a military firefight? Definition of firefight

1a : a usually brief intense exchange of fire between opposing military units. b : a hostile confrontation that involves gunfire.

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