What is the purpose of WWW?


The World Wide Web, or Internet, was created to provide an information highway to any person that is looking for specific pieces of information. It was created to help bring many people together and to provide information as well as entertainment to the people who choose to use it.

Cela dit, What are the negative impacts of Internet on society?

Examples include major breaches of privacy and security, the proliferation of fake news, harmful actions such as cyberbullying, revenge porn, sextortion, internet predation and internet addiction, as well as the negative effects of the internet on social relationships and social cohesion.

de plus, What is www and its function?

Www stands for World Wide Web. It is used before any website to search for the website on the internet Or web. We can access any information like images, documents etc from the Web by using www. … These resources are identified by their URL, linked via hyperlinks and can be accessed through Web browser and internet.

mais What is the importance of World Wide Web in education? The World Wide Web is a great aid in the learning process, but using it comes with responsibility. The Keyboarding Without Tears curriculum also includes lessons on Digital Citizenship which teaches students how to conduct themselves online and remain safe while surfing the web.

et What is www and its features?

The Web gives users access to a vast array of documents that are connected to each other by means of hypertext or hypermedia links—i.e., hyperlinks, electronic connections that link related pieces of information in order to allow a user easy access to them. …

What are the positive and negative effects of internet?

The positive impacts of the internet include the following:

  • It provides effective communication using emailing and instant messaging services to any part of the world.
  • It improves business interactions and transactions, saving on vital time.
  • Banking and shopping online have made life less complicated.

What are the negative effects of Google?

This includes decreased attention spans, increased anxiety, lower performance on cognitive tasks, and diminishing social skills. However, the Google effect is only new in its digital form, but our tendency to not remember information that we know we can access elsewhere is not a novel phenomenon.

What are the negative effects of internet on students?

The research found a negative relationship between internet addiction and motivation to study. Students reporting more internet addiction also found it harder to organise their learning productively and were more anxious about their upcoming tests.

How does World Wide Web works?

The World Wide Web, commonly referred to as the Web, is a system of interlinked, hypertext documents accessed through the Internet. It enables the retrieval and display of text and media to your computer. … This system would allow individuals to link their documents together to create a web of interconnected documents.

What is the role of WWW in Internet?

The World Wide Web abbreviated as WWW or the Web. The Role of WWW as a Service on the Internet: … It is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed through the Internet.

What is difference between Internet and WWW?

Internet is a global network of networks. WWW stands for World wide Web. Internet is a means of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world. … WWW is more software-oriented as compared to the Internet.

What is the role of technology in education?

With the incorporation of technology into schools, the main purpose is to change how teachers and students gather, access, analyse, present and transmit information. This can democratize information in classrooms as well as help differentiate instruction, particularly for students with special needs.

What are the advantages of web based learning?

Advantages and disadvantages of web based learning

  • Ability to link resources in many different formats.
  • Can be an efficient way of delivering course materials.
  • Resources can be made available from any location and at any time.
  • Potential for widening access—for example, to part time, mature, or work based students.

What are the benefits of blended learning?

But, as blended learning becomes more commonplace in educational institutions, the benefits are becoming more obvious – making the adoption rate higher.

  • Track and improve engagement.
  • Enhance communication.
  • Enables edtech.
  • Personalization.
  • Reduces cost.
  • Peer support.
  • Easy access and flexibility.
  • Enhanced retention.

What are the four features of WWW?


  • Hyper Text Information Systems.
  • Cross Platform.
  • Open Standard and Open Sources.
  • Provides a single interface to many sources.

What is difference between WWW and Internet?

The world wide web, or web for short, are the pages you see when you’re at a device and you’re online. But the internet is the network of connected computers that the web works on, as well as what emails and files travel across. … The world wide web contains the things you see on the roads like houses and shops.

What are the negative effects of technology on health?

Social media and mobile devices may lead to psychological and physical issues, such as eyestrain and difficulty focusing on important tasks. They may also contribute to more serious health conditions, such as depression. The overuse of technology may have a more significant impact on developing children and teenagers.

What is the biggest impact of Internet?

For instance, media often report that intense use of the Internet increases the risk of isolation, alienation, and withdrawal from society, but available evidence shows that the Internet neither isolates people nor reduces their sociability; it actually increases sociability, civic engagement, and the intensity of …

What are the positive effects of technology in education?

Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students

  • Change in Student and Teacher Roles.
  • Increased Motivation and Self Esteem.
  • Technical Skills.
  • Accomplishment of More Complex Tasks.
  • More Collaboration with Peers.
  • Increased Use of Outside Resources.
  • Improved Design Skills/Attention to Audience.

Is Google bad for your brain?

But the ability to find answers on search engines like Google is also killing our memories, a recent report (pdf) by cybersecurity firm Kaspersky Lab shows. … Our reliance on technology is damaging our ability to remember boilerplate information from our daily lives, the report found.

What is the disadvantage of Gmail?

What is the disadvantage of Gmail? Storage. Keeping all your emails stored on the Web offers you easy access from multiple devices — but if you lose your Internet connection or Gmail suffers downtime, you can be left without access to your messages. Targeted Advertising.

How does Google affect our brain?

But while it’s certainly convenient to have the sum of all knowledge at our fingertips, studies show that the “Google effect” is changing the way we think. … So the more we use Google, the less likely we are to retain what we see. Our brains use information stored in the long-term memory to facilitate critical thinking.

Editors. 21

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