What is a example of intermittent?


The definition of intermittent is something that starts and stops or happens irregularly. An example of intermittent is occasional thunder during a rainstorm. Stopping and starting at intervals; coming after a particular time span; not steady or constant. The day was cloudy with intermittent rain.

What does intermittent level mean? Word forms: intermediates

adjective. An intermediate stage, level, or position is one that occurs between two other stages, levels, or positions. Do you make any intermediate stops between your home and work? Synonyms: middle, mid, halfway, in-between [informal] More Synonyms of intermediate. adjective.

Likewise What is the synonym for intermittent?

intermittent. interrupted. on-again-off-again. periodic. random.

What is an intermittent basis? Intermittent basis means employment that is not continuous but may consist of periodic intervals of weekly work and intervals of no weekly work.

What is intermittent geography?

Intermittent, temporary, or seasonal rivers and streams cease to flow every year or at least twice every five years. … Despite inconsistent water flow, intermittent rivers are considered land-forming agents in arid regions, as they are agents of significant deposition and erosion during flood events.

What is intermittent leave mean? < Back to Leave of Absence. When medically necessary, an intermittent leave may require an employee to take time off in separate periods of time due to a single illness or injury as determined by the health care provider of the individual, rather than one continuous period of time.

What is intermittent leave work?

“Intermittent leave” is leave taken in separate blocks of time due to a single qualifying reason. A “reduced leave schedule” is a schedule that reduces an employee’s usual number of working hours per workweek or hours per workday.

Is intermittent leave paid? Companies can temporarily transfer an employee on intermittent leave, to minimize the effect of that person’s absence on the overall operation. The temporary position doesn’t need to be equivalent to the original job – but the pay and benefits must remain the same.

Does intermittent mean periodic?

intermittent Add to list Share. Reach for the adjective intermittent to describe periodic movement and stopping and starting over a period of time. The adjective intermittent modifies things that work or stop and start at periodic intervals.

What does intermittent water mean? A stream that has flowing water during certain times of the year, when groundwater provides water for stream flow. During dry periods, intermittent streams may not have flowing water.

What is intermittent stream in geography?

Intermittent streams are streams that only flow when significant rainfall occurs. The intermittent streams are also referred to as seasonal streams. The streams are often dry during the dry season and are common in deserts. Other streams may only flow only during and immediately after precipitation.

What qualifies for intermittent leave? Intermittent FMLA is available to employees when he or she has a serious health condition which prevents the employee from doing his or her job or for employees with family members requiring care for a serious health condition. Family members include spouse, child, and parent.

Is maternity leave intermittent or continuous?

For example, a new mother can take 8 weeks off from work to care for her newborn baby. This 8 week period is considered continuous FMLA leave. Leave to care for a sick family member or leave to receive treatment for your own serious illness may be continuous as well.

Is Intermittent FMLA paid or unpaid? (Q) Is my employer required to pay me when I take FMLA leave? The FMLA only requires unpaid leave. However, the law permits an employee to elect, or the employer to require the employee, to use accrued paid vacation leave, paid sick or family leave for some or all of the FMLA leave period.

How do I apply for intermittent leave?

How do I notify the EDD that I want to take leave intermittently after applying for eight continuous weeks of Paid Family Leave benefits?

  1. Call 1-877-238-4373 (English) or 1-877-379-3819 (Spanish).
  2. Submit a letter to:

What is the difference between intermittent and occasional? As adjectives the difference between intermittent and occasional. is that intermittent is stopping and starting at intervals; coming after a particular time span; not steady or constant while occasional is occurring or appearing irregularly from time to time.

How do you use intermittent in a sentence?

Intermittent sentence example

  1. Shortly afterwards he fell ill of an intermittent fever, but seemed to recover. …
  2. Their intermittent character prompted the supposition. …
  3. Locusts are an intermittent plague.

What part of speech is intermittent? INTERMITTENT (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary.

What is intermittent or ephemeral?

Intermittent: streams that hold water during wet portions of the year. Ephemeral: a channel formed by water during or immediately after precipitation events as indicated by an absence of forest litter and exposure of mineral soil.

What is intermittent drainage? Intermittent drainage means a stream or reach of a stream that flows for at least some part of the year and obtains its flow from surface runoff and ground water discharge.

How are intermittent streams formed?

Intermittent streams dry up periodically as ground water levels decline in drier seasons. Further downstream where baseflow is large enough to sustain stream flow throughout the year, “perennial” streams are formed. 1st Order • 2nd Order • 3rd Order • Etc. One way of categorizing stream size is by “stream order”.

What is Baseflow in geography? The base flow is the water that reaches the channel through slow throughflow and permeable rock below the water table. As storm water enters the drainage basin the discharge rates increase. … The highest flow in the channel is known as the peak discharge.

What is the difference between intermittent and continuous leave?

Continuous FMLA Leave: This type of leave is taken up by employees for a continuous period of time. … Intermittent FMLA Leave: it is the more flexible way of taking leave. In such type of leave, the employee can take leave for a few hours or a few days.

How many hours do you get for intermittent FMLA? One of the (many) headaches of managing intermittent FMLA leave is keeping track of leave in increments smaller than one work week. For non-exempt employees, employers often calculate leave entitlement as 480 hours per FMLA year (i.e., 12 weeks x 40 hrs/wk).

What is the 50 75 rule?

To be eligible for Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, an employee must work at a location that has 50 employees within a 75-mile radius. This so-called 50/75 rule can create confusion for employers that have 50 or more employees total but with no locations that have 50 workers within a 75-mile radius.

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