What is a synonym of episode?


Some common synonyms of episode are circumstance, event, incident, and occurrence. While all these words mean “something that happens or takes place,” episode stresses the distinctiveness or apartness of an incident.

What is a synonym and antonym for episode? noun. ( u02c8u025bpu026au02ccsou028ad) A happening that is distinctive in a series of related events. Antonyms. noncurrent source program hardware object program finish nonpayment disordered. happening dramatic event natural event idyll incident.

Likewise What does have an episode mean?

a sudden short period in which someone suffers the effects of a physical or mental illness: I had an episode of severe chest pain. The fainting episode was caused by heat. He still has therapy for his PTSD and not long ago, he had an episode. More examples.

What is a fancy word for finally? lastly, last, in conclusion, to conclude, in closing, to end, last but not least.

What is the synonym of season?

period, active period, time, time of year, spell, term, phase, stage.

What is the antonym of episode? What is the opposite of episode?

failure failing
misadventure misfortune
flop blunder
bomb bungle

What season means?

: one of the four periods (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) into which the year is commonly divided. : a period of time when a particular sport is being played. : a period of time when a particular event, process, activity, etc., occurs.

What is the antonyms of season? Antonyms. dry season rainy season overtime work time downtime regulation time day.

How do you describe the seasons?

Seasons. Seasons are largely due to factors surrounding the Earth’s tilted axis as it revolves around the sun. A season is a period of the year that is distinguished by special climate conditions. The four seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter—follow one another regularly.

What is a synonym for video? Video synonyms

A visual or audiovisual recording on videotape. … In this page you can discover 21 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for video, like: , audio video, clip, video-recording, tv, tv-quality, dvd, picture, clips, broadcast quality and slideshows.

What is it called when each episode is a different story?

An anthology series is a radio, television, or film series that spans through different genres, and presents a different story and a different set of characters in each episode, season, segment or short.

What’s another word for TV show? What is another word for TV show?

show program US
radio show broadcast
telecast production
simulcast presentation
podcast newscast

What are the 7 seasons?


Northern hemisphere Southern hemisphere Start date
Winter Summer 1 December
Spring Autumn 1 March
Summer Winter 1 June
Autumn Spring 1 September

What 2 things define seasons? British Dictionary definitions for season

season. / (ˈsiːzən) / noun. one of the four equal periods into which the year is divided by the equinoxes and solstices, resulting from the apparent movement of the sun north and south of the equator during the course of the earth’s orbit around it.

What are seasons series?

Originally Answered: what does “season” mean in TV series? It means a collection of episodes aired within a certain time frame that comprise a segment of the show’s overall run. For a long time, network TV series would run a 22–24 episode season, from September – May with a couple of hiatuses during that period.

What is a synonym for period of time? period of time

  • amount.
  • breadth.
  • degree.
  • duration.
  • expansion.
  • intensity.
  • length.
  • matter.

What is a synonym for the season fall?

In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for autumn, like: fall, harvest-time, autumnal-equinox, spring, season, close of the year, indian-summer, Autumn-Winter, mid-september, and null.

What’s another word for seasoned professional? What is another word for seasoned?

expert experienced
professional veteran
knowledgeable familiar
hardened pro
mature habituated

What season is August?

Meteorological Seasons

spring runs from March 1 to May 31; summer runs from June 1 to August 31; fall (autumn) runs from September 1 to November 30; and.

What season is January? Winter – December, January and February. Spring – March, April and May. Summer – June, July and August.

Which season is December?

The seasons are defined as spring (March, April, May), summer (June, July, August), autumn (September, October, November) and winter (December, January, February).

What is another word for Vlog? What is another word for vlog?

blog weblog
microblog blook
column forum
newsletter website
diary journal

What is the synonym of media?

In this page you can discover 61 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for media, like: news, technologies, medial, agents, mass-media, norms, television, medium, menstrua, averages and revelations.

What is the synonym of movie? Synonyms of movie

  • film,
  • flick,
  • flicker,
  • motion picture,
  • moving picture,
  • picture.

What is a one off episode called?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. In episodic television, a bottle episode is produced cheaply and restricted in scope to use as few non-regular cast members, effects, and sets as possible.

What is the difference between serial and episodic?

Episodic” suggests self-contained stories about the same characters. “Serialized” suggests a story that takes several installments to tell. The 1995 Pride and Prejudice was a serial based on Jane Austen’s novel.

What is it called when two shows mix together? A crossover is the placement of two or more otherwise discrete fictional characters, settings, or universes into the context of a single story. They can arise from legal agreements between the relevant copyright holders, unauthorized efforts by fans, or common corporate ownership.

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