What is a synonym for money grubber?


cheapskate, harpy, hoarder, stiff, tightwad, meanie, misanthrope, misanthropist, miser, churl, skinflint, pinchpenny, penny pincher.

What grubber means? noun. 1usually in combination A person who is determined to acquire or amass something, especially in an unscrupulous manner. ‘a money-grubber’

Likewise Is Avariciousness a word?

Excessive desire for more than one needs or deserves: acquisitiveness, avarice, avidity, covetousness, cupidity, graspingness, greed. Informal: grabbiness.

How do you say greedy for money?

  1. avaricious,
  2. grasping,
  3. selfish,
  4. insatiable,
  5. acquisitive,
  6. rapacious,
  7. materialistic,
  8. desirous,

What do you call someone who is greedy for money?

avaricious Add to list Share. Someone who is avaricious is greedy or grasping, concerned with gaining wealth. The suggestion is that an avaricious person will do anything to achieve material gain, and it is, in general, not a pleasant attribute.

What is a grubber in cricket? Grubber is also a colloquial name used in New Zealand for a mattock and in Australia as a term for a cricket ball which when bowled (as a result of lack of force) results in the ball either not bouncing enough to be hit by the batter, or failing to bounce at all. …

What is the meaning of grubber in rugby?

Grubber-kick meaning

(rugby) An attacking short distance kick in behind the defence in which the ball is bounced along the ground, using the uneven bounce of the ball to make it difficult for the defence to retrieve.

What is the definition of soled? 1 : the bottom of the foot. 2 : the bottom of a shoe, slipper, or boot. sole. verb. soled; soling.

What is the meaning of interpost?

1a : to place in an intervening position. b : to put (oneself) between : intrude. 2 : to put forth by way of interference or intervention. 3 : to introduce or throw in between the parts of a conversation or argument.

What does frivolously mean? 1a : of little weight or importance She thinks window shopping is a frivolous activity. b : having no sound basis (as in fact or law) a frivolous lawsuit. 2a : lacking in seriousness a frivolous conversation. b : marked by unbecoming levity was criticized for his frivolous behavior in court.

How do you use avaricious in a sentence?

Avaricious sentence example

  1. He showed indeed none of the avaricious temper so common among the politicians of the time. …
  2. Though probably not personally avaricious , he was justly accused of nepotism. …
  3. He promoted navigation and commerce, but was avaricious and deceitful. …
  4. I have been no avaricious oppressor of the people.

What is a word for money hungry? acquisitiveness. avarice. avidity. covetousness.

Is greedy a bad word?

Greed and greedy are always used negatively to criticize the excessive desire for more. Greed is often thought to influence people to do bad things in their obsession to acquire more money or more stuff.

Who is the greediest person in the world? Who was the greediest person in history? – Quora. Leopold II of Belgium . He earned a wealth of $500 million from his rubber plantations in Congo. In the process he killed some 8 million people and maimed uncountable men, women and children.

What is a better word than greedy?

1 grasping, rapacious, selfish. 2 ravenous, voracious, gluttonous, insatiable. 3 covetous, anxious.

What do you call a person who hoards money? A miser is someone who hoards his or her own wealth and doesn’t share or spend any of it.

What is a bunny in cricket?

Cricinfo defines a bunny as “Also known as rabbit, a member of the side who cannot bat and is chosen as a specialist bowler or wicketkeeper, and who almost always bats at number 11. …

What is a Jaffa in cricket? Jaffa (also corker) an exceptionally well bowled, practically unplayable delivery, usually but not always from a fast bowler.

Why is it called a Jaffa in cricket?

Jaffa originally referred to an ancient port in Israel, and then a sweet, thick-skinned orange grown near that port. … A jaffa in cricket might come from the idea of a particularly good orange or a tasty biscuit.

How do you curve a grubber?

Can you drop kick a grubber?

A grubber drop kick is a surprisingly hard skill.

Can you grubber in NFL? The most used kick to your own players is the ‘garryowen’ or the ‘up-and-under’. The other is the grubber along the ground. The only players who can catch the ball from both techniques are the players behind you. Any player caught by the ref or touch judges to be in front of the player infringes upon play.

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