What does choked with emotion mean?


If you say something in a choked voice or if your voice is choked with emotion, your voice does not have its full sound, because you are upset or frightened.

Simply so What does being choked up mean? Definition of (all) choked up

: close to crying and/or having difficulty talking due to strong emotion She got all choked up when she saw her daughter in her wedding dress.

Is choked an emotion? u25ca If you or your voice is choked with emotion, rage, etc., you are feeling emotion in such a strong way that it is hard for you to talk. When she was presented with the award, she was so choked with emotion that she couldn’t say her thank-you speech.

also Is Verklempt a real word? Verklempt (pronounced “fur-klempt”) means overcome with emotion, perhaps even choked or clenched by emotions. Verklempt is a Yiddish loanword.

What does choke mean slang?

Summary of Key Points

Definition: To Fail Under Pressure
Type: Word (Slang)
Guessability: 2: Quite easy to guess
Typical Users: Adults and Teenagers

Is kvetch a Yiddish? kvetch Definitions and Synonyms

‘Kvetch’ is a Yiddish word, literally meaning ‘to crush or press‘.

What is the opposite of mensch?

The opposite of a mensch is an unmensch (meaning: an utterly cruel or evil person). According to Leo Rosten, the Yiddish maven and author of The Joys of Yiddish, mensch is “someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character.

What is a Tookus? Tuchus is a slang term for butt or rear end. A slang term for your butt that is derived from Yiddish is an example of tuchus. noun. Alternative form of toches. noun.

Is it choked or chocked?

To choke is to obstruct or slow something: People choked on the city’s foul stench or The closed lanes created a choke point for traffic. A chock typically refers to a wedge or a block that prevents something from moving: The cement block placed in front of the tire effectively kept the car from rolling down the hill.

What is a asphyxiate? : to cause (as a person) to become unconscious or die by cutting off the normal taking in of oxygen whether by blocking breathing or by replacing the oxygen of the air with another gas. asphyxiate. verb. as·phyx·i·ate | -sē-ˌāt asphyxiated; asphyxiating.

What does Putz mean in Yiddish?

Noun. Yiddish puts, literally, “finery, show,” probably from putsn “to clean, shine”; akin to German putzen “to adorn, clean”

What does it mean to be a kvetch? : to complain habitually : gripe. kvetch. noun. Definition of kvetch (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a habitual complainer.

Is Schmuck a bad word?

Next we come to ‘schmuck’, which in English is a rather vulgar definition of a contemptible or foolish person – in other words, a jerk. In Yiddish the word ‘שמאָק’ (schmok) literally means ‘penis’.

What is the meaning of Schmeckle?

The word “Schmeckle” sounds somewhat similar to “Shekel”, which is the currency of Israel. A Schmeckle is worth approximately $148 USD. “Schmekel” is Yiddish slang for “penis”.

What are some common Yiddish words? Yiddish Words Used in English

  • bagel – bread roll in the shape of a ring.
  • bubkes – nothing; least amount.
  • chutzpah – imprudent; shameless.
  • futz – idle; waste time.
  • glitch – malfunction.
  • huck – bother; nag.
  • klutz – uncoordinated; clumsy person.
  • lox – salmon that is smoked.

What is a Tuchis? Definition of tuchus

slang. : buttocks These wise words recognize the truth about teens: They’re a tremendous pain in the tuchus. —

What does Toches mean?

Filters. (slang, chiefly US) The buttocks, rear end, butt. noun.

How do you get choked? Choking occurs when a piece of food, an object, or a liquid blocks the throat. Children often choke as a result of placing foreign objects into their mouths. Adults can choke from breathing in fumes or eating or drinking too rapidly. Most people choke at some point in their lives.

What type of word is choke?

verb (used with object), choked, chok·ing. to stop the breath of by squeezing or obstructing the windpipe; strangle; stifle. to stop by or as if by strangling or stifling: The sudden wind choked his words. to stop by filling; obstruct; clog: Grease choked the drain.

What is choking in gaming? In sports, choking is the failure of a person, or persons, to act or behave as anticipated or expected. This can occur in a game or tournament that they are strongly favoured to win, or in an instance where they have a large lead that they squander in the late stages of the event.

What causes asphyxiation?

Asphyxia can be caused by injury to or obstruction of breathing passageways, as in strangulation or the aspiration of food (choking) or large quantities of fluid (near-drowning or drowning).

What happens asphyxiation? Asphyxia happens when your body doesn’t get enough oxygen to keep you from passing out. It can be a life-threatening situation. When you breathe normally, first you take in oxygen. Your lungs send that oxygen into your blood, which carries it to your tissues.

What is perinatal asphyxia?

Perinatal asphyxia is caused by a lack of oxygen to organ systems due to a hypoxic or ischemic insult that occurs within close temporal proximity to labor (peripartum) and delivery (intrapartum).

What does Schmo mean in Yiddish? a foolish or stupid person; dolt. : also sp. schmoe. Word origin. < Yiddish, prob.

What is a schlemiel Yiddish?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Schlemiel (Yiddish: שלומיאל; sometimes spelled shlemiel or shlumiel) is a Yiddish term meaning “inept/incompetent person” or “fool”.

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