What is the phrase decir que?


Decir que reports a piece of information that someone else said. So one has to go back to that piece of information, to the actual words of a speaker.

How would you change Creer for you? Creer is a Spanish verb meaning to believe. Creer is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense. Creer appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 16th most used irregular verb.

Creer Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo creí
él/ella creyó
ns. creímos
vs. creísteis

Likewise What is the past participle of Creer?

The Past Participle of the Spanish verb creer

Past Participle
creído believed

What are the forms of the verb Creer to believe in the preterite tense of 3rd singular & 3rd plural? Creer preterite conjugations:

  • Yo creí
  • Tú creíste.
  • Él, ella, usted creyó
  • Nosotros, nosotras creímos.
  • Vosotros, vosotras creísteis.
  • Ellos, ellas, Ustedes creyeron.

Which of the following words means sportswoman in Spanish?

[ˈspɔːtswʊmən ] nounWord forms: plural sportswomen. deportista f.

Which of the following words means journalist in Spanish? [ˈdʒɜːnəlɪst ] periodista mf ⧫ reportero (reportera) m/f (Latin America)

Which of the following means lazy in Spanish?

1. (= idle) perezoso ⧫ vago. to feel lazy tener pereza ⧫ tener flojera (esp Latin America) (inf)

Who is a liner in journalism? The Liner:

The liner is not a full time journalist. From time to time he may send news stories to the newspaper. He is paid on the basis of the lines of the news stories published in the newspaper. He is only a part time journalist whereas he regularly pursues some other profession.

What does Reporter mean in Spanish?

journalist, reporter, newspaperman, columnist, pressman.

What is a news anchor in Spanish? Spanish Translation. presentador de noticias.

Does Vago mean lazy?

lazy | Translation of VAGO into English by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of VAGO in Spanish.

What is Baga in Spanish? Spanish term or phrase: baga. English translation: sling.

What is the opposite of lazy in Spanish?

trabajador(ora) hard-working. adjective. trabajador. Translate opposite of lazy using machine translators.

Who writes magazines? A columnist is a person who writes for publication in a series, creating an article that usually offers commentary and opinions. Columns appear in newspapers, magazines and other publications, including blogs.


Fields of employment Mass media newspaper magazine broadcasting
Related jobs Editor reporter writer

What is a stringer reporter?

In journalism, a stringer is a freelance journalist, photographer, or videographer who contributes reports, photos, or videos to a news organization on an ongoing basis but is paid individually for each piece of published or broadcast work. … The term is typically confined to news industry jargon.

What are the 7 types of journalism? Different Types of Journalism

  • Investigative. Investigative journalism aims to uncover the truth about a particular subject, person, or event. …
  • News. News journalism is straightforward. …
  • Reviews. Reviews are partly opinion and partly fact based. …
  • Columns. …
  • Feature Writing.

What does Bobo mean in Philippines?

It means “dumb” or “stupid” in Spanish. [1] Philippines used to be a long-time Spanish colony, so Filipinos learned to speak Spanish a bit and incorporate many of its words into their own tongue and passed it onto their generations. The word is included.

What does Bo Bo mean in Chinese? Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary

Search with English, Pinyin, or Chinese characters. 伯伯 bó bo. father’s elder brother uncle.

Is Bobo Spanish?

adjective. stupid [adjective] foolish; slow at understanding.

Does Baga mean lazy in Spanish? The word “vaga” sounds the same as “baga” and could conceivably be misspelled as such. If this is the case, it would mean that the person is calling you “lazy.”

How do you spell Travieso?

travieso (niño):

travieso (-a) mischievous.

How do you say lazy in Mexico? While flojo is the most common word for lazy, and huevón/güevón is a vulgar option, most Mexicans would know perezoso as a formal option.

What does Vega mean in Spanish?

Vega (pronounced [ˈbeɣa]) is a Spanish surname than means “dweller in the meadow“, or “one who lives on the plain”. Other versions of the surname Vega are Vegas or Vegaz.

What is the opposite of serio? There are several opposites of serio. The most frequent are informal, desenfadado and alegre.

What is the opposite of Tonto?

tonto = foolish. sabio = wise. updated OCT 22, 2009.

What is the opposite of Grande?

Grande means ‘big,’ and its opposite word in Spanish is pequeño (pronounced: peh-KEH-nyoh), which means ‘small’ or ‘little.

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