What is the sentence of peaceful?


The air between them was as calm and peaceful as it was raging around them. It was so quiet and peaceful – unlike my night. Free and peaceful societies function best when government is transparent and open. He was beginning to like these peaceful encounters.

Simply so What is peaceful place? A peaceful place is somewhere you can go to slow down, reflect, engage in enjoyable activities. You can be alone or with others who you find relaxing to be around. A place that doesn’t demand anything of you or expect you to be someone you’re not – where you can just be.

How do you say very peaceful?

  1. arcadian,
  2. calm,
  3. hushed,
  4. placid,
  5. quiet,
  6. restful,
  7. serene,
  8. still,

also What is the example of peacefully? peacefully adverb (CALMLY)

He died peacefully in his sleep. She gazed peacefully at her beloved garden. We were with her until she took her last breath and she went so peacefully.

How do you use graceful in a sentence?

Examples of graceful in a Sentence

She was a graceful young woman with delicate features. the long, graceful neck of a swan His writing is clear and graceful. There was no graceful way to say no to their offer.

What words describe peace?

  • calm,
  • calmness,
  • heartsease,
  • peacefulness,
  • placidity,
  • sereneness,
  • serenity,
  • tranquillity.

What word means calm and peaceful?

serene, tranquil, relaxed, unruffled, unperturbed, unflustered, undisturbed, unagitated, unmoved, unbothered, untroubled. equable, even-tempered, imperturbable, quiet, steady. placid, peaceful, sedate, unexcitable, impassive, dispassionate, unemotional, phlegmatic, stolid.

What is a peaceful home? A calm home is a place you will love spending time in and feel comfortable and relaxed in. Don’t be afraid to add a few things to make your spaces feel warm, cozy and a place you want to spend time in.

What is calm and peaceful?

is that calm is (of a person) peaceful, quiet, especially free from anger and anxiety while peaceful is not at war or disturbed by strife or turmoil.

What means the opposite of peaceful? Antonyms: militant, war-ridden, warring, belligerent, unpeaceful, stormy, hawkish, tempestuous, warlike, unpeaceable, violent.

How do you know if someone is peaceful?

Here are some signs of inner peace:

  • An unmistakable ability to enjoy each moment.
  • A loss of interest in judging other people or interpreting the actions of others.
  • A loss of interest in conflict.
  • A tendency to think and act spontaneously rather than on fears based on past experience.
  • A loss of ability to worry.

What is the opposite of peacefully? Opposite of peacefully, without problems, stress or anxiety. angrily. hostilely. resentfully. badly.

What does it mean to do something gracefully?

Gracefulness, or being graceful, is the physical characteristic of displaying “pretty agility”, in the form of elegant movement, poise, or balance. The etymological root of grace is the Latin word gratia from gratus, meaning pleasing. … Gracefulness is an idea belonging to posture and motion.

What part of speech is gracefully?

The word ”gracefully” takes the role of an adverb in a sentence. Adverbs normally describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

What kind of adverb is gracefully? Gracefully is an adverb of manner.

The -ly suffix is very common in adverbs. Gracefully as an adverb comes from the word graceful.

What’s a word for happy and peaceful? In this page you can discover 32 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for peace-of-mind, like: bliss, euphoria, ataraxis, delight, clear conscience, peacefulness, exuberance, reassurance, ecstasy, quiet mind and repose.

What do you call a peaceful person?

pacifist Add to list Share. A person who opposes the use of war or violence to settle a dispute is called a pacifist. If you are a pacifist, you talk through your differences with others instead of fighting. A pacifist is a peacemaker — even its Latin origins of pax, or “peace” and facere, “to make” show it.

What are some calming words? calm

  • halcyon,
  • hushed,
  • lown.
  • [dialect],
  • peaceful,
  • placid,
  • quiet,
  • serene,

What are calming words?


  • halcyon,
  • hushed,
  • lown.
  • [dialect],
  • peaceful,
  • placid,
  • quiet,
  • serene,

What does feeling at peace mean? If you are at peace with yourself or at peace with the world, you feel calm and contented, and you have no emotional conflicts within yourself or with other people.

How can I be peaceful?

21 Practical Steps to Be More Peaceful

  1. Pay Attention. Many of us think of emptiness when we think of peace, but it doesn’t have to be that way. …
  2. Remove Distractions. …
  3. Experience Rather Than Record. …
  4. Let Go of Control. …
  5. Apologize. …
  6. Do a Good Deed. …
  7. Declutter. …
  8. Embrace Sound.

How can I be calm and peaceful? 11 Ways to Make Your Mind Calm and Peaceful

  1. Make time to meditate. Meditation has a number of positive effects on mind and body. …
  2. Focus on gratitude. …
  3. Notice internal judgements. …
  4. Practice self-compassion. …
  5. Distance yourself from negative self-talk and beliefs. …
  6. Set routines. …
  7. Keep a journal. …
  8. Create a to-do list.

How do I keep calm and peaceful?

Relaxing the mind

  1. Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. …
  2. Soak in a warm bath.
  3. Listen to soothing music.
  4. Practice mindful meditation. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment. …
  5. Write. …
  6. Use guided imagery.

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