What is a mystery word?


Some common synonyms of mystery are enigma, problem, puzzle, and riddle. While all these words mean “something which baffles or perplexes,” mystery applies to what cannot be fully understood by reason or less strictly to whatever resists or defies explanation. the mystery of the stone monoliths.

What is mystery person? A mystery person or thing is one whose identity or nature is not known. The mystery hero immediately alerted police after spotting a bomb.

Likewise What are some mystery words?

Synonyms & Antonyms of mysterious

  • arcane,
  • cryptic,
  • deep,
  • enigmatic.
  • (also enigmatical),
  • impenetrable,
  • inscrutable,
  • mystic,

What are some examples of mystery? An example of a mystery is the location of your Christmas presents. An example of a mystery is whether there is proof that God exists. An example of a mystery is how exactly people came to be. An example of a mystery is a situation where it is unclear who committed a crime.

What is mystery life?

The doctrine is so logical, so reasonable, and explains so many things, that it is a wonder that the Christian world rejected it. It is so essential a part of the equation of life that, left out, life just cannot add up, it remains a mystery. The doctrine is simply this: life did not begin with mortal birth.

Are Istjs mysterious? Although the ISTJ enjoys privacy, they are also rather honest with others. They don’t like to be deceitful, and because of this they often appear much less mysterious than they actually are. Their sincere and dedicated personalities cause the ISTJ to seem very transparent.

What do you call a person who loves mystery?

A Sleuth. A sleuth is a ‘keen investigator’, someone who loves to solve problems. Sleuth is from Old Norse meaning ‘trail or track’. From 1905 it also came to mean ‘private detective’.

What is something mysterious? 1. The definition of mysterious is something that is not understood or known. An example of something mysterious is an old man who lives in a house and never comes outside. adjective. Having unknown qualities.

What’s another word for mysteriously?

What is another word for mysteriously?

occultly secretly
mystically enigmatically
arcanely inscrutably
cryptically uncannily
impenetrably magically

What are some strong vocabulary words? Explore the Words

  • serendipity. good luck in making unexpected and fortunate discoveries. …
  • keen. intense or sharp. …
  • dubious. fraught with uncertainty or doubt. …
  • susurration. an indistinct sound, as of whispering or rustling. …
  • onomatopoeia. using words that imitate the sound they denote. …
  • corpus callosum. …
  • toothsome. …
  • bibliophile.

What is the best mystery novel of all time?

10 Best Murder Mystery Novels of All Time

  • The Complete Sherlock Holmes. by Arthur Conan Doyle.
  • The Da Vinci Code. by Dan Brown. …
  • The Alienist. by Caleb Carr. …
  • Death on the Nile. by Agatha Christie. …
  • Mr. Mercedes. …
  • The Yard. by Alec Grecian. …
  • In Cold Blood. by Truman Capote. Twenty years following O.J. …
  • Strong Poison. by Dorothy L. Sayers. …

What makes a mystery story mysterious? A mystery is a story that has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the problem, and the solution. … The author should introduce the characters in the story with enough information that the reader can visualize each person.

How do you say the word mystery?

What is meant by mysterious death? The choice of web suicide or deletion of interactions for one’s own amounts to web death with regard to ones internet life. … Internet death exp. symbolically killing one’s internet unique identity.

How do I stay mysterious?

The key to being mysterious is to keep yourself as private and unknown as possible. The easiest way to keep people from learning too much about you is to spend less time with them and talk to them less. Spend most of your free time alone and/or with people that know the real you so that you appear distant to others.

What makes something a mystery? A mystery is a story that has five basic but important elements. These five components are: the characters, the setting, the plot, the problem, and the solution. … The main character determines the way the plot or mystery will develop and is usually the person who will solve the problem the story centers upon.

Are ISTJs problem solvers?

ISTJs are logical and practical people, who prefer to be efficient and work hard in life. Their desire to get things done properly, makes them skilled at problem solving. They prefer to gather information beforehand and have plenty of time to analyze and understand it.

Are ISTJs sensitive? ISTJs are not sensitive people, and will often ignore their own emotions for the sake of getting things done. They are not easily offended by others, and will often brush things off. ISTJs care about the people closest to them, but can cut those people out if they continue to abuse or hurt them.

Are ISTJs messy?

ISTJs are often very organized people, and dislike being around mess or clutter. In order to remain focused and comfortable in their surroundings, the ISTJ likely needs things to be organized and clean. If someone around them is messy, the ISTJ will probably find themselves constantly picking up after them.

What is Selenophile? Definition of selenophile

: a plant that when growing in a seleniferous soil tends to take up selenium in quantities greater than can be explained on a basis of chance.

What is the meaning of Nyctophile?

n. a strong preference for darkness or night.

What’s a Nemophilist? Nemophilist: a person who loves or is fond of woods or forests.

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