What is a polite way to say pee?


A more polite word is pee or wee. The formal word is urinate.

Simply so What is slang for poop? crap (taboo, slang) dung. two ox-carts laden with dung. stool. droppings.

How do you say pee in British? Additional synonyms

  1. urinate,
  2. wee (informal),
  3. pee (slang),
  4. tinkle (British, informal),
  5. piddle (informal),
  6. spend a penny (British, informal),
  7. pass water,
  8. wee-wee (informal),

also Is it rude to say I have to pee? I HAVE TO PEE

This is an informal way of saying you have to use the toilet. Using the word ‘pee’, however, could be considered a little impolite.

How do you politely ask to go to the bathroom?

In the US, a very polite and neutral term for a public toilet is “restroom.” If you are in a private home, say, “bathroom.” “May I use your restroom/bathroom?” “Where is the restroom/bathroom?” or in a very large building, “Where are the restrooms?” “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom/bathroom.”

What is the opposite of poop? What is the opposite of poop?

help strengthen
refuse reject
exhilarate restore
delight cheer
rejuvenate rest

What is poop made of?

Feces are mostly made of water (about 75%). The rest is made of dead bacteria that helped us digest our food, living bacteria, protein, undigested food residue (known as fiber), waste material from food, cellular linings, fats, salts, and substances released from the intestines (such as mucus) and the liver.

Why Does coffee make you poop? Coffee makes you poop during the day because it affects your digestive system so quickly. When you drink a cup of coffee, it stimulates your body to release the hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin. Both gastrin and cholecystokinin trigger the gastrocolic reflex, which stimulates your body to make a bowel movement.

Is peeing in the shower safe?

If you’re the only one using your shower, you’re probably safe peeing in there, too. And if you do pee in the shower, then make sure you regularly clean it. But if you’re sharing a shower with family members or roommates, find out if everyone is comfortable with how that shower is being used.

How do you say the word fart?

Why is my pee so small when I pee?

Dehydration is the most common cause of decreased urine output. Typically, dehydration occurs when you’re ill with diarrhea, vomiting, or another illness, and can’t replace the fluids that you’re losing. When this happens, your kidneys retain as much fluid as possible.

Can I use the restroom or may I? In general, unless you have some really interesting physical abnormality, we all expect you already can use the bathroom. Therefore, saying “May” = “Will you allow me to” use the bathroom” is the grammatically correct choice.

Is toilet a bad word?

The word toilet is not actually considered vulgar in America. It is considered an out-of-date word. The Americans prefer to say ‘rest room’.

Is it rude to say toilet?

It’s not rude to say “toilet” in America. But the word “toilet” refers only to the porcelain fixture, not to the room it is located in. The room in which the toilet is located is correctly called a bathroom, restroom, lavatory, washroom, convenience, comfort station, powder room, or any of several other options.

What is the synonym of poor? destitute, impoverished, indigent, low, meager, needy, penniless, poverty-stricken, underprivileged, feeble, inferior, insufficient, mediocre, miserable, modest, ordinary, shoddy, substandard, unsatisfactory, weak.

Do girls poop? We’ll give you the TL;DR first: yes, of course, girls poop. Since they have the same number of chromosomes and basically the same digestive system as guys, male and female humans experience the same bowel movements. So, if you count pooping among your bodily functions, you can assume the women around you also poop.

Can you eat your poop?

According to the Illinois Poison Center, eating poop is “minimally toxic.” However, poop naturally contains the bacteria commonly found in the intestines. While these bacteria don’t harm you when they’re in your intestines, they’re not meant to be ingested in your mouth.

How many times should a girl poop a day? There is no generally accepted number of times a person should poop. As a broad rule, pooping anywhere from three times a day to three times a week is normal. Most people have a regular bowel pattern: They’ll poop about the same number of times a day and at a similar time of day.

How do I poop every morning?

10 ways to make yourself poop first thing in the morning

  1. Load up on foods with fibre. …
  2. Or, take a fibre supplement. …
  3. Drink some coffee — preferably *hot.* …
  4. Get a little exercise in. …
  5. Try massaging your perineum — no, really. …
  6. Try an over-the-counter laxative. …
  7. Or try a prescription laxative if things get really bad.

Does milk make you poop? Double down on dairy.

The strains of bacteria in this fermented drink — made with milk from cows, goats, sheep, or even soy — may help relieve your constipation.

What is inside dinosaur poop?

Basically coprolites are very old pieces of poop that have become fossilized over a very long time. Most coprolites are composed of calcium phosphates, silicates, and a small amount of organic matter. … It is difficult to determine what prehistoric creature originally pooped the coprolite specimen.

Can you drink urine? A healthy person’s urine is about 95 percent water and sterile, so in the short term it’s safe to drink and does replenish lost water. But the other 5 percent of urine comprises a diverse collection of waste products, including nitrogen, potassium, and calcium—and too much of these can cause problems.

Is it OK to poop in the shower?

Showers don’t have enough pressure or volume of water for bowel movements to pass through drainage systems. The diameter of a sewer pipe is much wider than that of the drain. When a toilet flushes, the large volume of water can move faeces, which showers are unable to do so.

Why do guys shake after they pee? According to Sheth, our parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for “rest-and-digest” functions) lowers the body’s blood pressure “to initiate urination.” One leading theory behind the shudder is that peeing can unleash a reactive response from the body’s sympathetic nervous system (which handles “fight or flight” …

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