What is the difference between alguien and Alguno?


Alguno refers to a masculine noun, and alguna refers to a feminine noun. Both can be used to refer to a person or anything else. The difference now is that alguien is used when referring a person wihout adding any further information about grammatical number or gender.

How do you conjugate Burlarse? Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb burlarse in Present tense.

Mode: Indicative.

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo me burlo
Tu te burlas
El/Ella se burla
Nosotros nos burlamos

Likewise What is the difference between ningun and ninguno?

Just as it happens with algún and alguno, the difference between ningún and ninguno is that ningún is an adjective and ninguno is a pronoun. The same rule applies here: Ningún needs to be followed by a noun, while ninguno does its job by itself and does not accept any: No tengo ningún amigo español.

What is the difference between nadie and ninguno? — ]Note that when nadie follows a verb, the part of the sentence preceding the verb typically is also put in negative form, making a double negative. ninguno, ninguna — none, nobody, no one — Ninguna de ellas va al parque. (None of them are going to the park.)

What is the opposite of algunos?

opposite de enfrente contrario
of de
algunos no direct translation

What is seguir in the yo form? Seguir is a Spanish irregular verb meaning to follow. Seguir appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Verbs Poster as the 20th most used irregular verb.

Seguir Conjugation: Present Tense.

yo sigo
él/ella sigue
ns. seguimos
vs. seguís

What is the difference between cualquiera and cualquier?

Cualquier is an adjective and it always comes before a noun. It basically means any. Imp: It doesn’t change with the gender of a noun, so if you have a feminine noun like falda, it’s still cualquier. That’s because cualquiera has a different meaning which we will look at now.

Can ninguna be plural? Ninguno and ninguna are used almost exclusively as singular words, but they can be translated to English using either singular or plural forms.

How do you use ningun in Spanish?

When Should I Shorten Spanish Words? Some Spanish adjectives are shortened when they come before a noun. For example, the adjective ninguno/a (no/none), when used before a masculine noun, turns into ningún. The apocope depends on the gender and plurality of a given word.

How do you use ninguna? When Should I Shorten Spanish Words? Some Spanish adjectives are shortened when they come before a noun. For example, the adjective ninguno/a (no/none), when used before a masculine noun, turns into ningún.

How do you use Nadie?

When nadie follows the verb of a sentence, typically it is used as part of a double negative. Because standard English does not use double negatives, nadie is sometimes translated into English as “anybody” or “anyone” in such sentences. For example, “No conozco a nadie” translates to, “I don’t know anybody.”

What is the difference between por and para in Spanish? Por is for reason, para is for purpose

For example: Estudio español por mi trabajo. I’m studying Spanish because of my job. Use para to describe the purpose behind doing something.

What is opposite of Nada in Spanish?

Opposite of a very small amount or virtually nothing. all. everything. each thing. the lot.

What is the opposite of NI? – The metallic element with symbol Ni and atomic number 28. – A five-cent coin. There are no categorical antonyms for this word. However, one could loosely use dissimilar chemical elements as antonyms, e.g., carbon, fluorine, etc.

Whats the opposite of Nada in Spanish?

What is the opposite of Nada? Nadie. What is the opposite of Alguien? Alguien.

Why is seguir irregular? Seguir is a Spanish verb meaning to follow. Seguir is conjugated as an irregular verb in the preterite tense. Seguir appears on the 100 Most Used Spanish Preterite Tense Verbs Poster as the 19th most used irregular verb.

Seguir Conjugation: Preterite Tense.

yo seguí
él/ella siguió
ns. seguimos
vs. seguisteis

How do you conjugate OIR?

Oír is a highly irregular verb, so pay attention to its spelling in every form. Notice that the i becomes y in some forms. Also note that oír conjugation often involves the use of an accent.

Present simple.

Yo oigo
Él, ella, usted oye
Nosotros oímos
Ellos, ellas, ustedes oyen

Jan 27, 2021

What is the present progressive of seguir? Mode: Indicative

Personal Pronoun Conjugation
Yo estoy siguiendo
Tu estás siguiendo
El/Ella está siguiendo
Nosotros estamos siguiendo

Is cualquier masculine or feminine?

Cualquier is used before a singular noun, and never agrees in gender.

Why does ninguno become ningun? 1 Answer. ninguno would become ningún when used as an adjective before a masculine, sinular noun. Otherwise it is ninguna(s) or ningunos. It occasionally follows a singular, masculine noun as an adjective.

When we refer to a noun’s we mean singular or plural?

The easiest way to tell if a noun is a singular noun or a plural noun is to look at how much of something it is referring to. If it is only referring to one person or thing, it is a singular noun. If it is referring to more than one person or thing, it is a plural noun.

How do you use nada in Spanish in a sentence? Here are a few examples of sentences and how to translate them:

  1. No sabemos nada de él. (We do not know anything about him.)
  2. No me gusta nada. (I don’t like anything.)
  3. ¿Por qué no tenemos nada? (Why don’t we have anything?)

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