What is Noventa y tres?


Dictionary. noventa y tres numeral. ninety-three (cardinal) ninety-third (ordinal)

What number is Cien? Spanish for 100: Cien or Ciento? The number 100 can be translated into Spanish as either cien or ciento.

Likewise What is Cincuenta y cuatro?

Wiktionary. cincuenta y cuatro. numeral. Done. Your free, fast, and simple translation dictionary Copyright © 2000-2022 Interglot ®

What number is Trescientos Noventa y tres?

mil thousand
trescientos three hundred
noventa ninety
y and
tres three

Which days of the week get accents in Spanish?

What happens to Cien after getting past 100? Ciento (100) becomes cien before nouns of either gender and before the numbers mil and millones. Before all other numbers, you use ciento. … When a noun follows millón, you put the preposition de between millón and the noun.

What are the numbers 1 to 10 in Spanish?

In this lesson, we learned the vocabulary and pronunciation for the numbers 1-10 in Spanish: uno (ooh-no), dos (dohs), tres (trays), cuatro (kwah-troh), cinco (seen-koh), seis (says), siete (syay-tay), ocho (oh-choh), nueve (nway-vay), diez (dyays).

What number is cinco? Spanish numbers 1-10

Numeral In Spanish Pronunciation
5 cinco seen-coh
6 seis say-es
7 siete see-eh-teh
8 ocho oh-choh

What is setenta y Ocho?

setenta y ocho | Translation of SEVENTY-EIGHT into Spanish by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of. Site language.

What does Sesenta y Ocho? Sentence Translation

sesenta sesenta sixty y y and’n ocho ocho 8eightviii.

Are the months in Spanish masculine or feminine?

Months of the year in Spanish are always masculine. Read and listen to these examples: El mes de febrero es corto. February is a short month.

Is it El or La Martes? “on Monday” in Spanish can’t be translated verbatim – for example, “I will pay you a visit on Monday” translates to “te haré una visita el lunes” in Spanish.

The days of the week in Spanish.

English Spanish
Tuesday martes
Wednesday miércoles
Thursday jueves
Friday viernes

• Sep 23, 2019

What are the 12 months in Spanish?

Enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, junio, julio, agosto, septiembre, octubure, noviembre, diciembre.

What gender is jueves? Days of the week: el lunes → Monday. el jueves → Thursday.

What are the numbers 1 to 10 in Japanese?

Basic Japanese counting: 1 to 10 in Japanese

Nr. Sino-Japanese reading Native Japanese reading
8 はち (hachi) やっつ (yattsu)
9 く、きゅう (ku, kyuu) ここのつ (kokonotsu)
10 じゅう (juu) とう (tou)
0 れい、ゼロ、マル (rei, zero, maru)

• Nov 22, 2019

Are numbers feminine Spanish? In Spanish, numbers are masculine nouns, so they are combined with the article el (‘the’). When talking about specific numbers, we can say el…

What comes after dieciseis?

The four numbers on this list that have accent marks are: dieciséis, veintidós, veintitrés, and veintiséis. Notice: Numbers 0-30 are all only one word long. After 30, use the word y to add value.

How do you count in Spanish to 20?

How do you count in tens?

How do you count to ten in Mexican?

How do you spell s in Spanish?

How do you spell Veinte? If you want to say the word for “20” in Spanish, you would say, “veinte”.

How do you count to 31 in Spanish?

29 – veintinueve. 30 – treinta. 31 – treinta y uno.

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