What does Mald mean in gaming?


The term “Malding” is the combination of the words “Mad” and “Balding.” The term is used as a meme or slang when someone who is balding gets angry, usually when they are playing a multiplayer game. It is one of many words used as a part of Twitch lingo.

What is another word for meld? 1 mix, fuse, combine, consolidate.

Likewise Is Mald a word?

Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy.

Who invented Mald? The term matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) was coined in 1985 by Franz Hillenkamp, Michael Karas and their colleagues. These researchers found that the amino acid alanine could be ionized more easily if it was mixed with the amino acid tryptophan and irradiated with a pulsed 266 nm laser.

Who owns the word Malding?

“It’s trademarked by Nagzz21 LLC, that’s my business, so when you are using malding on your streams and stuff with your chat, that’s trademark infringement, and that’s bad.” Nagzz then broke into some free-style rap, dissing Roflgator for photoshopping Nagzz’s face onto the heads of people “malding.”

How do you use meld in a sentence? Meld in a Sentence

  1. Singing in harmony, the musicians were able to meld their voices.
  2. The team members had to find a way to meld their ideas into one solid concept.
  3. The author tried to meld both characters into one strong antagonist. …
  4. As a producer, his ability to meld sounds together was unmatched.

What is the more common word for fused?

Some common synonyms of fuse are amalgamate, blend, coalesce, commingle, merge, mingle, and mix.

What is mind melding mean? A (supposed) technique for the psychic fusion of two or more minds, permitting unrestricted communication or deep understanding (originally from the United States television series Star Trek); also in extended use.

What is Mald degree?

The two-year Master of Arts in Law and Diplomacy (MALD) is Fletcher’s flagship international affairs degree. It provides students with the knowledge and tools necessary to tackle the world’s most challenging problems.

Why do people say Malding? The meaning of malding in Twitch originates from two separate words ‘mad’ and ‘balding’. Malding in Twitch chat means that you are mad and balding at the same time. The word is jokingly used to refer to people who seem that they are so mad, they start going bald.

What does smog mean twitch?

Some portmanteaus you might have come across include “chortle” which is a combination of “chuckle” and “chortle,” “brunch” which is a melding of “breakfast” and “lunch,” and “smog” which is a combination of “smoke” and “fog.”

What does Malding mean League of Legends? Today, “malding” is used to describe a player who is having a hard time with a game and is getting so frustrated with it that they just might start balding.

What is Copium meme?

Copium in Twitch chat refers to the use of this fictional drug to cope with loss or failure on stream. Generally, it is depicted using a Pepe the Frog meme that shows the character hooked to a Copium tank.

Is meld a Scrabble word? Yes, meld is in the scrabble dictionary.

Where did the word meld come from?

Probably borrowed from Dutch or German melden (“to report, announce”). Compare cognate Middle English melden (“to call out, accuse”), from Old English meldian (“to declare, announce, tell”).

What is a meld in a game? In card games, a meld is a set of matching cards, typically three or more, that earn a player points and/or allow them to deplete their hand.

What things fuse together?

fuse (together) As they heal, the bones will fuse together. fuse (into something) Our different ideas fused into a plan. Their lips fused in a passionate kiss.


present simple I / you / we / they fuse /fjuːz/ /fjuːz/
past participle fused /fjuːzd/ /fjuːzd/
-ing form fusing /ˈfjuːzɪŋ/ /ˈfjuːzɪŋ/

How do you use fuse in a sentence? Fuse in a Sentence

  1. In the cooking contest, I will fuse Mexican and French recipes to make a dish I will refer to as Frexican.
  2. Rap music came into existence when an artist decided to fuse spoken word poetry with music.
  3. If we fuse the two wires together, we should have a conductor that can carry an electrical charge.

What does fused together mean?

If something’s fused, it’s connected or joined to something else. Fused wires have been soldered together, and fused families are connected through love, marriage, or children. When two things are fused, they become one fused whole — permanently attached and combined.

When did mind melds become acceptable? There is overwhelming evidence that mind melds are both commonplace and socially accepted in the 23rd and at latest in the 24th century. When Spock performs the first on-screen mind meld in TOS: “Dagger of the Mind”, he explains that it is an “old technique”, implying that humans are probably not familiar with it.

How do you play mind meld?

Description. The goal is for two people to say things together until they reach the same word. It begins by one person saying “one,” the second person saying “two,” and then both people counting to three together. They then say anything at all – a person, place, idea, concept, phrase: anything.

What is a mind melt? Noun. mind meld. (informal) A state of deep compatibility in opinion or plans between two people.

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