What does it mean to be plug?


A plug (or the plug) is a person who has the ability to get or supply hard-to-find items, especially drugs.

Simply so What is the meaning of welling up? To gradually or steadily flow upwards or outwards so as to begin to fill or overflow something. Oil was welling up out of the borehole. As soon as I heard news of his death, tears started to well up in my eyes.

What is a connect slang? Slang. (of a drug dealer or user) to make direct contact for the illegal sale or purchase of drugs, as narcotics. Sports. to hit successfully or solidly: The batter connected for a home run. The boxer connected with a right.

also What does it mean when a girl says she is plugged up? adjective. If something is plugged or plugged up, it is completely blocked so that nothing can get through it.

What does plugged mean in slang?

If you’re plugged-in, you’re in the know, in touch with what is going on, and very well-informed. You can also be so plugged in to a task, usually a technological one, to the point where you shut everything else out.

How do you use welled in a sentence? Tears welled up in her eyes, blurring the shaking hands. Tears welled up in her eyes. Rage welled up as he went to find her. Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks as she prepared lunch.

What does give a cheap shot mean?

Definition of cheap shot

1 : an act of deliberate roughness against a defenseless opponent especially in a contact sport taking cheap shots at the quarterback. 2 : a critical statement that takes unfair advantage of a known weakness of the target.

What is the meaning of reconnection? Definition of reconnection

: the act or result of restoring a connection : the state of being reconnected Your best bet is to arrange a utility transfer as far ahead as possible to avoid any disruption in service and the dreaded and totally avoidable reconnection fee.—

What do you call a drug trafficker?

an unlicensed dealer in illegal drugs. synonyms: drug dealer, drug peddler, peddler, pusher. type of: criminal, crook, felon, malefactor, outlaw.

What is a connect for drugs? Connect – To purchase drugs. Connection – Supplier of drugs. Cooker – Usually a spoon or bottle cap used to heat drugs for injection, person who cooks meth or.

What does it mean to be championed?

championed; championing; champions. Definition of champion (Entry 2 of 2) transitive verb. 1 : to act as militant supporter of : uphold, advocate always champions the cause of the underdog. 2 : to protect or fight for as a champion championed the ladies chivalrously in the tilts.

What is self plug? What is the meaning of the phrase “shameless plug”? A “shameless plug” is a term often used on the Internet to refer to a time when someone tries to include (or “plug”) some information that helps advance their own selfish interests. And that information is usually a little bit off-topic.

Can you plug me meaning?

verb, informal To publicize or advertise (something) during or as a part of something, such as a broadcast or interview. … verb, slang To shoot (someone or something) with a gun.

What are shameless plugs?

#shamelessplug.” A shameless plug is a term popularly known on the Internet for when someone includes extra information that is off-topic to advance their own selfish interests.

Are you welling up meaning? 1. Of a container or vessel, to fill up (with liquid or an emotion) to the point of overflowing. Drainage ditches have been welling up across the city as the heavy rains continue. Her eyes welled up as she watched him walk away. My body welled up with rage at the thought of such a cruel act.

What is a good sentence for beautiful? She is as beautiful as her elder sister. She is the most beautiful girl in this town. He had a beautiful house. I have bought very beautiful furniture.

How do you use beautifully in a sentence?

Beautifully sentence example

  1. The water is beautifully clear. …
  2. Dumfries is beautifully situated and is one of the handsomest county towns in Scotland. …
  3. The park is beautifully laid out, and contains a small menagerie. …
  4. It is beautifully situated on the east coast of the peninsula of the ancient Calabria.

What is another word for being cheap? 1 thrifty, chary, provident, careful, prudent, penny-wise, scrimping; miserly, stingy, tight, penny-pinching. 2 scant, slim, sparing, skimpy.

What’s another word for cheap shot?

What is another word for cheap shot?

defamation libel
slander calumny
vilification smear
aspersion denigration
opprobrium slur

What does cheap mean in football? cheap shot. An unfair or unsporting verbal attack, as in You called him an amateur? That’s really taking a cheap shot. The term originated in sports, especially American football, where it signifies deliberate roughness against an unprepared opponent. [

What’s another word for reconnect?

What is another word for reconnect?

reopen restore
renovate resuscitate
revamp revive
reaffirm reawaken
refresh regenerate

How do I reconnect with an old friend? How to Reconnect with an Old Friend When It’s Awkwardly Been Too…

  1. Pick Up the Phone and Actually Call. …
  2. Text Your Friend Some Dates with a Game Plan. …
  3. Stick to the Plans and Show Up. …
  4. Forgive Them If They Cancel. …
  5. Listen. …
  6. Acknowledge, Apologize and Move On. …
  7. Follow Up If You Feel a Connection. …
  8. Put in the Time.

How do you reconnect with yourself?

Sit in silence, without scrolling on your phone, without listening to music, without doing anything other than listening to your heart beat. Practice a guided meditation every evening. Take a walk, without your headphones. Listen to the sounds of nature, which can help you listen to yourself.

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