What do you think impetuously means?


: acting or done quickly and without thought : impulsive an impetuous decision.

Simply so What is blind confidence? 2 usually foll by: to unable or unwilling to understand or discern. 3 not based on evidence or determined by reason. blind hatred.

What is another word for impetuously? Some common synonyms of impetuous are abrupt, headlong, precipitate, and sudden.

also What is the sentence of impetuously? 1. In fact mounting excitement sweeps him along impetuously enough to make you even wish for a little more restraint. 2. So of course I dashed impetuously to the shrine to pay homage.

What is the meaning of a evokes?

1 : to call forth or up: such as. a : to bring to mind or recollection this place evokes memories. b : to cite especially with approval or for support : invoke. c : conjure sense 2a evoke evil spirits.

Is there a word impetuously? Meaning of impetuously in English

in a sudden way, without considering the results of your actions: People feel the minister often acts impetuously.

What do you call a person who speaks without thinking?

impulsive Add to list Share. If someone is impulsive, it means that they act on instinct, without thinking decisions through. … We might also call impulsive behavior whimsical or capricious.

What does Jauntiness mean? Jauntiness is a characteristic of being happy, carefree, and confident.

What is an example of impetuous?

The definition of impetuous is something that moves with a lot of force or done with little thought. An example of impetuous is a bulldozer. An example of impetuous is a person jumping onto a moving train.

How do you use vacuous in a sentence? Vacuous sentence example

  1. It’s not vacuous , or wasn’t meant to be. …
  2. Again a startled look came over the somewhat vacuous face of Miss Mary Sutherland. …
  3. In common with most of what Mr Blair says this is just vacuous rubbish. …
  4. What the web does is remove any barriers to the expression of utterly vacuous drive.. .

What is an example of imperious?

Overbearing, arrogant, domineering, etc. The definition of imperious is someone or something that is domineering and demanding, without any justification or right. An example of imperious is a demand by a new house guest that you go to the store and buy him the type of drink he enjoys. (obsolete) Regal; imperial.

What is evoke feeling? evoke Add to list Share. The verb evoke most commonly means to bring a feeling, memory, or picture into the mind. When you visit your old elementary school, the smells, sounds, and colors there can evoke memories from the past.

What is the difference between invoking and evoking?

Invoke and evoke both stem from the Latin vocare, meaning “to call.” Invoke means “to call upon” and is usually used when someone calls upon a law, right, or authority. Evoke on the other hand means “to call forth” and is often used to refer to calling upon memories or emotions.

What is an example of evoke?

The definition of evoke is to call forth, or imagine. An example of evoke is your wedding song bringing back memories of your wedding reception.

How do you pronounce impetuously? Break ‘impetuously’ down into sounds: [IM] + [PECH] + [OO] + [UHS] + [LEE] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

Is tortuously a word? Meaning of tortuously in English

in a way that is not direct or simple: Some things that seemed simple to us have turned out to be tortuously difficult. The plot is tortuously complicated.

Is Impetulant a word?

Impetulant has no English definition. It may be misspelled.

What do you call a person who takes things lightly? philander with. give the come-on to. swing. get around. fool.

What do you call a person who think they are always right?

Originally Answered: What do you call people that think they’re always right? You call them a narcissist. Narcissists have a distorted and inflated sense of self. They have a hard time seeing others points of view or seeing flaws in their own thinking.

What is a loose tongue? Definition of loose tongue

: a habit of talking too much about things that are private, secret, etc.

What is the opposite of jauntily?

Antonyms & Near Antonyms for jauntily. dully, inanimately, sluggishly, tardily.

How do you use impetus? Impetus in a Sentence

  1. The high crime rate was the impetus for the hiring of one hundred new police officers in our city.
  2. Because the new president was once a military commander, he has a great deal of experience being an impetus for change.

What is the difference between impetuous and impulsive?

Impetuous, impulsive both refer to persons who are hasty and precipitate in action, or to actions not preceded by thought. Impetuous suggests eagerness, violence, rashness: impetuous vivacity; impetuous desire; impetuous words. Impulsive emphasizes spontaneity and lack of reflection: an impulsive act of generosity.

What does threateningly mean? adjective. tending or intended to menace: threatening gestures. causing alarm, as by being imminent; ominous; sinister: threatening clouds.

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