What is another word for well managed?


What is another word for well-managed?

sound solvent
of good financial standing able to pay its debts
firm good
fit stable
steady safe

Simply so What does well manage mean? adjective (well managed when postpositive) administered or controlled in a competent or successful manner.

Is it handle or handled? As verbs the difference between handle and handled

is that handle is to use the hands while handled is (handle).

also Is well managed a word? Meaning of well-managed in English

that is controlled in a way that produces good results: The fund is well-managed and consistent in performance. a well-managed business/company/organization They turned themselves into a well-managed company delivering reliable software to Swiss Bank Corporation.

What do you call a person who is organize?

administrator. nounperson who manages organization.

What is it called when you are very organized? Definition. orderly and efficient. Such people are very organized and excellent time managers. Synonyms. methodical.

What do you call someone who likes everything in order?

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD) is a personality disorder that’s characterized by extreme perfectionism, order, and neatness. … People with OCPD have the following characteristics: They find it hard to express their feelings.

What do you call someone who is very efficient? diligent. adjective. formal someone who is diligent works very hard and very carefully.

What are the characteristics of an organized person?

Here are 11 characteristics of organized people:

  • They make lists. Writing things down makes them easier to remember. …
  • They use organizational tools. …
  • They have a routine. …
  • Their office is tidy. …
  • They are punctual. …
  • They do things immediately. …
  • They ask for help. …
  • They are optimistic.

How do you say someone is well organized? ordered

  1. all together.
  2. arranged.
  3. businesslike.
  4. controlled.
  5. disciplined.
  6. in good shape.
  7. in order.
  8. law-abiding.

What do you call a person who is hygienic?

1. You could say a number of things: anal retentive or just anal, neat freak, OCD referring to obsessive compulsive disorder, or “stickler for x” Anal can describe someone who is clean to the point of it becoming a problem, however it is commonly used it in an exaggerating sense.

What are the 4 types of OCD? There are several categories of OCD, but the following four stand out as they’re some of the more commonly seen types.

  • Cleaning/contamination OCD. …
  • Order/symmetry or counting compulsions OCD. …
  • Harm OCD. …
  • Hoarding OCD.

What do you call a person who loves cleanliness?

Germaphobes are obsessed with sanitation and feel compelled to clean excessively, but they’re really suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Monk has been called the “poster boy” for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). …

How do you describe someone who works well with others?

Teamwork as a synonym for “Work Well With Others”

How would you describe a hardworking person? A hard-working employee is someone who’s willing to learn and always looking for new ways to grow within the company. They won’t settle for this position or that answer, they want to be the best and move ahead among their coworkers. … They want to learn more and advance themselves within the field.

What is a word for something that works well? You could use “effective” which means successful in a desired or intended result. Another word to use is “functional” because it means working or operating. “Successful” means an accomplishment or achievement and can describe something that works well.

What are the common pitfalls in being organized?

5 Common Pitfalls of Organizing and How to Avoid them

  • Taking on too much. Start one room at a time and start small to build momentum, for example a drawer or a cabinet before taking on the whole room. …
  • Not allowing enough time. …
  • No New Containers. …
  • Immediately handle purged items. …
  • Maintain the Space.

Which personality type is the most organized? ESTJ—The Guardian

  • Traditional and highly organized, ESTJs tend to know exactly how they want things to be.
  • ESTJs are moral and place security and harmony above all else.

What happens when you are not organized?

Disorganization and clutter have even been known to negatively impact your personal relationships. And you don’t have to look far to see the impact clutter has on your mental health. Your disorganization, unfinished projects, and piles of “to dos” may be contributing to your stress and depression.

What is another word for well prepared? What is another word for well-prepared?

provident prudent
equipped judicious
politic sensible
canny circumspect
commonsensical vigilant

What’s another word for hard worker?

In this page you can discover 9 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hardworking, like: diligent, assiduous, dedicated, industrious, sedulous, persevering, conscientious, untiring and tireless.

Are neat freaks controlling? “‘Neat freak’ is another term for a control freak,” says McGrath. Neat freaks are often perfectionists in other areas of life, continually setting themselves up for frustration and disappointment. If you’re a neat freak who wants to shed your fastidiousness, you can—even without a professional’s help, says McGrath.

What are clean freaks called?

In both popular media and everyday speech, the term “OCD” *meaning Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is synonymous with being unusually clean and organized. Characters with OCD on television obsess over germs and people say they feel “OCD” when they organize their homes.

What do you call someone who isn’t neat? Untidy synonyms

Messy; not neat, elegant, or careful. 11. 3. unkempt.

Is OCD a form of anxiety?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is an anxiety disorder and is characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and/or repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

What is the root cause of OCD?

OCD is due to genetic and hereditary factors. Chemical, structural and functional abnormalities in the brain are the cause. Distorted beliefs reinforce and maintain symptoms associated with OCD.

Does OCD worsen with age? Symptoms fluctuate in severity from time to time, and this fluctuation may be related to the occurrence of stressful events. Because symptoms usually worsen with age, people may have difficulty remembering when OCD began, but can sometimes recall when they first noticed that the symptoms were disrupting their lives.

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