What is a pretentious person like?


adjective. If you say that someone or something is pretentious, you mean that they try to seem important or significant, but you do not think that they are. [disapproval] His response was full of pretentious nonsense. Synonyms: affected, mannered, exaggerated, pompous More Synonyms of pretentious.

What kind of people are pretentious? Here a few signs that someone is pretentious:

  • They believe that liking obscure hobbies or having eccentric interests makes them smart or special. …
  • They use long words or jargon because they think it makes them look intelligent or cultured.

Likewise What is a pretentious person called?

grandiose, highfalutin. (also hifalutin), high-minded, la-di-da.

Is pretentious a character trait? The Pretentious

This is probably the most common characteristic of a toxic person you’ve noticed. They only act friendly when they need your help but when you need their help, they tend to stay in their own world. When a problem occurs, they will pretend to not know and will not be bothered to help.

Why being pretentious is bad?

Being pretentious is a bad idea for several reasons: it alienates people, it suggests you’re smarter than perhaps you actually are, and it invites unfriendly scrutiny. Moreover, it’s just irritating, ipso facto.

How do you deal with a pretentious person? How To Handle Pretentious Intellectuals

  1. Step 1: Don’t pretend to know more than you do. …
  2. Step 2: Say: “that’s very interesting, could you please tell me more, in as much detail as humanly possible” …
  3. Step 3: Remember that these people can’t help themselves. …
  4. Step 4: Find peace in that they know way less than they let on.

Why is everyone so pretentious?

Originally Answered: why do we become pretentious around certain people? Pretentiousness arises from feelings of insecurity. It is an easy way to feel better, more confident and boost one’s self-esteem. The person desires to feel important, recognized and validated by the very people they feel “less than” with.

What is a pretentious hipster? Members of the subculture typically do not self-identify as hipsters, and the word hipster is often used as a pejorative for someone who is pretentious or overly concerned with appearing trendy or fashionable in a non-mainstream way.

What is a pretentious intellectual?

Spuriously intellectual; falsely supposed or purporting to be intellectual; (hence) intellectually pretentious or affected.

How do I become more pretentious? 12 guidelines on being pretentious

  1. Wear things from all over the world. …
  2. Accept compliments for looking good and dressing well. …
  3. Eat exotic food and refer to them with their local names. …
  4. Complain about problems that aren’t really problems. …
  5. Prepare a monologue about your workout. …
  6. Be an old soul and be proud.

What is the opposite to pretentious?

Opposite of having an arrogant, self-important or pompous manner. humble. modest. respectful. unpretentious.

How do I stop sounding pretentious? Here are 12 phrases to avoid that will save you from sounding pompous:

  1. Not to mention… Okay, then don’t mention it.
  2. It goes without saying… …
  3. If I may say so… …
  4. I believe that… Now the reader wonders if your message is based in facts.
  5. In my humble opinion… …
  6. To tell the truth… …
  7. To be honest with you… …
  8. For the record…

Are intellectuals arrogant?

People are intellectually arrogant when they erroneously evaluate their intellectual capacity higher than warranted (“smarter than average”). This results in the intellectually arrogant person being more closed-minded and biased than the intellectually humble person.

Is using big words pretentious? It would be pretentious if you wanted to snow people with your vocabulary, but if you are simply using the most appropriate word, then no. You can usually tell if people’s eyes glaze over, so then you would repeat yourself with some phrase that explained the term. Trying to communicate accurately is not pretentious.

How do you deal with a pretentious intellectual?

How do you put a mean person in their place? 7 Polite Ways to Put Pretentious People in Their Place …

  1. 1 Ignore the Behavior. …
  2. 2 Maintain Indifference. …
  3. 3 Stand up for Your Opinions. …
  4. 4 Never Act Impressed. …
  5. 5 Confront the Behavior. …
  6. 6 Assert Your Authority. …
  7. 7 Ask “Why?” Incessantly.

Does pretentious mean arrogant?

As adjectives the difference between arrogant and pretentious. is that arrogant is having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt for others while pretentious is marked by an unwarranted claim to importance or distinction.

What is the root word of pretentious? Etymology. From French prétentieux, from prétention, from Latin praetēnsus (“false or hypocritical profession”), past participle of praetendō.

What are some pretentious words?

Spotting Pompous Word Choice

Five-dollar words Fifty-cent words
disputatious argumentative
effectuate make happen
elucidate explain, clarity
equitable fair

What makes writing pretentious? Pretentious writing is unpleasant to read. … Pretentious writing stems from lack of confidence, where writers feel as though their ideas, as is, are not strong enough, so they need to juice it up with words or concepts that don’t serve the story in order to give the material bulk.

How do I stop being pretentious Wikihow?


  1. If you have a hard time not dominating a conversation, practice stepping back and letting others take a turn, before you make your point. Sum up the points you heard: “It sounds like everyone wants to get pizza. I’m good with that. …
  2. Ask questions. Be interested in other people and their lives.

How do you spot a genius? Signs of a Genius Brain

  1. Larger regional brain volume. Contrary to popular myth, intellect does not result from brain size. …
  2. Increased brain region connectivity. Highly gifted or genius individuals typically have more active white matter in their brains. …
  3. Increased sensory sensitivity and emotional processing.

Are intellectuals smart?

Intellectual is an adjective that relates to intellect and its use. … An intellectual individual is not just someone who is intelligent, but someone who is very intelligent. In a general context, we usually use the word intellectual to refer to the academic world– experts in academia are often considered intellectuals.

How do intellectuals think? An intellectual uses (or tries to use) analytical thought, intelligence and reason in his or her pursuits. … An intellectual has a tendency or preference to live in a world of abstractions. I like it because it is clear and non-judgmental.

How many words does an intelligent person know?

The study (which was based on the English language) revealed the following: Most adult native test-takers have a vocabulary range of about 20,000-35,000 words. Adult native test-takers learn almost 1 new word a day until middle age. Vocabulary growth stops at middle age.

What is a fancy word for smart?

agile, astute, bold, brainy, bright, brilliant, canny, crafty, good, nimble, quick, resourceful, sharp, shrewd, slick, wise, active, energetic, ache, throb.

What are pretentious words? arty, exaggerated, grandiose, hollow, overblown, pompous, showy, stilted, turgid, ostentatious, affected, assuming, aureate, big, bombastic, chichi, conspicuous, euphuistic, extravagant, feigned.

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