What is lateral and longitudinal stress?


i.e. when the length increase, the thickness decreases and vice-versa. In other words, we can say that the longitudinal strain is always accompanied by a transverse (lateral) strain. The ratio of transverse strain to the corresponding longitudinal strain is called Poisson’s ratio. It is denoted by letter ‘m’.

How do you calculate lateral stress? it is common to assume a K0 stress state, i.e. the lateral stress is the vertical stress multiplied by K0, where K0 is the earth pressure coefficient at rest. Jaky’s formula can be used to estimate K0 for normally consolidated soils: K0 = 1 – sin(phi), where phi is the friction angle.

Likewise What is lateral and axial strain?

u03b5t is the Lateral or Transverse Strain. u03b5l is the Longitudinal or Axial Strain. u03bd is the Poisson’s Ratio. The strain on its own is defined as the change in dimension (length, breadth, areau2026) divided by the original dimension.

What is the formula lateral strain? E = 2 G ( 1 + v ) a n d E = 3 K ( 1 u2212 2 v ) Poisson’s ratio v being defined as the ratio of lateral strain to longitudinal strain and bulk modulus K as the ratio of volumetric stress to volumetric strain.

What does longitudinal stress mean?

Longitudinal stress is defined as the stress produced when a pipe is subjected to internal pressure. The direction of the longitudinal stress in a pipe is parallel to the longitudinal axis of its centerline axis, which means that the stress acts in the direction of the pipe’s length.

What is longitudinal stress and strain? When stress (external force per unit area) is applied on the body such that this deforming force causes change in the length alone, and the body exceeds its elastic limit. This condition or strain so produced in the body is called the longitudinal strain. The unit of longitudinal strain is one. …

What is transverse stress?

The shear stress due to bending is often referred to as transverse shear. Like the normal stress there is a stress profile that is based off of the neutral axis of the particular cross-sectional area. This is due to the cross-sections width changing suddenly. …

What is circumferential stress and longitudinal stress? Circumferential stress is the stress acting along the circumferential direction, it is generally tensile in nature. Longitudinal stress is the stress which acts along the length and it is also tensile in nature whereas radial stress which acts in the direction of the radius is compressive in nature.

What is hoop stress and longitudinal stress?

Hoop stress is the stress that occurs along the pipe’s circumference when pressure is applied. … The hoop stress increases the pipe’s diameter, whereas the longitudinal stress increases with the pipe’s length. The hoop stress generated when a cylinder is under internal pressure is twice that of the longitudinal stress.

What is difference between longitudinal and lateral? Lateral – spanning the width of a body. The distinction between width and length may be unclear out of context. … Longitudinal – spanning the length of a body.

What is longitudinal stress class 11th?

Longitudinal stress is defined as restoring force per unit area when the force is applied to the cross-sectional area of the cylindrical body. … After it gets stretched its length increases by ΔL due to the stress. As there is change in the length therefore this type of stress is known as longitudinal stress.

What is a bearing stress? The stresses developed when two elastic bodies are forced together are termed bearing stresses. They are localized on the surface of the material and may be very high due to the small areas in contact.

What is bending stress?

Bending stress is the normal stress that an object encounters when it is subjected to a large load at a particular point that causes the object to bend and become fatigued. Bending stress occurs when operating industrial equipment and in concrete and metallic structures when they are subjected to a tensile load.

What does von Mises stress represent? The von Mises stress (σVM) represents the equivalent stress state of the material before the distortional energy reaches its yielding point. Note that the von Mises stress only considers distortion energy (change in shape) and not dilatational energy (change in volume).

What is meridional stress?

Meridional refers to the direction along the axis of a solid of revolution, i.e., in the longitudinal direction. Meridional stresses are also called longi- tudinal stresses. Radial refers to the direction across the wall thickness along the radius of curvature.

Which stress is half the circumferential stress? Explanation: Longitudinal stress is developed along the walls of the cylinder in the shell due to internal fluid pressure on the ends. The longitudinal stress is half the circumferential stress.

What is circumferential moment?

Circumferential moment = W/16 [ R^2 (3+u)-r^2 (1+3u)] At centre r=0 and Poisson’s ratio (u) = 0.2-0.25 for concrete which is very small. So, the moment becomes; M= W/16 [R^2 (3+0)], = 3WR^2/16.

What is radial and hoop stress? circumferential stress, or hoop stress, a normal stress in the tangential (azimuth) direction. … radial stress, a normal stress in directions coplanar with but perpendicular to the symmetry axis.

What is radial stress in thin cylinder?

Radial stress is the third—this is the stress “through the radius”—going “outwards from center”. For most pressure vessels, the wall is fairly thin and thus the radial stress is quite modest. But the radial stress is the stress “through the thickness” of the wall.

What is the difference between lateral and transverse? As adjectives the difference between lateral and transverse

is that lateral is to the side; of or pertaining to the side while transverse is situated or lying across; side to side, relative to some defined “forward” direction.

What is longitudinal and transverse?

Transverse waves cause the medium to move perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Longitudinal waves cause the medium to move parallel to the direction of the wave.

Which way is longitudinal? Longitudinal waves are waves in which the motion of the individual particles of the medium is in a direction that is parallel to the direction of energy transport.

What is tensile stress in physics?

Tensile stress (σ) is the resistance of an object to a force that could tear it apart. … Tensile stress can be defined as the magnitude of force applied along an elastic rod, which is divided by the cross-sectional area of the rod in a direction perpendicular to the applied force.

What is SI unit of stress? Stress is defined as force per unit area. ∴stress(P)−AF. ∴ its SI unit= N/m2.

What is stress definition SOM?

Stress is the a measure of what the material feels from externally applied forces. It is simply a ratio of the external forces to the cross sectional area of the material.

What is axial stress?

A stress that tends to change the length of a body. ♦ Compressive stress is axial stress that tends to cause a body to become shorter along the direction of applied force. Tensile stress is axial stress that tends to cause a body to become longer along the direction of applied force.

Are bolts better in tension or shear? Bolt tension during assembly is less important, as long as the fastener is retained in the assembly. … Shear forces must overpower clamp load friction, which is usually greater than the shear strength of the fastener.

What is the difference between simple stress and bearing stress?

A normal stress will occur when a member is placed in tension or compression. Examples of members experiencing pure normal forces would include columns, collar ties, etc. Bearing stress is the contact pressure between the separate bodies.

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