What is another word for waiting a long time?


What is another word for long wait?

long haul eternity
coon’s age eon US
a lifetime for ever
timelessness endless time
hours on end forever and a day

Simply so What is the synonym of anticipated? Synonyms for anticipated. awaited, expected, hoped (for), watched (for)

What is another word for patiently waiting? What is another word for wait patiently?

be patient bide your time
await stand by
rest cool it
wait on stay up for
hang fire lie in wait

also What is a word for waiting patiently? In this page you can discover 22 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for patiently, like: calmly, steadily, quietly, enduringly, numbly, bravely, firmly, impassively, regularly, forbearingly and submissively.

What is the synonym of proactive?

proactiveadjective. Synonyms: forward-looking, anticipatory, active stance. Antonyms: reactive.

How do you say highly anticipated? “Probably your most highly anticipated day will be the dietary cheat days, of which there are three.”

What is another word for highly anticipated?

highly awaited long-expected
much-anticipated long-awaited

What is another word for planning ahead?

What is another word for plan ahead?

think ahead plan
contrive devise
engineer propose
concoct intend
scheme strategize

How do you say eagerly waiting? “I eagerly await the last Friday of every month for the mailman’s arrival.”

What is another word for eagerly await?

lick your lips salivate
await await with enthusiasm
thirstily await breathlessly anticipate
be interested in enthusiastically await

How do you say waiting for something?

Ways of telling or asking someone to wait – thesaurus

  1. hold on. phrasal verb. …
  2. just wait until/till. phrase. …
  3. hang on/hold on a minute. phrase. …
  4. wait a minute/second. phrase. …
  5. just a minute/moment/second. phrase. …
  6. let me see/think. phrase. …
  7. bear with me/us. phrasal verb. …
  8. something will have to wait. phrase.

What’s the word for waiting for something? 1 await, linger, abide, delay.

How do you say a lot of patience?

a lot of patience synonym | English Thesaurus

  1. 1 calmness, composure, cool (slang) equanimity, even temper, forbearance, imperturbability, restraint, serenity, sufferance, tolerance, toleration.
  2. 2 constancy, diligence, endurance, fortitude, long-suffering, perseverance, persistence, resignation, stoicism, submission.

Is proactivity a real word? Proactivity or proactive behavior refers to self-initiated behavior that endeavours to solve a problem before it has occurred. Proactive behavior involves acting in advance of a future situation, rather than reacting.

What does much anticipated mean?

adjective. If an event, especially a cultural event, is eagerly anticipated, people expect that it will be very good, exciting, or interesting.

What are some soothing words?

  • calm,
  • pacific,
  • peaceful,
  • placid,
  • quiet,
  • serene,
  • tranquil.

What is another word for strategic planning? What is another word for strategic plan?

game plan plan
approach ploy
stratagem manoeuvre UK
maneuver US tactics
master plan ground plan

What is the synonym of strategic? In this page you can discover 34 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for strategic, like: tactical, diplomatic, strategical, unplanned, vital, important, clever, stategic, decisive, calculated and cunning.

What do you call a person who plans trips?

organizer. noun. someone who makes all the arrangements for an event or activity, especially as a job.

What’s another word for eagerly? 1 enthusiastic, desirous; interested. 2 fervent, zealous, fervid, intent, intense, earnest.

How do you say waiting to meet you?

vs I am eagerly waiting to meet you. In an informal situation, you could say, “I can’t wait to meet you.” In a formal situation, you could say, “I look forward to meeting you.

What does anxiously awaiting mean? adverb. in an uneasy or worried manner:My first call was to my wife, who had been anxiously awaiting word of my whereabouts. in an earnestly desirous or eager manner:They are anxiously awaiting the birth of their first child.

What is another word for response?

  • answer,
  • comeback,
  • rejoinder,
  • replication,
  • reply,
  • retort,
  • return.

What are you waiting for idioms? Definition of ‘what are you waiting for’

you are telling them to hurry up and do something.

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