What does it mean to get socked in the face?


To hit or strike forcefully; punch. To deliver a blow. … A hard blow or punch.

What does getting socked mean? to suddenly receive something that causes you problems: If you don’t pay your credit card bill on time, you’ll get socked with a huge late fee.

Likewise What does sock you in the jaw mean?

(sok) verb. (slang) to strike someone hard with the fist. He socked the burglar (on the jaw).

Why is a punch called a sock? Pretty clearly this comes from a much older low slang use of the word sock, meaning to hit or punch, to give somebody a heavy blow, to assault or beat someone. There was also the phrase to give someone sock, to give someone a thrashing.

What does sock on mean in Yorkshire?

Usually said when someone is fast asleep, sometimes sock on is used in other parts of Yorkshire. 21.

What does fettle mean in Yorkshire? 1) To put in order, clean up, make tidy.

How do you say hello in Yorkshire?

The dialect can be a little confusing to a fresh set of ears, so here’s a small guide to understanding Yorkshire slang.

  1. Yarkshar – Yorkshire.
  2. ‘Ow Do – Hello.
  3. Nah Then – Hello.
  4. ‘Ey Up – Hello.
  5. Ta – Thanks.
  6. Ta’ra – Goodbye.
  7. Si’thi’ – Goodbye.
  8. T’ – To.

What does Ey by gum mean? “Ee ba gum,” means, “by god” and is a “minced oath,” which over the generations has become a phrase used by people who do not wish to use a swear word because it may be inappropriate.

What does Garth mean in Yorkshire?

garth. small grass enclosure adjacent to a house.

What does chuff mean in Yorkshire? CHUFF/CHUFFING – nothing to do with trains, not unless used in the context of ‘that chuffing train is late’. It’s a mild expletive like ‘bloody’. CHUFF OFF = get lost. Why don’t you chuff off, you chuffing pest!

What is a hinny Geordie?

Geordie saying: hinny. Non Geordie translation: wife, female companion or life partner.

Why do we say clap cold? Clap cold

Gone completely cold, usually of food or drink. May happen if you leave your tea to mash for too long.

Do they say duck in Yorkshire?

Duck. Also used as far south as Hertfordshire/Middlesex however (where my inlaws come from and i lived for a few years) although wherever its said now its surely confined to older people.

What is black bright? Black bright – meaning very dirty. “He was black bright when he got in from footie.”

What does put wood in hole mean?

What’s the origin of the phrase ‘Put the wood in the hole’?

This is a colloquial North of England expression of uncertain origin and date. The ‘wood’ is the door and the expression is usually used when someone leaves a door open and lets in cold air to a warm room.

Where does the saying Black Bright come from? “He was black bright when he got in from footie.” Black Leg – meaning someone who wont join in the strike. Bog – meaning toilet.

How do you say hello in Lancashire?

Meaning hello mate, ey up cocker is commonly used all over Lancashire to greet friends, colleagues and family members.

What is a Gill in Yorkshire? 1) Pronounced ‘jill’, a measure for liquids, and the vessel holding a gill. In the West Riding a gill is still colloquially half a pint. … Note: 1700 barrels, kits & tubs, pintes & jills, Selby.

What does clap cold mean?

Clap cold

Gone completely cold, usually of food or drink. May happen if you leave your tea to mash for too long.

Is Mardy a Yorkshire word? It moved north into Lancashire and Yorkshire and right up into the north of England, and because it started to be used on certain television programmes like ‘Coronation Street’, it got to be known in the south of England as well, and I’ve heard people in the south use it now. It’s an adjective – ‘you mardy cow!

What does shag mean in Yorkshire?

Shag’ is a very old name that means ‘tufted’ and refers to the small crest that this bird sports. Look out for it in spring and summer either diving for fish from the surface of the sea or nesting on coastal cliffs.

What does Gan Yem mean? 4. GANNIN YEM. Translation: Going home. Example: “Are ye gannin yem already?” Use: When it’s time to go home after a fab night out in the Toon.

What do Geordies call their grandparents?

English translation: granny, gran, nan

English term or phrase: diminuitive for grandma (UK version)
Selected answer: granny , gran, nan
Entered by: David Knowles

Jan 14, 2006

What is a Cheor Geordie? Wot Cheor Geordie was a radio variety programme broadcast from the BBC Regional Studios in Newcastle. It began in the early 1940s and continued until 1956. It featured songs, plays and sketches, all in dialect; some were only moderately successful, while others were considered outstanding.

What does clap erasers mean?

I used to do that for my teachers when I was a kid. All I can see that he means by saying he’d like to “clap her erasers” is that he’d like to stay behind in class after the other students have gone so that he can be alone with her.

What does clapped mean in Scottish?

1. To pat affectionately, caressingly, approvingly (a gentler and more loving action than Eng. clap). Gen.Sc.

What does clapped out mean in British slang? Definition of clapped-out

chiefly British. : worn-out also : tired.

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