What is more powerful than love?


1. Devotion u2013 I am devoted to you. This goes beyond simply loving someone and shows that you are giving your all to this person. It suggests a long-term feeling and shows that you’re invested in your relationship, whether it’s with a partner or family member u2013 or even friend.

Simply so What is a deeper word than love? deep affection, fondness, tenderness, warmth, intimacy, attachment, endearment. devotion, adoration, doting, idolization, worship. passion, ardour, desire, lust, yearning, infatuation, adulation, besottedness.

What is a strong word for love? 1 tenderness, fondness, predilection, warmth, passion, adoration. 2 liking, inclination, regard, friendliness. 15 like. 16 adore, adulate, worship.

also What is the strongest form of love? Agape u2014 Selfless Love. Agape is the highest level of love to offer. It’s given without any expectations of receiving anything in return. Offering Agape is a decision to spread love in any circumstances u2014 including destructive situations.

What are the 3 words better than I love you?

Phrases that should be as important to us as a declaration of love.

  • “I forgive you.” I forgive you for all the things have done, or will do, that may hurt me. …
  • “I’ll sacrifice for you.” I’ll sacrifice my time for you. …
  • “I respect you.” I respect you for who you are, and not for what I feel you deserve.

What is the deepest form of love? Deep love is seeing someone at their most vulnerable, often lowest point, and reaching out your hand to help them get back up. Because deep love is selfless. It’s realizing there’s someone out there that you don’t think twice about caring for. Caring for them is as involuntary as breathing.

What are the five magic words?

Here are the five essential magic words for kids to learn:

  • Thank You. Thank you is the word they need to say to express gratitude towards generosity and any help they received from others unsolicited or not. …
  • Sorry. …
  • Excuse Me. …
  • May I. …
  • Please.

What are the 3 golden words? Please, sorry and thank you are known as the Golden Words. Using these three words means you have good manners. Remember, everyone likes children who have good manners.

What word is stronger than hate?

What is the strongest word for hate? There are many words stronger than ‘hate’ Check the following list : loath, detest, disgust. abhor, abominate, despise. execrable, repulsive, nauseous, sickening, despicable.

What are the 7 stages of love? The seven stages are namely hub (attraction), uns (infatuation), ishq (love), akidat (trust/reverence), ibadat (worship), junoon (madness) followed by maut (death).

What are the 3 levels of love?

The 3 Stages of Love

  • Stage 1: Lust.
  • Stage 2: Attraction.
  • Stage 3: Attachment.

What are the 7 types of love? 7 Distinct Greek Words Describe Different Kinds of Love—Which Have You Experienced?

  1. Eros: romantic, passionate love. …
  2. Philia: intimate, authentic friendship. …
  3. Ludus: playful, flirtatious love. …
  4. Storge: unconditional, familial love. …
  5. Philautia: self-love. …
  6. Pragma: committed, companionate love. …
  7. Agápe: empathetic, universal love.

What is golden word?

Golden Words is a weekly humour publication produced by students at Queen’s University at Kingston in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. It claims to be the only humour weekly in Canada.

What are the four golden words?

We always try to teach the golden words to our children. The golden words of being polite: Thank you, Sorry, May I, Please, Excuse me.

What are the 10 magic words? Examples of traditional and modern magic words include:

  • Abracadabra – magic word used by magicians.
  • Ajji Majji la Tarajji – Iranian magic word (Persian).
  • Alakazam – a phrase used by magicians.
  • Hocus pocus – a phrase used by magicians.
  • Jantar Mantar Jadu Mantar – a phrase used by magicians in India.

What are the 3 magical words? The 3 Magic Words – “Please, Sorry and Thank You” The importance of these three magical words often goes undermined and unseen. We often do not use these words because we fail to understand its significance.

Why is please the magic word?

Please is a magic word because it can turn an order into a request. We can also use please to make and accept offers and invitations. We generally put ‘please’ at the end of requests, and at the start of invitations and offers.

What is magic words for kids? Magic words are simple words used while interacting with others that portray good manners and leaves everyone with a pleasant feeling, says parenting social media expert and parenting blogger, Adedayo Tosin Olufemi. It shows our sense of responsibility and tells even strangers that we are well-behaved and groomed.

Can you abhor a person?

To regard with horror or loathing; detest. The definition of abhor is to really hate something or someone.

What word is worse than despise? abhor Add to list Share. If you abhor something, it gives you a feeling of complete hatred. … Abhor is from Latin abhorrere — “to shrink back in horror.” It is the strongest way in English to express hatred, even stronger than loathe.

Is hate stronger than love?

However, few studies have been conducted on the relationship between love and hate. … If one loves someone deeply and sometimes hates that person, the feeling of love may still be dominant in the context of betrayal. However, if one does not love that person, hate will be a much stronger feeling than love.

Can you be madly in love forever? Being Madly in Love Can Last!

The results of the study indicate that the feeling of intense passion can last in long-term relationships. “We found many very clear similarities between those who were in love long-term and those who had just fallen madly in love,” says Aron.

Can a guy stop loving someone?

It is possible to stop loving someone. The love, as you feel it now, will change. Different people serve different purposes in your life. You can be grateful for the time you shared with this person and deeply care about them, then also move on romantically and stop loving them in the way you once did.

How do u know if your meant to be with someone? Here are 15 signs that indicate you’re meant to be together.

  1. You tell them things you don’t tell anyone else. …
  2. You let them see you in moments of weakness. …
  3. You respect them. …
  4. You want them to meet your parents. …
  5. You can imagine a future together. …
  6. You’re not afraid to disagree with each other.

Does true love exist?

Yes, true love exists, but it’s not nearly as common as people like to think it is. Love doesn’t always equal compatibility, nor does it mean that people are meant to stay together for a lifetime. I believe people can have more than one true love in their lifetime.

Can true love happen twice?

A few even feel that falling in love more than once is quite normal. … “Love can happen many times. If you fall in love and the person turns out to be the wrong one for you, you can’t force yourself to continue loving him, just because you believe that love only happens once.

Can we love 2 person at the same time? While many people revel in the idea of a single soul mate, it’s possible to feel love for two people at the same time. This can be confusing, especially if you are presently in a relationship. … Think about your love for each person, and your personal feelings regarding monogamy.

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