What does the medical term NEUR o mean?


a combining form meaning “nerve,” “nerves,” “nervous system,” used in the formation of compound words: neurology.

What does PIL O mean? Combining form meaning hair. Combining form meaning hair.

Likewise What does the prefix proto mean?

a combining form meaning “first,” “foremost,” “earliest form of,” used in the formation of compound words (protomartyr; protolithic; protoplasm), specialized in chemical terminology to denote the first of a series of compounds, or the one containing the minimum amount of an element.

What does the term algia mean? algia: Word ending indicating pain, as in arthralgia (joint pain), cephalgia (headache), fibromyalgia, mastalgia (breast pain), myalgia (muscle pain), and neuralgia (nerve pain). Derived from the Greek algos meaning pain.

What color is Leuk O?

Leuk/o. The word root and combining form leuk/o is from the Greek word leukos, meaning the color white.

What does Xer o mean? a combining form meaning “dry,” used in the formation of compound words: xerophyte. Also especially before a vowel, xer-.

What does Pilocystic mean?

Definition of pilocystic

of a dermoid tumor. : encysted and containing hair.

What does Hirsut o mean? hirsut/o. the combining form meaning hairy or rough.

What does Poly mean prefix?

1 : many : several : much : multi- polychotomous polygyny. 2a : containing an indefinite number more than one of a (specified) substance polysulfide.

How do you use the prefix proto? Proto is defined as the original, or the early stage. An example of proto used as a prefix is in the word “prototype” which means the original model. First in time; earliest. Protolithic.

Is proto a Scrabble word?

No, proto is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the prefix for algia? Examples of -algia

The form -algia means “pain,” as we have seen. Fibromyalgia literally translates to “muscle fiber pain.”

What does Megaly mean in Latin?

As we know, -megaly means “irregular enlargement.” Cardiomegaly literally translates to “abnormally large heart.” What are some words that use the combining form -megaly? acromegaly (using the equivalent form of -megalia in New Latin) adrenomegaly.

What does Hyster mean in medical terms? Hyster- is a combining form used like a prefix representing the word uterus, also known as the womb, where offspring are conceived and gestate in mammals. It is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy. … Related to the Greek hystéra is the Latin uterus, source of the related combining form utero-.

What is the root of leukemia?

The word leukemia comes from the Greek words leukos, “white,” and haima, “blood.” Definitions of leukemia.

What is Cirrh? cirrh/o. Yellow, tawny. cirrhosis (chronic degenerative disease of the liver with resultant yellowness of the liver and of the skin)

What color is Glauc?

Cards In This Set

Front Back
glauc/o Gray, bluish-green
jaund/o Yellow
leuk/o White
lute/o Yellow

Is Xer OA prefix? Xero-: Prefix indicating dryness, as in xeroderma (dry skin).

What does Kerato mean in medical terms?

Kerato: Prefix that can refer either to the cornea (as in keratitis and keratocornea) or to “horny” tissue (as in keratin and keratosis).

What is Subplexal? subplexal – sub/plex/al: beneath a plexus or network of vessels or nerves.

What prefix means hair?

Tricho- (prefix): Pertaining to hair. … From the Greek thrix, trichos, meaning hair. See also: Trich- (prefix).

What is histo in medical term? Histo-: Tissue. As in histocompatible (tissue compatible) and histology (the study of tissues, especially under the microscope).

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