What does Sucio mean in Spanish slang?


dirty. More meanings for sucio. dirty adjective. manchado, verde, mugriento, cochino, obsceno. unclean adjective.

Is member feminine in Spanish?

member el/la miembro
female la mujer la hembra

Likewise What does Vieja mean in Spanish slang?

votes. It does mean “old woman” but I often hear it as a familiar term of endearment(mexican slang mostly). My boyfriend calls me vieja loca(crazy old woman). So she would be a girlfriend, fiancee, wife, mistress, or VERY close friend to him.

What is Photos in Spanish? nounWord forms: plural photos. foto f.

Is Vieja an insult?

In Argentina, “vieja” (apart from its regular meaning) is used to refer to mothers, usually your own mother. It’s just not limited to girlfriends only, but to any (generally) young woman. It depends on context, but it’s very informal and may be a bit offensive.

What does videos mean in Spanish? [ˈvɪdɪəʊ ] 1. ( also: video recorder) aparato m de vídeo ⧫ vídeo m ⧫ video m (Latin America) 2. ( also: video cassette) videocinta f ⧫ cinta f de vídeo or (Latin America) video ⧫ vídeo m ⧫ video m (Latin America)

Is suitcase in Spanish feminine or masculine?

maleta | Translation of SUITCASE into Spanish by Oxford Dictionary on Lexico.com also meaning of SUITCASE in Spanish.

How do you make Fotografia plural? Fotografia on the other hand has a normal plural: fotografie.

Can Jefa mean mom?

The relaxed form of mother and father is “jefe” and “jefa” which is somewhat similar to the British “gov’nor”.

Is Pais masculine or feminine? If a word ends in another letter, for example Mujer (woman) or País (country), it could be either. There are lots of patterns to look out for – e.g. nouns ending in ‘ión’ like Opinión (opinion) and Construcción (building/construction) tend to be feminine.

Is conductor masculine or feminine?

Masculine nouns: el conductor the (male) driver, el profesor the (male) teacher.

Is escuelas masculine or feminine? «escuela» is always a feminine noun.

What is the meaning of Hotel in Spanish?

hotel; habitación; hostal; empresa hotelera; casa de huéspedes; pensión; internado; fonda.

Where is the passport Spanish?

where dónde
be ser estar
the el la
passport el pasaporte

What is calf plural?

plural calves ˈkavz , ˈkävz “,What is Senora plural?”

See synonyms for: señora / señoras on Thesaurus.com. noun, plural se·ño·ras [seyn-yawr-uhz, -yohr-, seen-; Spanish se-nyaw-rahs]. a Spanish term of address equivalent to Mrs., used alone or capitalized and prefixed to the name of a married or older woman. What is La Maleta plural?

plural of maleta. maletas [f/pl]

What is the meaning of Mamacita in Spanish?

The literal translation of mamacita is “little mother” but the figurative and more accurate translation is “hot momma.” The moniker is never really used to describe an actual mother, a genuine mamá or mamita. What is the meaning of Flaca?

votes. It means skinny and can be an insult, just like fatty can. There is a television show called “El Gordo y La Flaca” with a heavy set guy and a very pretty lady.

What do Mexican call their dads?

Here in Mexico, we call our mother “mamá” or “má” and, our father we call him “papá” or “pá”…. This way of calling our parents are the most common nicknames to them. Is it un CASA or una casa?

We will use the noun casa (house), which is feminine and singular. … Una is what we were looking for, and that gives us Una casa (a house).

What is the plural of Lapiz?

Noun. lápiz m (plural lápices) Is Madre a feminine word?

“madre” is a feminine noun, so you use “la”.


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