What is the English for comer?



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• comer eat ↔ manger

Simply so Is it el or la papa? 8 Answers. yes, el papá is father la papa is potato. Also, el Papa is the pope!

What is another word for comer? In this page you can discover 10 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for comer, like: arriver, arrival, visitor, rising star, up-and-comer, enter, ability, ager, rallier and yorkers.

also Is Comer a valid Scrabble word? Yes, comer is in the scrabble dictionary.

What does the Spanish word escribir mean in English?

write, (to) write, writing.

What does Papas stand for? PAPAS

Acronym Definition
PAPAS Pan Asia Pacific Aviation Services Ltd. (est. 1998; Lantau, Hong Kong)
PAPAS Partnership of Parents and Schools (Spain)
PAPAS Pin and Pellet Assay System
PAPAS Pennsylvania Association of Private Academic Schools, Inc.

Why are potatoes called papas?

Elsewhere (and in Spain before this evolution of “patata”), the most common word for “potato” has been “papa,” borrowed from the Quechua “papa.” This makes sense as POTATOES COME FROM PERU. Pre-Colombian Incan Potato Varieties.

Is potato in Spanish masculine? Según la receta, necesitamos tres libras de patatas para la sopa. potato crisp See culture box in entry potato.


sweet potato el boniato
baked potato la papa al horno
couch potato el mueble el teleadicto
potato salad la ensalada de papas
potato soup la sopa de papas

What do you call an up and comer?

up-and-comer. upstart. wheeler and dealer. whip.

What is another word for comer in Spanish? comer → delantero, puntera, delantera, puntero, contendiente. come → correrse, venirse, venir. come → venir, dictar sentencia, fallar, originarse, proceder.

What is a comer used for?

You can use comers to refer to people who arrive at a particular place. I arrived at the church at two-thirty p.m. to find some early comers outside the main door.

What is the tu form of escribir? Escribir Conjugation: Preterite Tense

yo escribí
él/ella escribió
nosotros/as escribimos
vosotros/as escribisteis

How do you say se escribe?

What is escribe in English?

escribe. / (ɪˈskraɪb) / verb. (tr) to draw (a circle) so that it is tangential to one side of a triangle and to the other two sides produced.

Does papa mean Daddy? Dad, daddy, father; a familiar or old-fashioned term of address to one’s father. Etymology: Circa 17th century, from papa, probably originally imitative of a child’s early efforts at vocalization. … Etymology: Circa 17th century, from papa, probably originally imitative of a child’s early efforts at vocalization.

What language is papa? (The English word “papa” is said to come from ancient Greek “pápas” via French in the 17th century.) Although “bàba” appeared early in written Chinese, it wasn’t widely embraced in speech until much later, with a few exceptions in regional dialects.

What is another word for papa?

In this page you can discover 15 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for papa, like: daddy, dad, pappy, pappa, dada, pop, male parent, father, p.a., mama and mamma.

Is Pappas a Spanish name? Pappas or Papas (Greek: Παππάς, Παπάς) is a Greek surname, which means “priest” (occupational surname). In the United States, it is often a shortened form of a longer surname like Papadopoulos or Papageorgiou.

How do you say potato in Argentina?

Both mean potato. In most of Spain it is “patata”, in Andalucía, the Canary Islands and all of Spanish-speaking Latin America, is “papa”. Sweet potato is “batata” in Spain and Argentina, “boniato” in Uruguay and “camote” in most other places.

How do you say potato in Venezuela? Papas. The most common way of saying potatoes in Spain is patatas except for in the southern region of Andalusia where they are called papas, as in most of Latin America.

How do you say corn in Mexico?

So, here are five words in Spanish for corn: mazorca, elote, choclo, jojoto and marlo.

How do you say potato in Russian?

How do you speak potato?

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