What is aspiration and examples?


The definition of an aspiration is a desire or ambition for which someone is motivated to work very hard. An example of an aspiration is to be a famous singer. … Aspiration is the act of getting rid of something from the body. An example of aspiration is removal of tissue for biopsy.

Simply so How do you aspirate when speaking?

What is your aspiration in life? Your career aspirations are your vision for your future. They are what you hope to achieve in your professional life in the years to come. Put simply, a career aspiration is a long-term dream that you are pursuing. … Even so, you keep them in mind when making decisions that affect your future.

also What are aspirated sounds in English? aspirate, the sound h as in English “hat.” Consonant sounds such as the English voiceless stops p, t, and k at the beginning of words (e.g., “pat,” “top,” “keel”) are also aspirated because they are pronounced with an accompanying forceful expulsion of air.

What are a person’s aspirations?

Aspirations are dreams, hopes, or ambitions to achieve a life goal. 1 They can be thought of as overarching life goals that can help provide a sense of purpose and direction. While the term is often used synonymously with goals, there are some important differences.

What are good aspirations? Top 5 Aspirations that You Would Love to See Fulfilled

  • Aspiration 1: Do something you have always wanted to. • …
  • Aspiration 2: Visit a place you have never seen before. • …
  • Aspiration 3: Achieve a goal. • …
  • Aspiration 4: Learn a new skill. • …
  • Aspiration 5: Stay ambitious and keep growing. •

What are your aspirations of your family?

Family goals focus on achieving accomplishments agreed upon by the family. … To provide financial resources to achieve each member’s personal goals. To maintain good health for all family members. To maintain a home of which you are all proud.

Is aspiration phonemic in English? Aspiration is a phonological process that we use in English to alter the sound of /p/ and other voiceless stops. … So aspiration is a process of adding an extra puff of air to a sound. The aspiration rule in English says to aspirate (process) voiceless stops (sounds) at the beginnings of stressed syllables (environment).

Is B aspirated?

No. /b/, /d/, and /g/ are voiced. Voiced sounds cannot be aspirated. Only unvoiced plosives (which are /p/, /t/, and /k/ in English) can be aspirated (or not). These three consonants are aspirated when word initial or stressed syllable initial (in American English, anyway); otherwise, not.

Is P always aspirated in English? The phonemes /k/, /p/, and /t/ are always aspirated when they are the only consonants before a stressed vowel (i.e., when they are the entire onset of a stressed syllable).

Is aspiration a positive word?

If one were to look up the dictionary, the word aspiration is defined as ‘a hope or ambition of achieving something’ or ‘a strong desire, longing, or ambition’. The meaning certainly has a positive connotation. In fact society in general encourages people to aspire.

Can a person be an aspiration? Anyone can aspirate. Most people tend to cough up the content they’ve inhaled. But people with an underlying condition are at a higher risk for aspiration developing into something more serious. The outlook for aspiration depends on the cause.

What is aspirational role?

1 adj If you describe someone as aspirational, you mean that they have strong hopes of moving to a higher social status. ( JOURNALISM)

What is the difference between a goal and aspiration?

A goal is something that you plan to do or accomplish in a specific period of time. … An aspiration (or vision) is broader both in impact and timeframe.

What are examples of future aspirations? Career Goals Examples (Short-term & Long-term)

  • Gain a New Skill. …
  • Boost Your Networking Abilities. …
  • Intern with a Large Company to Gain Experience. …
  • Start Your Own Business. …
  • Improve Your Sales or Productivity Numbers. …
  • Earn a Degree or Certification. …
  • Make a Career Switch. …
  • Become an Expert in Your Field.

What are your dreams and aspiration in life? An aspiration is a strong hope, dream, or goal. The idea of aspiration has a positive, upward connotation. We aspire to be or to become something that we perceive is better than what or where we currently are. There are many different types of aspirations, such as career, social, and personal.

What are your dreams and aspirations for your child’s future?

to feel safe, secure and loved within the family unit. to develop rich relationships with both parents and their sibling. to feel supported and encouraged to pursue their interests and talents. to enjoy and gain pleasure from being with others and to have the ability to develop lasting friendships and relationships.

What are some personal goals examples? Personal Family Goals

  • Improve your body language. …
  • Get rid of procrastination. …
  • Make the right decisions at the right time. …
  • Let go of your past. …
  • Be the volunteer. …
  • Keep your family above all other relationships. …
  • Share yourself. …
  • Take care of each other’s health.

How many aspirated sounds are there in English language?

In English, voiceless stops and fricatives that happen at the beginning of a word are aspirated, which are the sounds ‘p’, ‘t’, ‘k’, and ‘ch’ (which are written as /p/, /t/, /k/, /t͡ʃ/ in IPA in the same order). In IPA, aspirated sounds can be written with an ʰ symbol afterwards, as in /pʰ/, /tʰ/, /kʰ/, and /t͡ʃʰ/.

Why is aspiration not a distinctive feature in English? Aspiration is not a distinctive feature since, when aspiration is added to /k/, it does not create a different phoneme as in the case of (1) with voicing. Phonemes can be expressed in phonemic form or phonetic form.

Which phonemes is aspirated in accented syllables?

For most English dialects, the two environments where voiceless plosives are aspirated are: At the beginning of a stressed syllable . (The [k] of skill isn’t at the beginning of the syllable — there’s a [s] before it.) At the beginning of a word — whether the syllable is stressed or not.


pill spill
kill skill

Can S be aspirated? For most English dialects, the two environments where voiceless plosives are aspirated are: At the beginning of a stressed syllable. (The [k] of skill isn’t at the beginning of the syllable — there’s a [s] before it.) At the beginning of a word — whether the syllable is stressed or not.

Why is P in pit aspirated?

However, voiceless stops and fricatives that appear after the first sound are unaspirated. For example, while the /p/ in “pit” is aspirated, the /p/ in “spit” and the /p/ in “tip” are not, so they would not be marked with an ʰ symbol afterwards.


English word IPA form
prize /pʰraɪz/

What does it mean to aspirate after drinking? What happens when you aspirate? Aspiration means inhaling some kind of foreign object or substance into your airway. Usually, it’s food, saliva, or stomach contents that make their way into your lungs when you swallow, vomit, or experience heartburn.

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