What does Redds mean in Scottish?


redd in British English

or red (rɛd ) Scottish and Northern England dialect. verbWord forms: redds, redding, redd or redded. 1. ( transitive; often foll by up) to bring order to; tidy (up)

How do you use gaily in a sentence? Gaily sentence example

  1. The people dressed themselves gaily , some in the disguise of the mythical personages in the suite of Dionysus, and paid a round of visits to their acquaintances. …
  2. All the young soldiers smiled gaily as they watched him. …
  3. The sun had by now risen and shone gaily on the bright verdure.

Likewise What is a REDD fish?

The term “redd” refers to the spawning bed of trout in a river or stream. Redds can be identified by a bowl-shaped indentation of clean bright rocks. Redds are formed by trout beating the rocks with their tail-fin. Trout do this to remove moss, dirt, bigger rocks, and debris.

Where did the phrase red up come from? The verbal phrase “redd up” (also seen as “red up,” “ret up,” and even “rid up”) has its roots in a Middle English verb redden, which meant to rescue or free from, or to clear. Today, “redd up” means to clear an area or make it tidy.

How do you use skillfully in a sentence?

with skill.

  1. The jeweller skillfully engraved the initials on the ring.
  2. He skillfully parried all the interviewer’s most probing questions.
  3. He tooled skillfully along the path.
  4. He skillfully fuses these fragments into a cohesive whole.
  5. She steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.

How do you use Grim in a sentence? The accident serves as a grim reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving. The prognosis is grim—doctors do not expect her to live longer than six months. He paints a grim picture of the prospects for peace. His face looked grim, and we knew his news wouldn’t be good.

What is the Word suavity mean?

noun, plural suav·i·ties. a suave or smoothly agreeable quality. suavities, suave or courteous actions or manners; amenities. Also suave·ness .

How do you spot Redds? A redd is where a fish has turned onto its side and used its tail to clear a spot in the gravel bottom to spawn. They are usually round or oval in shape and lighter in color than the surrounding bottom.

What is a trout redd?

Here are the mechanics: a female trout digs a depression in the gravel with her tail called a “redd.” She deposits the eggs and waits for a male trout to fertilize them, then she covers the eggs with loose gravel. They both swim away leaving the eggs sheltered (unlike salmon, trout don’t die after spawning).

What is a REDD fly fishing? Redds, or nests, are visibly “cleaner” than the surrounding stream or river bottom, and they are usually located where there’s a mix of fine gravel and larger cobble. Trout, char and salmon all spawn in water that is highly oxygenated, so the redds will very likely be in moving water.

What does redd up a room mean?

question. redd up (also ret, rid, ridd, or redd out) – (v.) to tidy up, clean up, or clean out (a room, house, cupboard, etc.

Where did the word slippy come from? From slip +‎ -y. Compare Old English slipiġ (“slippy, slimy, viscid”).

What is Pittsburgh slang?

Yinzer is a 20th-century term playing on the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania second-person plural vernacular “yinz.” The word is used among people who identify themselves with the city of Pittsburgh and its traditions.

Is it skillfully or skilfully? As adverbs the difference between skilfully and skillfully

is that skilfully is with skill; in a skilful way while skillfully is in a skillful manner; with skill.

What does skillfulness mean?

subtle or imaginative ability in inventing, devising, or executing something. the skillfulness with which she handled that touchy situation is indeed admirable.

What is mean by skillfully? 1 : having or showing ability : expert a skillful gardener. 2 : done or made with ability a skillful dive. Other Words from skillful. skillfully -fə-lē adverb.

What is a grim person?

having a harsh, surly, forbidding, or morbid air: a grim man but a just one; a grim countenance. fierce, savage, or cruel: War is a grim business.

What does grim mean in slang? adjective. (UK, slang) Disgusting; gross. Wanna see the dead rat I found in my fridge? —Mate, that is grim!

How do you use toxic in a sentence?

of or relating to or caused by a toxin or poison.

  1. These factories are releasing toxic gases into the atmosphere.
  2. She suffered a massive exposure to toxic chemicals.
  3. Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea.
  4. Clouds of toxic fumes escaped from the chemical plant.
  5. Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.

What does hypocritical mean in English? : characterized by behavior that contradicts what one claims to believe or feel : characterized by hypocrisy said that it was hypocritical to demand respect from students without respecting them in return a hypocritical gesture of modesty and virtue— Robert Graves also : being a person who acts in contradiction to his …

What’s the definition of vehement Lee?

When you do something vehemently, you do it with energy and passion. If you vehemently oppose your brother’s plan for the family vacation, then you’re really, really against it.

What do scantlings mean? Definition of scantling

1a : the dimensions of timber and stone used in building. b : the dimensions of a structural element used in shipbuilding —often used in plural. 2 : a small quantity, amount, or proportion : modicum. 3 : a small piece of lumber (such as an upright piece in house framing)

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