What is the example of conventional ways?


Conventional is defined as someone or something widely accepted, or something related to a convention. An example of conventional is a bride wearing white on her wedding day. An example of conventional is the use of pesticides when growing fruits and vegetables.

Simply so What does I am attached to conventional ways mean? someone who is conventional follows the usual and accepted opinions and ways of behaving, especially without questioning them.

What are two different meaning for convention? 1 : an agreement between nations for regulation of matters affecting all of them. 2 : an agreement enforceable in law : contract. 3 : an assembly of persons met for a common purpose especially : a meeting of the delegates of a political party for the purpose of formulating a platform and selecting candidates for office.

also What are non conventional methods? Nonconventional farming refers to methodologies which use different approaches, from hydroponics to vertical agriculture and urban farming, agroecology, permaculture, and organic production, among others.

Is a convention the same as a conference?

What is the difference between a convention and a conference? Conferences are mostly focused on exchanging information and education. Conventions are typically based around membership (either official or unofficial), and are used to set agendas for the coming year or to discuss issues of interest.

What is the synonyms of conventional? 1′the conventional wisdom of the day‘ orthodox, traditional, established, accepted, received, mainstream, prevailing, prevalent, accustomed, customary. unorthodox.

What does convention mean in government?

In the United States, a political convention usually refers to a presidential nominating convention, but it can also refer to state, county, or congressional district nominating conventions in which candidates are nominated, delegates to larger regional or national conventions are elected and the party platform is …

What is not conventional? Definition of nonconventional

: not conventional : not conforming to convention, custom, tradition, or usual practice : unconventional nonconventional teaching methods nonconventional energy sources Ten years ago, the alternative press was hard to find but easy to define.

What is conventional and non-conventional?

The conventional sources of energy are non renewable by any natural process and Non-conventional sources of energy that are continuously recycled by Natural processes. These sources are also known as alternative energy sources. Non-conventional sources of energy are alternatives to fossil fuels.

What’s the difference between unconventional and non-conventional? As adjectives the difference between unconventional and nonconventional. is that unconventional is not adhering to convention or accepted standards while nonconventional is not conventional.

What are the three types of conventions?

Different types of conventions include form conventions, story conventions and genre conventions.

What is the purpose of convention? A convention, in the sense of a meeting, is a gathering of individuals who meet at an arranged place and time in order to discuss or engage in some common interest. The most common conventions are based upon industry, profession, and fandom.

What are the major differences between a meetings and conventions?

There are no concrete rules about what a meeting is and what a conference is but the main difference between the two will normally be the number of people attending. Conferences are also usually more formal while meetings can be informal.

What are conventional ways of thinking?

Conventional thinking is the usual way of thinking and doing things in your organisation and in your industry; in your family and your community; in your society and your culture. Conventional thinking tends to lead to conforming to cultural norms in behaviour and thinking.

What is the synonym of methods? method

  • approach,
  • fashion,
  • form,
  • how,
  • manner,
  • methodology,
  • recipe,
  • strategy,

What is the difference between traditional and conventional? Traditional refers to being part of a long established tradition whereas conventional refers to what is socially acceptable.

What is the main purpose of convention?

A convention, in the sense of a meeting, is a gathering of individuals who meet at an arranged place and time in order to discuss or engage in some common interest. The most common conventions are based upon industry, profession, and fandom.

What does realignment mean in politics? Realignment means the switching of voter preference from one party to another, in contrast to dealignment (where a voter group abandons a party to become independent or nonvoting).

What is a local convention?

The local convention is the result of a systematic. process of negotiations among stakeholders who have a differing and sometimes conflicting interests. Beyond farming and herding, interests include activities such as gold mining, access to water for consumption and production, and infrastructure such as dams.

What is eccentric person? 1 : a person who behaves in odd or unusual ways : an eccentric person. 2 : a mechanical device consisting of an eccentric (see eccentric entry 1 sense 2b) disk communicating its motion to a rod so as to produce reciprocating motion.

Why is a term conventional?

conventional Add to list Share. Conventional is an adjective for things that are normal, ordinary, and following the accepted way. Ho-hum. This word describes what is typical and ordinary and that which follows accepted standards of behavior or taste.

What does it mean to be unimaginative? Definition of unimaginative

: having or showing a lack of imagination or originality : not imaginative unimaginative people an unimaginative menu a predictable and unimaginative plot. Other Words from unimaginative More Example Sentences Learn More About unimaginative.

What is non-conventional resource?

Renewable energy sources also called non-conventional energy, are sources that are continu- ously replenished by natural processes. For example, solar energy, wind energy, bio-energy – bio-fuels grown sustain ably), hydropower etc., are some of the examples of renewable energy.

What is conventional resource? Conventional sources of energy can be described as non-renewable sources of energy which have been used since a long time.Conventional sources of energy are used extensively by mankind and the magnitude of usage is so high that the reserves have got depleted to a great extent. Example: Coal, petroleum, natural gas.

What is the difference between conventional and non-conventional machining process?

Conventional machining process involves the direct contact of tool and work piece, whereas unconventional machining does not require the direct contact of tool and work piece. Conventional machining process has lower accuracy and surface finish while non-conventional machining has higher accuracy and surface finish.

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