What is intensive example?


In general linguistics, an intensive pronoun (or self-intensifier) is a form that adds emphasis to a statement; for example, “I did it myself.” While English intensive pronouns (e.g., myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves) use the same form as reflexive pronouns, an intensive pronoun is …

What is intensive period? involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time: June and July are a period of intensive activity for our company.

Likewise How do you use intensive?

Intensive pronouns are used to add emphasis to the subject or antecedent of the sentence. You’ll usually find the intensive pronoun right after the noun or pronoun it’s modifying, but not necessarily. The intensive/reflexive pronouns include myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves.

What is intensive study? By intensive study we do not mean original work in the sense in which the word “original” is used in advanced college classes; we mean simply the careful and somewhat prolonged study of a short period. The shorter the period and the longer the time devoted to it the more intensive the study will be.

What is intensive and reflexive?

Reflexive and intensive pronouns are similar. While they resemble one another, they play different roles in sentences. … A reflexive pronoun reflects back on the subject of the sentence while an intensive pronoun adds emphasis or intensity to a noun.

What is Sloan intensive period? Sloan Intensive Period (SIP) is an integrated part of a student’s experience at Sloan. … SIP is purposefully different from normal coursework; students switch gears, take a deep dive into specific topics for a short period of time, and try out new practical skills.

What is intensive listening?

Intensive listening focuses primarily on brief listening exercises. While they usually only take a few minutes, they offer focused, intense practice. … When you do intensive listening practice, you’re paying most attention to pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary, rather than overall meaning.

How do you use extensive in a sentence? Extensive Sentence Examples

  1. The hospital was much more extensive than I expected.
  2. I didn’t know he had such an extensive library.
  3. Extensive coal mines are in the vicinity, and there are manufactures of iron and steel, mill machinery, door and sash factories, etc., as well as several shipbuilding yards.

What is reflexive pronoun give 10 examples?

Examples of Reflexive Pronoun

  • I don’t need your help while I can do it myself.
  • I cut myself when I was shaving.
  • She blames herself for that incident.
  • Don’t hurt yourself by playing carelessly.
  • We have enjoyed ourselves.
  • You boys should make it yourselves.
  • Don’t blame yourself for this.

What is incidental study? Incidental Study is study that is secondary to an Exchange Visitor’s (EV’s) primary objective. … Although they are in a status designed for a purpose other than study, if authorized, they can engage in study that is incidental (secondary) to their program objective.

What does extensive study mean?

1 having a large extent, area, scope, degree, etc.; vast.

What is extensive training? Intensive training is any activity that will require at least 24 hours to recover from, while extensive training is activity that you can do everyday because it requires little to no recovery. This is all relative to the athlete, depending on their age and the level that they are at.

Which sentence uses an intensive pronoun?

He himself built that house. Sheila approved the purchase herself. We went to listen to President Obama himself speak. The protest was so crazy, she herself stood up before the crowd to take a stand.

What kind of pronoun is yourself? Other Types of Pronoun

Pronoun Type Members of the Subclass
Reflexive myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
Reciprocal each other, one another
Relative that, which, who, whose, whom, where, when
Demonstrative this, that, these, those

What do you mean by reflexive pronoun give examples?

Reflexive pronouns are words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves and themselves. They refer back to a person or thing. We often use reflexive pronouns when the subject and the object of a verb are the same. I cut myself when I was making dinner last night.

What is IAP at MIT? Independent Activities Period (IAP) is a four-week period in January during which faculty and students are freed from the rigors of regularly scheduled classes for flexible teaching and learning and for independent study and research.

What is intensive reading and listening?

The meaning of intensive reading is to read with full concentration and complete focus. It’s not about reading book after book or 10 articles a day. … Reading intensively will help you tackle complex texts. You’ll be able to strengthen your reading comprehension, vocabulary and language skills.

What is intensive listening give an example? When listening for specific information and details, for example an airport announcement or to the sports scores on the radio news, this is intensive listening. This type of listening is often found in exams, where it is important to understand precise information or words in the listening text.

How do you develop intensive listening?

Intensive listening activities can be done in class or in the lab or can be given as homework assignments. At the lower levels of instruction, consider doing global comprehension activities in class to work on strategies and utilize group work, and assign the intensive listening part for homework.

What is extensive knowledge? Something that is extensive covers a wide range of details, ideas, or items.

What does very extensive mean?

of great extent; wide, broad: an extensive area. covering or extending over a great area: extensive travels. far-reaching; comprehensive; thorough: extensive knowledge. lengthy: an extensive journey. great in amount, number, or degree: an extensive fortune; extensive political influence.

Is Extense a word? Outreaching; expansive; extended, superficially or otherwise.

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