What does TKT mean in French?
Tqt/tkt (t’inquiète) : don’t worry.
Simply so How do you say bruh in French? Translation of “bruh!” in French
Je suis fait pour ça, frère.
What does JSP mean in French? JSP, short for Je ne sais pas = “IDK” or “I don’t know” NB: NSP, short for Ne sait pas = “Does not know”
also What does NN mean in English?
Acronym | Definition |
NN | No No |
NN | Not Necessary |
NN | Nizhny Novgorod (Russian football) |
NN | Not Now |
What does BG mean in French?
BG. These days BG is a popular acronym. It stands for beau gosse, which means hot guy.
How do you say cool in French slang? French slang for COOL
- 18 – Lourd. Translated you will get the English word “heavy” but this French slang means “cool”. Another related slang is “fou” and his verlan version “ouf” means “crazy”. …
- 19 – Ça gère. This expression could be translated as “It rocks”.
How do you say haha in French?
In French it’s hahaha, héhéhé, hihihi, hohoho or mdr, which is mort de rire, literally dying of laughter. Spanish is jajaja, as the letter j is pronounced as h, as in jalapeño. Hebrew is חחחח, which sounds more like a German ‘ch’.
What is French slang called? There are three types of commonly practiced slang in French: louchébem, argot and verlan aka verlan à l’envers.
What CBN means in French?
CBN. Confection Boischaut Nord (French: North Boischaut Manufacturing; Écueillé, France)
What does NNN mean in text? Nnn as abbreviation means “No No No“.
What do the French call cigarettes?
Clope is French slang for ‘cigarette’. Like the English ‘smoke a cig’, les français fument une clope. French people love to smoke.
What is Bobo French? PARIS— The French have embraced a new expression to describe those who have it all: Bobo. The term is short for bourgeois and bohemian, two social castes no one ever expected to find mixed up together. Bobo takes over where the old Mitterrand-era label “gauche caviar,” or caviar socialist, left off.
What does BV mean in French?
bacterial vaginosis – French translation – Linguee.
Why do the French say sacre bleu?
Bleu, meaning “blue” in French, rhymes with Dieu, making it a handy way to avoid blasphemy. … Sacré in French means “sacred,” so taken together sacrebleu, literally means “Holy blue!” instead of sacré Dieu (“Holy God!”)
How do you say wow in French? wow → oh là là, ouah, pouah, ouais, waouh. wow → ouh là là
Why do French say hon hon? The top definition of Urban Dictionary for “hon hon hon” is “the sound of French laughter, in all its nasally glory.” The “n” isn’t actually pronounced, but it signals how the “o” should sound, (so definitely not “ho ho ho” – that catchphrase is taken).
What is lmao in French?
PK – PourKoi. English translation: why. PTDR – Pété de rire. English equivalent: LMAO (Laughing My Ass Off) SLT – SaLuT.
What does Bola mean in French? bolo tie; bolo; bola tie; necktie; tie. rope.
What is French backwards?
The slang language essentially sees the sounds of a word’s syllables pronounced back-to-front. In fact, the word “verlan” itself is an example of Verlan, as it’s the French word “L’envers” (reverse) in reverse. The phenomenon, which some suggest took off after World World Two, is incredibly popular with younger people.
What does boubou mean in French? noun. a long, loose-fitting, brightly colored garment worn in parts of Africa.
What does NN mean in texting?
What Does NN Mean? This slang acronym is most frequently used in online chatting and text messaging to represent the phrase “night, night.” It is used to say goodnight or end a conversation at the end of an evening. Origin of NN. The exact origin of this acronym and the phrase it represents are not known.
What’s NNN Tiktok? NNN is an acronym that stands for “No Nut November.” If you’re wondering what that means, it’s basically a viral challenge that trends on social media every year and revolves around abstaining from sex and self-pleasure for the whole month of November.
What does NRN mean in texting?
The abbreviation NRN means “No Reply Necessary” and “Not Right Now.”