What is the root word for misfortune?


For example, mis + fortune = misfortune. *A root word stands on its own as a word but you can make new words from it by adding beginnings (prefixes) and endings (suffixes). For example, ‘comfort’ is a root word.

Simply so What is the synonym and antonym of misfortune? an unfortunate state resulting from unfavorable outcomes. Antonyms: good fortune, luckiness, good luck. Synonyms: mishap, tough luck, ill luck, mischance, bad luck.

What is the word meaning of misfortune? Definition of misfortune

1a : an event or conjunction of events that causes an unfortunate or distressing result : bad luck by misfortune he fell into bad company had the misfortune to break his leg. b : an unhappy situation always ready to help people in misfortune.

also Which is an example of a misfortune? Bad luck; ill fortune; trouble; adversity. … Misfortune is bad luck or a distressing occurrence. When a disaster strikes and causes you to suffer loss, this is an example of misfortune. When you get a divorce and are lonely and broke, these are examples of misfortunes.

What does it mean to be misled?

Definition of mislead

: to lead in a wrong direction or into a mistaken action or belief often by deliberate deceit His comments were a deliberate attempt to mislead the public. intransitive verb. : to lead astray : give a wrong impression exciting as they are, they mislead— E. M. Forster.

Is unfortunate and misfortune the same thing? As nouns the difference between misfortune and unfortunate

is that misfortune is (uncountable) bad luck while unfortunate is an unlucky person.

What is the meaning discontinue?

Definition of discontinue

transitive verb. 1 : to break the continuity of : cease to operate, administer, use, produce, or take. 2 : to abandon or terminate by a legal discontinuance.

What is the suffix for misfortune? Prefixes & Suffixes

macro- large macrocosm, macrofossil
micro- small microscope, microchip, microwave, microbe
min- small, less minimum, minimal, minority, miniscule, miniature, minute (adj. extremely small)
mis- wrong, bad, lack of misbehave, mistake, misfortune, mispronounce, misinterpret, misjudge, mismanage, miscalculate

• Aug 5, 2015

What is the difference between misfortunate and unfortunate?

Unfortunate = not favoured by fortune, unsuitable or regrettable. Misfortunate = deserving or inciting pity; pitiable.

Is misfortunate a word? adjective. Especially of a person: unfortunate.

How do you use the word misfortune?

1, I’m sorry about your misfortune. 2, They commiserated the misfortune of their teacher. 3, She had the misfortune to break her leg. 4, The old woman repined at her misfortune.

What is the suffix of misfortune?

Un (not) Dis Mis
Unhappy Disrespect Mistake
Unhealthy Disagree Miscount
Undress Distress Misfortune
Untidy Disable Misconceive

What do you call someone who is mislead?

deceitful Add to list Share. … Then you’re deceitful — someone who’s untrustworthy, two-faced, or fraudulent. Being called deceitful is not a compliment: deceitful words are misleading and deceitful people tend to lie or deceive others.

What is an antonym for misled?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for misled. correct, right.

What is a antonym for mislead? Antonyms. understate undeceive deceive overstate weaken right back.

Is there such a word as misfortunate? adjective. Especially of a person: unfortunate.

Is Disfortunate a word?

Disfortune has no English definition. It may be misspelled.

What’s the definition of misfortunate? Definition of misfortunate

: unfortunate not so … holy that I can look down on a misfortunate girl— Joseph Hergesheimer.

What is the synonym of discontinue?

Some common synonyms of discontinue are cease, desist, quit, and stop. While all these words mean “to suspend or cause to suspend activity,” discontinue applies to the stopping of an accustomed activity or practice.

What does pulled the plug mean? phrase. If someone in a position of power pulls the plug on a project or on someone’s activities, they use their power to stop them from continuing. The banks have the power to pull the plug on the project.

Is misread one word?

verb (used with or without object), mis·read [mis-red], mis·read·ing [mis-ree-ding]. to read wrongly. to misunderstand or misinterpret.

Is mislead a prefix? The prefix mis means wrong or bad. … The prefix mis means wrong or bad. The word mislead means to try to make someone believe something that is not true. It is like telling a lie.

What is a great and sudden misfortune?

A disaster is defined as a “sudden or great misfortune” or simply “any unfortunate event.” More precisely, a disaster is “an event whose timing is unexpected and whose consequences are seriously destructive.” These definitions identify an event that includes three elements: Suddenness.

Is Unfair a prefix or suffix? The prefix un means not, reverse action, deprive of, release from. For example, unable or unfair.

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