What is captain’s mast like?


A captain’s mast or admiral’s mast is a procedure whereby the commanding officer must: Make inquiry into the facts surrounding minor offenses allegedly committed by a member of the command; Afford the accused a hearing as to such offenses; and.

Simply so Can you get a top secret clearance with an Article 15? An Article 15 in your military record can impact your ability to obtain special assignments, promotions, or security clearances. If some time has passed without any further disciplinary issues, sometimes you can get your Article 15 removed from your file.

Can officers go to NJP? In the Air Force and Army, a non-judicial punishment (“NJP”) can only be carried out by a commanding officer. This means that only an officer on actual orders designating him or her as a commander can impose a NJP.

also What are the three types of court-martial? There are three types of federal courts-martial—summary, special, and general. A conviction at a general court-martial is equivalent to a civilian felony conviction in a federal district court or a state criminal trial court.

What is an Article 92?

Article 92 defines disobeying a direct order as three types of offenses – violations or failures to obey lawful general orders or regulations, failures to obey other lawful orders, and dereliction of duty. Article 92 charges are common in many prosecutions.

How much debt is too much for security clearance? According to the Consumer Protection Financial Bureau: “Financial experts say that less than 37 percent debt-to-income ratio is healthy and anything over 43 percent is a sign that financial distress is inevitable, if not imminent.”

Is Sci higher than TS?

Information “above Top Secret,” a phrase used by the media, means either Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) or Special Access Program (SAP). It is not truly “above” Top Secret, since there is no clearance higher than Top Secret.

Do security clearances check Internet history? Security clearance background investigators do not check your browsing history, read your emails, surveil your every move, bug your telephones, or photograph you commuting to work.

What happens if you refuse NJP?

Usually, refusing an NJP will result in the case being moved to a court martial, which can result in a more serious sentence. An accused has the right to a personal appearance before the officer imposing punishment, they can refuse to testify if they wish and to bring witnesses on their behalf.

Does NJP show up on background check? NJP can show up on a background check, despite your lawyer telling you it wouldn’t. … An NJP is not a conviction but it can absolutely follow you around, even after you’ve been discharged from military service.

What is another name for NJP?

Non-judicial punishment (NJP) also known as Article 15, Captain’s Mast or Office Hours, is a commander’s tool codified into law by Article 15 of the UCMJ as a means to preserve good order and discipline with swift punitive action that can be accomplished much faster than a court-martial.

Can a civilian be court martialed? Civilian Employees Of The US Army, Navy, And Air Forces.

As such, these persons serving with or accompanying a staff of the US Armed Forces personnel in the field may be subjected to a court-martial, when necessary.

Can the President of the United States be court-martial?

[Article II, section 1 of the Constitution . . . . ] The President does not enlist in, and he is not inducted or drafted into, the armed forces. Nor, is he subject to court-martial or other military discipline.

Who runs a court-martial?

Usually, a court-martial takes the form of a trial with a presiding judge, a prosecutor and a defense attorney (all trained lawyers as well as officers). The precise format varies from one country to another and may also depend on the severity of the accusation.

What is an Article 138? An Article 138 complaint is a process by which you can attempt to remedy a wrong committed against you by your commanding officer. A “wrong” may be an action the commander has taken (an act), or the failure of the commander to take an action that should have been taken (an omission).

What is Article 137 of the UCMJ? This includes an amendment to Article 137, UCMJ, which requires officers with authority to convene general or special courts-martial or to administer non-judicial punishment (NJP) to receive training on the purpose and administration of the UCMJ.

What is Article 32 UCMJ?

An article 32 hearing is required before a defendant can be referred to a general court-martial, in order to determine whether there is enough evidence to merit a general court-martial. … The hearing is normally attended by the investigating officer, the accused and the defense counsel.

Does credit score affect security clearance? Checking your credit score is one of many suggestions for dealing with debt so it won’t affect your ability to get a security clearance.

What is considered a bad credit score?

What Is a Bad Credit Score? On the FICO® Score 8 scale of 300 to 850, one of the credit scores lenders most frequently use, a bad credit score is one below 670. More specifically, a score between 580 and 669 is considered fair, and one between 300 and 579 is poor.

Can I get a security clearance if I have bad credit? Imperfect financial circumstances, such as bad credit scores, can have a negative influence on your application and potentially cause your security clearance to be denied. However, the dollar amount associated with your financial troubles is usually less important than the reasons behind your financial situation.

What are the 5 levels of security clearance?

National Security Clearances are a hierarchy of five levels, depending on the classification of materials that can be accessed—Baseline Personnel Security Standard (BPSS), Counter-Terrorist Check (CTC), Enhanced Baseline Standard (EBS), Security Check (SC) and Developed Vetting (DV).

What is the highest level security clearance? There are three levels of security clearance, with the highest level being Top Secret. Secret is the next level of clearance and Confidential is the final.

Does Sci require polygraph?

Polygraph tests accompany some Top Secret or TS/SCI clearances; however, they are not required to obtain either type of clearance and are not part of the clearance background investigation.

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