What is meant by banality explain with suitable example?


A banality is a trite, boring, or overused remark. That includes clichés like “life is short” and your basic small talk about the weather. … These expressions are clichéd and many people find them annoying. “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade” is one good example.

What is the example of entertain? Entertain is defined as to make hold the attention of someone and give them fun, to have someone over as a guest, or to think about something. An example of entertain is a clown making balloon animals at a child’s birthday party. An example of entertain is having friends over for a dinner party at your house.

Likewise What is the meaning of venality?

noun. the condition or quality of being venal; openness to bribery or corruption.

What does vague mean? 1a : not clearly expressed : stated in indefinite terms vague accusations. b : not having a precise meaning a vague term of abuse. 2a : not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct only a vague notion of what’s needed also : slight a vague hint of a thickening waistline hasn’t the vaguest idea.

What does obduracy mean?

1a : stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing an unrepentant, obdurate sinner. b : hardened in feelings The obdurate enemy was merciless. 2 : resistant to persuasion or softening influences obdurate in his determination remaining obdurate to her husband’s advances— Edith Wharton.

What are entertainment products? Name 4 entertainment products. 1.DVD 2.Music CDs 3.Video Games 4.TV show. Name 3 Edutainments. 1.Museums 2.Zoos 3.Theaters.

What is an example of Inform?

To give knowledge of something to; tell; acquaint with a fact, etc. … To inform is defined as to tell, give knowledge or information. An example of to inform is someone telling a friend what time they’ll arrive.

What is persuade example? The definition of persuade is to convince someone to do or think something. An example of persuade is when you make a strong argument for why your idea is right and your argument convinces your boss to implement your idea. … That salesman was able to persuade me into buying this bottle of lotion.

What is a mercenary person?

mercenary, hired professional soldier who fights for any state or nation without regard to political interests or issues. From the earliest days of organized warfare until the development of political standing armies in the mid-17th century, governments frequently supplemented their military forces with mercenaries.

What is the meaning of spoofer? Definition of spoofer

: one that spoofs: such as. a : deceiver a spoofer is inordinately insincere — Dalhart (Texas) Texan.

What is CA price?

Definition of caprice

1a : a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action policy changes that seem to be motivated by nothing more than caprice. b : a sudden usually unpredictable condition, change, or series of changes the caprices of the weather.

What is a vague example? The definition of vague is something unclear, hazy or uncertain. An example of vague would be directions to a house that don’t include street names. adjective. Not clearly expressed; stated in indefinite terms. adjective.

What is an example of a vague statement?

Examples of very vague terms: “Many,” (“A lot,” “Lots”) How many is many? There’s no precise cut-off. Some numbers clearly aren’t ‘many,’ some clearly are, but some numbers may or may not count as ‘many.

Is very vague? not clearly or explicitly stated or expressed: vague promises. indefinite or indistinct in nature or character, as ideas or feelings: a vague premonition of disaster.

What word is calculate?

transitive verb. 1a : to determine by mathematical processes calculate the rate of acceleration. b : to reckon by exercise of practical judgment : estimate calculate the likelihood of success. c : to solve or probe the meaning of : figure out trying to calculate his expression— Hugh MacLennan.

What is the difference between obstinate and obdurate? As adjectives the difference between obdurate and obstinate

is that obdurate is stubbornly persistent, generally in wrongdoing; refusing to reform or repent while obstinate is stubbornly adhering to an opinion, purpose, or course, usually with implied unreasonableness; persistent.

What are examples of entertainment products?

  • Movies. Movies are the easiest and most common form of entertainment that most people in the world consume. …
  • TV Shows. Just like movies, television is another type of entertainment that is easily available and comes in a wide array of choices. …
  • Books. …
  • Video Games. …
  • Open Mic Nights. …
  • Sporting Events. …
  • Comedy Clubs. …
  • Circus.

What is entertainment media? 1. Media that entertains people, like television and films. Learn more in: The Representation of Public Relations Profession and Public Relations Practitioners in the Context of Entertainment Culture in Turkish TV Series.

What are examples of entertainment industry?

10 Examples of the Entertainment Industry

  • Film. The motion picture industry that produces and distributes feature films and animation.
  • Music. The production and performance of music and related media such as music videos.
  • Media. …
  • Sports. …
  • Attractions. …
  • Museums. …
  • Cultural Events. …
  • Performance Art.

What is the three examples of inform? Examples of inform in a Sentence

The arresting officer failed to inform the suspect of his rights. He failed to inform the suspect that he had the right to remain silent. We haven’t yet been informed of her decision. Frequent reports from the battlefield kept the general informed about how the attack was progressing.

What is the example of instruct?

The definition of instruct is to teach something or to tell someone how to do something. When you teach a class, this is an example of a time when you instruct the students. When you tell someone the proper way to eat at a table, this is an example of a time when you instruct him in table manners.

What is the difference between inform and informed? As adjectives the difference between informed and inform

is that informed is instructed; having knowledge of a fact or area of education or informed can be (obsolete) unformed or ill-formed; deformed; shapeless while inform is without regular form; shapeless; ugly; deformed.

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