What does the phrase at hand means?


phrase. If something is at hand, near at hand, or close at hand, it is very near in place or time. Having the right equipment at hand will be enormously helpful.

What does the topic at hand mean? The issue, topic, or task that is currently being discussed or is the current priority. Also seen as “the matter in hand.” Let’s get back to the matter at hand, people. Don’t get distracted by side issues. See also: hand, matter.

Likewise Is it on hand or at hand?

u201cAt handu201d implies that it is nearby or imminent, and usually is more metaphorical and doesn’t refer to objects. It’s often used for time expressions: u201cThe day of my graduation is at hand.u201d Or a phrase from the Bible, u201cThe Kingdom of God is at hand.u201d u201cOn handu201d means immediately available, and usually refers to objects.

How do you use at hand in a sentence? At-hand sentence example

  1. She tried to focus on the job at hand . …
  2. Freedom, however, was at hand . …
  3. Hogarth’s house is close at hand . …
  4. Like John the Baptist and the Apostles of Jesus, Zoroaster also believed that the fulness of time was near, that the kingdom of heaven was at hand .

What part of speech is at hand?


part of speech: noun
part of speech: verb
inflections: hands, handing, handed
definition: to give or pass to someone with the hand. Please hand me an apple. synonyms: give, pass similar words: deliver, present
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What is near at hand? Definition of near at hand

: close enough to reach easily Be sure to have a fire extinguisher near at hand.

Have at one’s fingertips meaning?

Ready at hand, immediately available. This idiom is used both literally, as in This new dashboard design keeps all the important controls at the driver’s fingertips, and figuratively, as in Tom was so familiar with the proposal that he had all the details at his fingertips. [ Second half of 1800s]

Is close at hand an idiom? 1. Nearby; physically within one’s reach. Your mother will need you close at hand to help as she makes the big dinner. I always keep a glass of water close at hand when I sleep, because I hate waking up thirsty.

What does it mean close by?

Definition of close by

: at a short distance away Don’t worry: if anything happens I’ll be (standing) close by. They’re building a school close by.

What is the synonym word for near? Close, nearby, or in close proximity, but not touching. See. The definition of next is just before or after.

What is the meaning of at one’s wit’s end?

Also, at wits’ end. Completely puzzled and perplexed, not knowing what to do. For example, I’ve tried every possible source without success, and now I’m at my wit’s end. This idiom, which uses wit in the sense of “mental faculties,” appeared in Piers Ploughman (c. 1377).

What does it mean to have an AXE to grind? phrase. If someone has an axe to grind, they are doing something for selfish reasons.

What is the meaning of at his fingers end?

Nearby, close at hand; readily available or accessible; at one’s disposal; (hence) within one’s range of skills or knowledge.

What is the meaning of at close quarters? Definition of at close quarters

: from a short distance We were able to observe their behavior at close quarters.

What is the meaning of at the foot of?

In devotion, homage, honor, tutelage, or worship of (somebody or something). I studied for years at the feet of all the greatest English authors.

What is the meaning of all ears in idioms? Eager to hear something, listening attentively, as in Tell me who else was invited? I’m all ears.

Is it nearby or near by?

Usage notes

Some British writers make the distinction between the adverbial near by”, which is written as two words; and the adjectival ”nearby , which is written as one. In American English, the one-word spelling is standard for both forms.

What does close mean in a relationship? Close personal relationship means a regular and ongoing relationship that is romantic, familial or financial.

How do you write closeby?

Close-by meaning

  1. With a noun-phrase complement. She lives close by us.
  2. With no explicit complement. There isn’t any good source of water close by.
  3. With the preposition to introducing a noun-phrase complement. He waited close by to the store.
  4. Preceding and modifying a noun. The close-by family members tried to help.

What is the synonym of proximity? closeness, nearness, presence, juxtaposition, propinquity, adjacency. accessibility. rare contiguity, vicinity, vicinage.

What is meant by within reach?

1 : close enough to be touched or picked up : nearby He kept a dictionary within reach. 2 : close enough to be achieved Victory was within reach.

What does being at sixes and sevens mean? If you say that someone or something is at sixes and sevens, you mean that they are confused or disorganized. [informal]

What is the meaning of between the devil and the deep sea?

phrase. If you say that you are between the devil and the deep blue sea, you mean that you are in a difficult situation where you have to choose between two equally unpleasant courses of action.

What is the meaning of at six and seven? “At sixes and sevens” is an English idiom used to describe a condition of confusion or disarray.

What is the meaning of end in smoke?

To end in smoke’ means to come to nothing; to have no positive result.

What is the meaning of the idiom a man of straw?

[British, formal] a man who does not have the ability or the courage necessary to carry out a particular task or to fulfil a particular role. Either he is a brave and principled national leader or he is a man of straw who does not deserve to win the next election. Easy Learning Idioms Dictionary.

Can you spell axe without an E? Ax and axe are both correct spellings. In fact, they are just different ways to spell the same word. The only difference between these words is regional. Ax (no ‘e’) is more common in the U.S., while British English-speaking countries prefer axe (with the ‘e’).

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