What is bind hand and foot?


Wholly obligated, unable to free oneself. For example, These rules have us bound hand and foot; we can’t even discuss the matter. This term transfers the literal meaning, having one’s hands and feet tied and therefore unable to move, to legal, moral, or social obligations.

What does it mean to bind someone’s hands? From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishtie/bind somebody hand and foottie/bind somebody hand and foota) to tie up someone’s hands and feet b) to make it very difficult or impossible for someone to do what they think is best u2192 handExamples from the Corpustie/bind somebody hand and footu2022 We’re bound hand and foot …

Likewise What does it mean to wait hand and foot?

Definition of wait on (someone) hand and foot

: to provide everything that someone needs or wants : to act as a servant to (someone) I can’t stand the way they wait on her hand and foot! She waited on her children hand and foot.

What does it mean to bind with someone? Word forms: binds, binding, bound. transitive verb. If something binds people together, it makes them feel as if they are all part of the same group or have something in common. It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.

What does it mean my hands are tied?

Definition of hands are tied

—used to say that someone is unable to act freely because something (such as a rule or law) prevents it I’d like to help you, but my hands are tied.

What is a synonym for hands tied? “Three others pointed their guns at the necks of two captives kneeling with hands tied behind their backs.”

What is another word for hands tied?

unarmed defenceless UK
helpless unprotected
weaponless assailable
exposed open
unarmoured undefended

Is hands are tied a metaphor?

hands are tied, my/one’s

Not free to act. This metaphor became common after the mid-seventeenth century. An early appearance in print was in clergyman Thomas Fuller’s The Holy State and the Profane State (1642): “When God intends a Nation shall be beaten, He ties their hands behind them.”

Is my hands are tied an idiom? Meaning of Idiom ‘My Hands are Tied’

This idiom can be applied to people or to organizations. One may be unable to act because of existing rules, policies, higher-ranking officials or administrators, orders, or any other factors. The implication is that the situation is out of one’s control.

What is the synonym of tied?

In this page you can discover 60 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tied, like: fixed, balanced, equaled, fastened, parallelled, wedded, bonded, matched, knotted, met and trammelled.

What is the synonym of Defenceless? undefended, unprotected, unguarded, unfortified, unshielded, unarmed, without arms, without defences. vulnerable, assailable, open to attack, wide open, open, exposed, endangered, in danger, in peril, in jeopardy, at risk, insecure. rare pregnable. well protected. IOW.

What is a synonym for no power?

Definitions of powerless. adjective. lacking power. Synonyms: ineffective, ineffectual, uneffective.

What type of figurative language is my hands are tied? The adverb figuratively describes something symbolic, not actual. If a friend invites you to tonight’s concert but you already have plans with your family, you might say — figuratively — that your hands are tied.

Had our hands tied behind our backs meaning?

If you say that you can do something with one hand tied behind your back, you mean that you can do it very easily.

Are there eyes in the back of your head? Definition of have eyes in the back of one’s head

—used to say a person has seen or noticed something that is behind him or her How did you know we were here? You must have eyes in the back of your head!

What does it mean wet behind the ears?

wet behind the ears. Also, not dry behind the ears. Immature, inexperienced, as in How can you take instructions from Tom? He’s still wet behind the ears, or Jane’s not dry behind the ears yet. This term alludes to the fact that the last place to dry in a newborn colt or calf is the indentation behind its ears. [

What does the idiom When Pigs Fly mean? Definition of when pigs fly

—used to say that one thinks that something will never happen The train station will be renovated when pigs fly.

What does blowing your own trumpet mean?

British, informal. : to talk about oneself or one’s achievements especially in a way that shows that one is proud or too proud He had a very successful year and has every right to blow his own trumpet.

What does it mean to get tied? (idiomatic) To be detained or delayed. He got tied up in traffic and arrived late to the meeting. verb.

What does it mean to be tied to someone?

American. Phrasal verb. tie someone to something (UNABLE TO LEAVE)

Is it spelled tying or tieing? Tieing, commonly spelled as tying, is defined as forming a knot or a connection between two or more people. An example of tieing is to form a bow in a scarf. Present participle of tie; alternative spelling of tying.

What does it mean to be unguarded?

1 : vulnerable to attack : unprotected. 2 : free from guile or wariness : direct, incautious unguarded remarks.

Is it defenseless or Defenceless? Defense is preferred in American English, and defence is preferred in all other main varieties of English, including Australian, British, and Canadian English. The spelling distinction extends to most derivatives of defence/defense, including defences/defenses and defenceless/defenseless.

What is the definition of Defenceless?

adjective. If someone or something is defenceless, they are weak and unable to defend themselves properly.

What is another word for super powers? In this page you can discover 12 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for superpower, like: power, imperialist, hegemony, domination, great-power, hegemon, hyper-power, nation-state, , nation and world-power.

What is the root word of creator?

The noun creator is from the Latin word creare, which means “to make or bring forth.” When it is spelled with an upper-case c, Creator refers to God, and when spelled with a lowercase c, it is anyone who invents or makes something.

What is another word for take away?

Find another word for take away. In this page you can discover 33 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for take away, like: carry off, remove, detract, deduct, take from, , take out, bear-away, get-rid-of, withdraw and bring.

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